
jié kè
  • Czech Republic;Czekh;Chech
捷克[jié kè]
  1. 这种啤酒是在捷克共和国酿造的。

    The beer is brewed in the Czech Republic .

  2. 乐队演奏了捷克国歌。

    The band played the Czech anthem .

  3. 欧洲联盟杯首轮阿斯顿维拉队抽到了一支捷克球队。

    Aston Villa have drawn a Czech team in the first round of the UEFA Cup .

  4. 其他报纸已经发表了社论,谴责捷克政府对这一独立的个体草率下定论。

    Other papers have editorialized , criticizing the Czech government for rushing to judgment on this individual .

  5. 柏林是最容易的,而最困难的是捷克的皮尔森镇。

    Berlin has been the easiest while the most difficult was the Czech town of Pilsen .

  6. 熊猫,以国宝形象,成为中国的象征之一。小鼹鼠,捷克国家级的经典卡通形象,已在捷克和东欧风靡数十载。

    One is a panda that typifies China , the other is a mole that has delighted Czechs and eastern Europeans for decades .

  7. 6月1日起,保加利亚、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、丹麦、德国、希腊和波兰已经开始接收外来游客的欧盟新冠数字通行证。

    As of Tuesday , Bulgaria , Croatia , the Czech Republic , Denmark , Germany , Greece and Poland have begun accepting the EU Digital COVID Certificate from outside visitors .

  8. 来自斯拉夫语族的语言中的还有robot(机器人),它原是个捷克词语。

    Also from the Slavonic family of languages comes " robot ", a Czech word in origin .

  9. 其它的大额交易还包括拥有4家捷克煤炭及矿业公司的NewWorldResources,该公司通过5月份的IPO中筹资25亿美元。

    Among the other big deals , New World Resources , which owns four Czech coal and mining companies , priced a $ 2.5bn IPO in May .

  10. 注释:捷克一家旅行社告示的原意是保证游客对骑马游城的效果满意。“carriage”有“马车”的意思。

    In a Czechoslovakian tourist agency : Take one of your horse-driven city tour and we guarantee no miscarriages .

  11. 根据最新的传言,莫斯科斯巴达的捷克后卫拉多斯拉夫-科瓦奇将是AC米兰对伊万诺维奇的替代品。

    According to latest rumours , Czech versatile defender Radoslav Kovac of Spartak Moscow is AC Milan 's alternative to Serbia and Chelsea defender Branislav Ivanovic .

  12. 捷克经济也从长达18个月的衰退中复苏,该国4月至6月国内生产总值(GDP)较前一季度增长0.7%。

    The Czech economy recovered from an 18-month recession when its gross domestic product expanded 0.7 % in April to June from the previous quarter .

  13. 对抗生素进行了抗菌谱、pH纸色谱、捷克八溶剂系统纸色谱等试验,初步鉴定该抗生素为碱性水溶性广谱抗生素。

    Through examinations of antibiotic spectrum , pH paper chromatography and Jack 's Eight Solvent System paper chromatography , this antibiotic is identified as a basic water soluble , wide spectrum antibiotic .

  14. 本文介绍了捷克和斯洛伐克CKD公司的MARK工业控制计算机构成及其在高炉鼓风机控制系统中的应用,较详细地说明了高炉鼓风机的工艺控制思想。

    The application of MARK industrial control computer made by Co . of Czechoslovakia to blast furnace blower is introduced in the paper .

  15. 有一种普遍看法,认为捷克共和国是在一个相当复杂的时刻接任欧盟(EU)轮值主席国的,尽管几乎所有时刻最终都可以被称为复杂。

    It is a common feeling that the Czech Republic is taking over the European Union presidency at a rather complicated moment , even though almost all moments can eventually be called complicated .

