
lú sēn bǎo
  • Luxembourg
卢森堡[lú sēn bǎo]
  1. 今天参加卢森堡会议的各国农业部长目前尚未就农业补贴问题达成一致意见。

    A meeting of agriculture ministers in Luxembourg today has so far failed to reach agreement over farm subsidies

  2. 不仅如此,德勤在卢森堡的合伙公司去年宣布与autonomy开展紧密的合作,推出一款autonomy开发的软件。

    Moreover , Deloitte Luxembourg last year announced a close partnership with autonomy to roll out a piece of autonomy software .

  3. 设在卢森堡的卫星服务公司无须像英国广播公司那样遵守严格的规定。

    The Luxembourg-based satellite service is not bound by the same strict rules as the BBC

  4. 随后香奈儿又向位于卢森堡的欧盟法院提出诉讼,不过这一诉讼请求也在4月21日被驳回了。

    The French luxury house subsequently challenged the ruling at the Luxembourg-based General Court , which dismissed the appeal in its ruling on Wednesday .

  5. 这些资产由在卢森堡注册的投资工具slscapital管理。

    These assets were managed by SLS capital , a luxembourg-domiciled investment vehicle .

  6. 比利时-荷兰-卢森堡联盟在IMF的投票权为何高于中国?

    Why else would Benelux still have more votes at the IMF than China ?

  7. 中国对巴西的FDI都与大宗商品和能源有关,主要输送渠道是卢森堡之类的避税天堂。

    This FDI , much of which was channelled through tax havens such as Luxembourg , was related to commodities and energy .

  8. 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)正在对跨国公司与爱尔兰、卢森堡及荷兰之间的关系开展广泛的调查。这些国家被认为是避税港。

    The European Commission is conducting a broad investigation into the relationships between multinationals and perceived tax havens like Ireland , Luxembourg and the Netherlands .

  9. Skype首席执行官托尼·贝茨(TonyBates)将会继续运行位于卢森堡的公司欧洲范围的业务。

    Skype CEO Tony Bates will continue to run European operations for the Luxembourg-based company .

  10. 人均GDP最高的国家依次是卢森堡、卡塔尔、挪威、文莱和科威特,而这些国家都是些小国。

    The nations with the highest GDP per capita are Luxembourg , Qatar , Norway , Burnei Darussalam and Kuwait , all of which are tiny economies .

  11. 上周,微软(Microsoft)表示,它将动用85亿美元海外现金购买卢森堡公司Skype。

    Last week , Microsoft said that it would use $ 8.5bn in offshore cash to buy Skype , a Luxembourg-based company .

  12. 绿树成荫的卢森堡花园(LuxembourgGardens)不再是附近唯一可供你享用市场美味的地方。

    No longer are the Luxembourg Gardens the only nearby spot of green where you can eat your market loot .

  13. 纽约合作公寓和共管公寓委员会(CouncilofNewYorkCooperativesandCondominiums)的主席马克·J·卢森堡(MarcJ.Luxemburg)表示,这会给许多楼盘带来真真切切的成本。

    Said Marc J. Luxemburg , the president of the Council of New York Cooperatives and Condominiums . This has a real-world cost for many buildings .

  14. 相比之下,欧盟(EU)成立时最富裕的成员国卢森堡,人均GDP还不到最贫穷的葡萄牙的4倍。

    By contrast , Luxembourg , the wealthiest country in the European Union at its founding , was less than four times richer per head than Portugal , the poorest .

  15. 除了苹果与爱尔兰的做法,欧盟还在调查菲亚特(Fiat)在卢森堡,以及星巴克(Starbucks)在荷兰的税务安排。

    In addition to Apple and Ireland , it is looking at Fiat in Luxembourg and Starbucks in the Netherlands .

  16. 对于非常驻居民而言,自诩监管较松和税赋较轻的最大金融中心是伦敦、卢森堡、都柏林、海峡群岛(channelislands)、直布罗陀、摩纳哥以及欧洲后院许多其它地区。

    The largest centres of boastfully light regulation and light taxes for non-residents were London , Luxembourg , Dublin , the Channel Islands , Gibraltar , Monaco and many other locations in the European backyard .

  17. 欧盟还在调查星巴克(Starbucks)与荷兰政府、以及跨国车企菲亚特(Fiat)旗下菲亚特金融及贸易公司(FiatFinanceandTrade)与卢森堡政府达成的类似安排。

    Brussels is also investigating similar deals between Starbucks and the Dutch government , and Fiat Finance and Trade , the financial arm of the automotive group , with Luxembourg .

