
  • 网络class a war criminal
  1. 1945年日本战败后,东条英机和Kishi作为甲级战犯被人们唾弃,然而Kishi却因某种原因避开了恐吓&也许是因为他那在战争中能够摧毁民族的利用价值。

    After Japans defeat in1945 , both Tojo and Kishi were found guilty as Class-A war criminals , but Kishi evaded the gallows for reasons unknown & probably his usefulness to a war-ravaged nation .

  2. 东京大审判是战后针对日本甲级战犯而进行的一次重要的军事审判。

    The Tokyo Judgment was a great military trial in which the most serious Japanese war criminals were tried .

  3. 二战后远东国际军事法庭依法对日本甲级战犯进行了合法、公正的审判,确立了策划、发动侵略战争及参与战争的犯罪者必须承担个人战争责任的国际法原则。

    It formally established the international law principle of personal responsibilities for the crimes of planning and launching war of aggression in violation of international law and participating in such a war .

  4. 所谓的甲级战犯是在(同盟国组织的)东京审判中作为战犯受审。按日本国内法,他们并非战犯。

    ' So-called Class-A war criminals were tried as war criminals at the Tokyo Trial ( by the Allied Powers . ) By domestic law , they are not war criminals . '