  16. 捷克200MW发电机组厂用380V电动机重合闸系统的分析与投运

    Analysis and improvement of reclosers for motors in 380V service power system

  17. 克里斯•纪尔兹(ChrisGuilds)今年34岁,在美国亚利桑那州的凤凰城和得克萨斯州的达拉斯长大,13年前初到捷克。

    Brought up in Phoenix , Arizona , and Dallas , Texas , Chris Guilds , 34 , first visited the Czech Republic 13 years ago .

  18. 捷克共和国将FCE考试设为中级和高级公务员的语言水平标准。

    In the Czech Republic , FCE is accepted as a language qualification for middle and senior management public service employees .

  19. 英语中,在“Czech”(捷克人)一词普遍使用之前,人们常常用“Bohemian”(波希米亚人)来表示捷克人或者捷克语。

    The word " Bohemian " used to denote the Czech people as well as the Czech language before the word " Czech " became prevalent in English .

  20. 放眼望去,捷克到处是图书馆:根据比尔及梅琳达盖茨基金会(BillandMelindaGatesFoundation)进行的一项调查,该国有全世界密度最高的图书馆网络,数量比文法学校还要多。

    There are libraries everywhere you look in the country - it has the densest library network in the world , according to a survey conducted for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation . There are more libraries than grammar schools .

  21. 在捷克50MW机组上增设锅炉水位保护

    Augmentation of Water-Level Protection on the Boiler of Czechoslovakia-made 50 MW Generating Set

  22. 一名捷克学者(托马斯塞德拉斯克(tomassedlacek))对利率和增长的危害性进行了抨击。

    A Czech academic ( Tomas sedlacek ) vented against the evils of interest rates and growth .

  23. 据捷克报纸mfdnes计算,朝鲜为了偿还其5%债务,将必须供应约20吨人参。

    To pay off 5 per cent of its debt , North Korea would need to supply about 20 tonnes of ginseng , the Czech newspaper MF Dnes calculated .

  24. 德沃夏克·安托宁(DvorakAntonin),一个在交响曲、室内乐、清唱剧、歌剧领域都倍受关注的捷克民族乐派的代表人物。

    Antoninus ( Dvorak Antonin ), a symphony , chamber music , oratorios , operas closely watched areas of the Czech national school representatives .

  25. 根据著名机构IMSHealth公司和Cegedim,是排名最WALMARK在国际市场上的粮食补充,在捷克共和国,斯洛伐克,罗马尼亚和保加利亚。

    According to the renowned agencies IMS Health and Cegedim , WALMARK is ranking top in the international market of food complements in the Czech Republic , Slovakia , Rumania and Bulgaria .

  26. 布拉格(捷克:Praha)是其首都和最大的城市,也是著名的观光胜地。

    Prague ( Czech : Praha ), a major tourist attraction , is its capital and largest city .

  27. CRI外籍记者采访团由英语、日语、朝语、俄语、法语、德语、泰语、捷克语和中文等多名记者组成。

    CRI foreign journalist interview team consists of many journalists who use the language of English , Japanese , Korean , Russian , French , German , Thai , Czech , and Chinese and so on .

  28. Embraer也与阿根廷、智利、哥伦比亚、捷克和葡萄牙签订了意向书,五个国家合计将购买32架这种飞机。

    Letters of intent have also been signed with five other countries to buy 32 aircraft , including Argentina , Chile , Colombia , Czech Republic and Portugal .

  29. 上周,捷克前总统瓦茨拉夫哈维尔(VaclavHavel)为我们敲醒了警钟:俄罗斯并不真正清楚自己始自哪里,止于何处。

    Last week Vaclav Havel , the former Czech president , put us on alert : Russia does not really know where it begins and where it ends .

  30. 俄罗斯昨日向西方国家在国际金融机构的主导地位发起挑战,意外提名捷克前总理、前央行行长约瑟夫托索夫斯基(joseftosovsky)为国际货币基金组织(imf)总裁候选人。

    Russia challenged Western dominance of world international financial institutions yesterday by nominating a surprise candidate , Josef Tosovsky , the former Czech Premier and ex-central bank chief , to run the International Monetary Fund .