
lú wàng dá
  • Rwanda
卢旺达[lú wàng dá]
  1. 比利时人依照国际联盟的授权接管了卢旺达。

    The Belgians took over Rwanda under a League of Nations mandate

  2. 南非于9月15日正式承认了卢旺达的新政府。

    South Africa gave diplomatic recognition to Rwanda 's new government on September 15

  3. 卢旺达下周将与周边国家的领导人举行会谈。

    Rwanda is to hold talks with leaders of neighbouring countries next week .

  4. 除了瑞士以外,英国和卢旺达的竞争力排名在今日世界银行(worldbank)发表的另一项调查中也表现不错。

    Apart from Switzerland , the UK and Rwanda can also take comfort from a separate survey of competitiveness published by the world bank today .

  5. 现在大猩猩宝宝艾赫威正在卢旺达的一个隔离中心等待离开,德国的一个实验室在检验它的DNA。

    And while she now waits at a quarantine center in Rwanda , Ihirwe 's DNA is at a lab in Germany .

  6. 那是一张电影《卢旺达饭店》的dvd碟。

    It was a DVD film of the film Hotel Rwanda .

  7. 卢旺达和上面这些问题对我在联合国(UN)高层任职的数年产生了根本影响。

    Rwanda , and these questions , fundamentally influenced my years at the top of the UN .

  8. 他的非洲治理促进会(governanceinitiative)是一个广受赞誉的项目,帮助塞拉利昂和卢旺达两国总统出台政策和吸引外资。

    His governance initiative is a well-regarded project that helps the presidents of Sierra Leone and Rwanda deliver policy and attract foreign investment .

  9. 我当时是开发机构国际金融公司(InternationalFinanceCorporation)驻尼加拉瓜工作人员,刚刚结婚,正准备前往卢旺达从事一份新的工作。

    I was working in Nicaragua for the International Finance Corporation , the development institution , was newly married , and preparing to leave for a post in Rwanda .

  10. 据世界银行(WorldBank)的报告,2010年,哈萨克斯坦、卢旺达、秘鲁、越南、佛得角、塔吉克斯坦、赞比亚属于为改善商业环境做得最好的经济体。

    In2010 , Kazakhstan , Rwanda , Peru , Vietnam , Cape Verde , Tajikistan , and Zambia were among economies that improved the most in the ease of doing business , according to the World Bank report .

  11. 站在道德立场上对军事行动给予支持的人,包括总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama),经常表示不能重复1994年未能对卢旺达进行干预的错误。

    Those making the moral case for action , including President Barack Obama , often cite the need to avoid repeating the failure to intervene in Rwanda in 1994 .

  12. 赫斯特是一杯完美的咖啡(CupofExcellence)竞赛的热情提倡者。竞赛始于1999年,目前在从巴西到卢旺达的九个咖啡生产国举办。

    Hurst is a passionate advocate for the Cup of Excellence competition , which began in 1999 and is now run in nine coffee-producing countries , from Brazil to Rwanda .

  13. Candy在去埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴考察途中认识了海宇,并在后者的建议下于去年去了卢旺达。

    Ms Ma met Ms Hai on a research trip to Addis Ababa , Ethiopia 's capital , and last year visited Rwanda at her suggestion .

  14. DeBurca说,最初由卢旺达支持的反叛运动征募了大量的儿童兵。

    The rebel movement , initially supported by Rwanda , strongly recruited children as soldiers , says De Burca .

  15. Candy认为,卢旺达政府通晓商业,劳动力廉价而训练有素,而且还有现成的工厂,这些优势抵消了交通以及其他物流方面的不足。

    Ms Ma believes the advantages of Rwanda 's business-savvy government , the cheap , disciplined labour force and ready-made factory space outweigh transport and other logistical challenges .

  16. 有一个地方的名字拼写是RWANDA(卢旺达),这是哪啊,我连听都没听过。

    That one place was spelled R W A N D A , where is that ? I never even heard of it .