  18. 卢森堡运动员约瑟夫.巴塞获得PUMA的首枚奥运金牌,(1500m)在芬兰的赫尔辛基。

    Josef Barthel of Luxembourg wins PUMA 's first Olympic Gold ( 1500m ) in Helsinki , Finland .

  19. 标准普尔的这个动作让欧元区只有三个国家仍拥有标普最高的AAA评级,分别是德国、卢森堡和芬兰。

    SP 's action leaves only three members of the eurozone with a top rating from all three agencies – Germany , Luxembourg and Finland .

  20. 西部与它相连的比利时的luxembourg省面积为4443平方公里,将近为卢森堡公国的两倍。

    In the West it borders the Belgian province of Luxembourg , which is ( at 4443 km ) nearly twice the size of the country .

  21. 与其接壤的有比利时、卢森堡公国、德国、瑞士、意大利、摩纳哥、安道尔共和国(Andorra)及西班牙。

    It is bordered by Belgium , Luxembourg , Germany , Switzerland , Italy , Monaco , Andorra , and Spain .

  22. 总部位于卢森堡、全球最大的工业人造金刚石生产商ElementSix,是另一家希望学习中国低成本生产经验的公司。南非钻石矿商戴比尔斯(DeBeers)持有ElementSix部分股权。

    Luxembourg-based Element Six , the world 's biggest maker of artificial diamonds used in industry , which is part owned by De Beers , the South African diamond miner , is another company trying to learn from China 's experiences in low-cost production .

  23. 他们在卢森堡的住所,装饰着漂亮的裸露横梁,附带一间阁楼;而在爱沙尼亚塔林(Tallinn)的寓所,带有一间桑拿浴室。

    Their home in Luxembourg had beautiful exposed beams and a loft ; their apartment in Tallinn , Estonia , had a sauna .

  24. 但这将使一级方程式赛车(F1)巨头伯尼·埃克莱斯顿(BernieEcclestone)感到失望,后者正与卢森堡私人股本投资公司GeniiCapital合作,与世爵竞购萨博。

    But there would be disappointment for Bernie Ecclestone , the Formula One racing mogul , who teamed up with Genii Capital , the Luxembourg-based private equity company , to challenge Spyker for Saab .

  25. 这本可能成为卢森堡首相兼欧元区财长会议主席让-克洛德容克(jean-claudejuncker)的光荣时刻。

    This could have been a moment of glory for Jean-Claude Juncker , Luxembourg prime minister and President of the Eurogroup that brings together eurozone finance ministers .

  26. 领导欧元区财政部长的卢森堡首相容克(Jean-ClaudeJuncker)称,希腊除了削减开支,提高税收之外别无选择。

    The Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker , who heads the eurozone finance ministers , said there was no alternative to Greece cutting spending and raising taxes .

  27. 卢森堡首相、欧元集团主席让-克洛德容克(jean-claudejuncker)应该让失衡问题成为其议程的决定性议题,同时提出具有约束力的政策。

    Jean-Claude Juncker , the Prime Minister of Luxembourg and chairman of the Eurogroup , should make imbalances the defining issue of his agenda and propose binding policies .

  28. 同样是在2011年,摩纳哥阿尔贝二世亲王和夏琳·丽奈特·维斯托克(CharleneLynetteWittstock)结婚,2012年,卢森堡大公储纪尧姆(Guillaume)和比利时女伯爵斯蒂芬妮·德·兰诺伊(StephaniedeLannoy)结婚。

    Also in 2011 , Prince Albert II of Monaco wed Charlene Lynette Wittstock and in 2012 , Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg united with Belgian Countess Stephanie de Lannoy .

  29. 二战后比利时加入了北大西洋公约组织,并和荷兰、卢森堡一起组成Benelux三国经济联盟。

    After World War II , Belgium joined NATO and , together with the Netherlands and Luxembourg , formed the Benelux group of nations .

  30. 本次婚礼的来宾包括英国威塞克斯(Wessex)伯爵夫妇、爱德华(EdwardandSophie)王子夫妇、日本宪仁亲王妃久子(Takamado)以及来自挪威、丹麦、希腊、卢森堡、摩纳哥的王子和公主们。

    Guests at the wedding included the U.K. 's Earl and Countess of Wessex , Prince Edward and Sophie ; Princess Takamado of Japan and princes and princesses from Norway , Denmark , Greece , Luxembourg and Monaco .