
  • 网络The Loire;Loire Valley;la Loire;Loire River
  1. 原产于波尔多和卢瓦尔河(Loire)流域的它现在种植广泛,可以酿造出干爽清淡型葡萄酒。

    Now widely planted , it was originally grown in Bordeaux and the Loire , where it produces a crisp , dry style .

  2. 产于法国卢瓦尔河河谷的白酒。

    Dry white wine from the Loire Valley in France .

  3. 法国西北部的一个省,位于卢瓦尔河的比斯开湾地区。

    A department of northwestern France in the Pays de la Loire region .

  4. 以免卢瓦尔河上有暴风雨。

    In case there are storms off loire .

  5. 我计划沿着安德尔河&卢瓦尔河的一条较小的支流,作一系列散步。

    I planned a series of walks along the indre , a lesser tributary of the loire .

  6. 我们很开心欢迎新的著名城堡和酒庄来充实卢瓦尔河地区的精品美酒。

    We are glad to welcome new renowned ch â teaux and domains to complete our selection of fine wines from Loire Valley .

  7. 这是款卢瓦尔河流域的高品质干型起泡酒,人们经常把这款酒与最好的香槟酒比较,得到的结论是香槟酒的品质和卢瓦尔的价格。

    This is the top " brut " of the Loire valley very often compared to the best champagne which makes it a very good report about quality and price .

  8. 卢瓦尔河山谷是风景最美的地方之一,在那里可以游览法国国王和王后曾经居住过的城堡。

    One of the most scenic areas is the Loire Valley , where you can visit the old castles in which the kings and queens of France used to live .

  9. 论文其中一部分评述了意大利艺术新观念对卢瓦尔河地区和巴黎地区的城堡建筑风格的影响;另一部分探讨了意大利美术新观念对法国那时兴起的普罗旺斯画派、卢瓦尔画派和枫丹白露画派的影响。

    Part of the dissertation comments on the influence of Italian artistic new idea on the construction and decoration of chateaux in Loire and Paris . The rest part discusses the influence of Italian Renaissance art on the artistic Schools of Provence , Loire and Fontainebleau .