  17. Bruce建议用双手来解决,借助在卢旺达叫做“Ubedehe(愚公移山)”的方法,叫做“社区工作为社区服务”。

    Bruce suggested doing it by hand , using a method in Rwanda called " Ubudehe , " which means " community works for the community . "

  18. 在卢旺达,凯·豪厄尔(KayHowell)、简·马基·卡尔弗(JaneMarkeyCulver)和阿莉森·拉德克(AllisonRadke)正在从事英语外语教学。

    In Rwanda , Kay Howell , Jane Markey Culver and Allison Radke teach English as a foreign language .

  19. 独特的还包括执政的卢旺达爱国阵线,它发轫于卡加梅所领导的反政府运动,从流亡邻国乌干达(uganda)发展至最后上台执政。

    Unique too , is the ruling Rwandan patriotic front , which grew out of the rebel movement he led to power from exile in neighbouring Uganda .

  20. 作为一个永久性机构,人们认为icc应该代替那种临时设立但拥有良好资源的法庭,例如那些在卢旺达和前南斯拉夫伸张正义的法庭。

    As a permanent institution , the ICC was supposed to replace the sort of ad hoc but well-resourced tribunals which have meted out justice in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia .

  21. Girodon在基加利机场(Kigali,卢旺达的首都),他刚从卢旺达的死亡线上回来。

    It was Mr Girodon at Kigali airport , recently returned from the death spots of Rwanda .

  22. 作为美国科学促进会(AAAS)2007年的主席,他开始向印度和卢旺达政府就科学项目提供咨询。

    As2007 president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science ( AAAS ), he started advising the governments of India and Rwanda on science projects .

  23. 伯纳德•芒亚吉夏瑞(BernardMunyagishari)被指控在卢旺达阴谋杀害了数万名图西人和胡图人。

    The man , Bernard Munyagishari , is accused of being a mastermind in the killing of hundreds of thousands of Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Rwanda .

  24. 他们是来接被取名为“艾赫威”(Ihirwe)的一岁半的大猩猩,卢旺达警察之前将它从偷猎者手中营救回来。

    They came to pick up Ihirwe , a one-and-half year old gorilla that the Rwandan police had rescued from poachers .

  25. BBC获悉,南非情报部门第三次粉碎了暗杀卢旺达前情报官员KayumbaNyamwasa的阴谋。

    The BBC has learnt that South African intelligence officers have foiled a third attempt to assassinate the former Rwandan chief of staff , Kayumba Nyamwasa .

  26. 在卢旺达,多数民族Hutus屠杀少数民族Tutsis,国际新闻报道,这是基于种族主义的悲剧。

    In Rwanda , when the MAJORITY Hutus attacked and massacre the minority Tutsis , the World Press reported it as a racial-based tragedy .

  27. 卢旺达的劳动力成本比埃塞俄比亚高10%左右,但只有肯尼亚的一半,Candy说,关键是,卢旺达有受过训练、学习能力很强的工人。Candy在肯尼亚也有一家生产高端纺织品的工厂。

    Although Rwandan labour costs are about 10 per cent higher than in Ethiopia , they are still roughly half those of Kenya where Ms Ma also has a textiles factory for higher-end products and , crucially , she says it offers disciplined workers who are quick to learn .

  28. 卢旺达的评估是由西班牙效果评估信托基金(SIEF)资助的,后者是世界银行成立的最大的以效果评估为重点的信托基金。

    The Rwanda evaluation was financed by the Spanish Trust Fund for Impact Evaluation ( SIEF ), the largest trust fund ever established in the World Bank focused on impact evaluation .

  29. Rugambage的同事说,他被枪杀是因为他正在调查被驱逐的卢旺达将军KayumbaNyamwasa在南非被意图谋杀一事。

    Mr Rugambage 's colleagues have suggested he was shot because he was investigating the attempted killing in South Africa of the exiled Rwandan general , Kayumba Nyamwasa .

  30. 卢旺达政府称,尼泽伊玛纳后来加入了刚果边境的反叛组织FDLR,严重影响平民的生活。

    It says he later joined a rebel group across the border in Congo , the FDLR , which has been wreaking havoc on the civilian population .