
  • 网络Volkswagen Beetle
  1. 他住在一个简陋的农场,开一辆老旧的大众甲壳虫汽车,他身边的伙伴是一只3条腿的狗。

    Mr. Mujica 's lifestyle includes living on a modest farm and driving an aging , weathered Volkswagen Beetle . His three-legged dog is his almost-constant companion .

  2. 后来,也就在那一年,他决定去旅行,于是将自己百分之五十的股份卖给了他的兄弟,换取一辆二手的大众甲壳虫汽车。

    But later that year , he decided to go travelling , and so sold his50 per cent share in the business to his brother in exchange for a used Volkswagen Beetle .

  3. 这是由大众公司推出的一种新款甲壳虫汽车,它有着热辣的粉色车身和粉色车轮螺帽,同时车身上还带有“芭比”的标识。

    It 's a Beetle from Volkswagen-complete with a shocking pink paint scheme , pink wheel nuts and a Barbie logo .