
  • 网络jaguar cars
  1. 捷豹汽车的股价攀升了43便士,达到510便士。

    Jaguar shares climbed 43 pence to 510 pence .

  2. 而它的成功是至关重要的捷豹汽车的未来。

    And its success is critical to the future of Jaguar Cars .

  3. 在伦敦,拥有捷豹汽车的家庭通常会把自己的孩子送到私立学校(往往高度种族混杂)就读。

    Londoners with jags generally send their children to private schools ( often extremely mixed ) .

  4. 捷豹路虎汽车(JaguarLandRover)去年的销量刷新纪录,得益于中国这一关键市场的强势增长和一系列新车型的发布。

    Jaguar Land Rover last year sold more vehicles than ever before , helped by strong growth in the crucial Chinese market and a string of new launches .

  5. 这是捷豹最新款电动汽车的赛车版,它证明了电动汽车的性能可以和高端汽油车媲美。

    This is the race version of Jaguar 's latest electric offering , proving the performance of electric vehicles , even at the top end , is at least the equal of petrol .

  6. Rover集团连同路虎被宝马出售给了福特,与阿斯顿马丁,沃尔沃,林肯和捷豹一起成为奢华汽车集团的一员。

    The Rover Group is sold by BMW with Land Rover being acquired by the Ford Motor Company , joining Aston Martin , Volvo , Lincoln and Jaguar in the Premier Automotive Group .

  7. 看一看中国的道路上,你能看到英国的捷豹、路虎汽车。

    Look at China 's roads and you 'll see Jaguars , Land Rovers .