
dōnɡ jīnɡ shěn pàn
  • Tokyo Trial
  1. 东京审判具有重要的法律意义,是不可否认的;

    The Tokyo Trial has an important legal significance that cannot be denied .

  2. 东京审判中的反对意见浅析

    Analysis on the Counterviews of the Tokyo Judgment

  3. 论东京审判的几个问题

    On Several Issues Related to Tokyo Trial

  4. 美国对日政策与东京审判

    American Policy Toward Japan and Tokyo Trial

  5. 历史告诉我们战争经常发生,赢家的正义才是正义。在东京审判中,正是这样的。

    History tells me war happened so many times and winner 's justice is a justice .

  6. 东京审判不容否定,国际法庭审判的权威性不容否定。

    Tokyo Trial can 't be denied and the authority of trial given by international court can 't be denied .

  7. 读一读,判断正误。纽伦堡审判和东京审判的法律困惑之解读&以罪刑法定原则为视角

    The Law Puzzlement about The Nuremberg Trial and Tokyo Trials & View From of the Crime Decided by Criminal Law Principle

  8. 第二次世界大战结束后,随之而来的是纽伦堡审判和东京审判,即对战争罪犯和战争犯罪集团的审判。

    After the second world war ended , following was the Nuremberg Trials with the Tokyo War Trials to the war criminal and the war crimes group 's trial .

  9. 所谓的甲级战犯是在(同盟国组织的)东京审判中作为战犯受审。按日本国内法,他们并非战犯。

    ' So-called Class-A war criminals were tried as war criminals at the Tokyo Trial ( by the Allied Powers . ) By domestic law , they are not war criminals . '

  10. 由于2017年是全国抗日战争胜利80周年,两幅展现东京审判参与各方的油画也向公众进行了展出。

    Since 2017 marks the 80th anniversary of the Nationwide War Against the Japanese Aggression , two oil paintings that illustrate the interested parties of the Tokyo Trial are exhibited to the public .

  11. 但是,东京审判的重要之处主要不在于确定某些被告人有罪无罪,而是伸张正义、鞭挞战争犯罪和呼吁世界和平。

    However , the Tokyo Trial of major importance not Certain to determine the guilt of the accused is not guilty , but justice , war crimes and appealed to castigate world peace .

  12. 东京审判没有追究裕仁天皇的战争责任,是造成战后日本社会对历史认识缺失的主要原因。

    The fact that the war responsibility of Emperor Hirohito was not investigated in the Tokyo War Crimes Trial was the main reason for the lack of knowledge about history in the post-war Japanese society .

  13. 和许多日本右翼人士(以及某些左翼人士)一样,他认为1946年至1948年的东京审判远谈不上公平和公正。东京审判是纽伦堡审判的亚洲版。

    In common with many on Japan 's right ( and some on the left ), he regards the Tokyo Tribunal of 1946-48 - Asia 's version of Nuremburg - as far from " fair and just " .

  14. 东京审判法理溯源&兼驳日本右翼的翻案谬论德国东南部的一座城市;年到年是同盟国审理纳粹战犯的审判地。

    The Origin of Law of Nations for Tokyo Trail & Disproving the Paralogism of the Right Wing in Japan ; a city in southeastern Germany ; site of Allied trials of Nazi war criminals ( 1945-46 ) .

  15. 二战后进行的纽伦堡审判和东京审判,摆脱了国内审判的羁绊,开创了个人承担国际刑事责任的先河,为建立稳定的国际刑事审判体系奠定了基础。

    The Nuremberg trial and the Tokyo trial held after the World War II got rid of the restriction of domestic trial , made history for individual international criminal liability , and laid the foundation for establishing a stable international criminal trail system .

  16. 东京审判是现代国际法发展史上的一个具有里程碑意义的事件,它与纽伦堡审判一脉相承,共同确立了现代国际法中战争犯罪和战争领导者个人责任的基本概念和原则。

    Tokyo trial was a landmark case in the historical development of modern law of nations . It reaffirmed in its judgment the fundamental conception and principle of the war crime and individual responsibility of the high ranking officials which were recognized in Nuremburg Trial .

  17. 东京大审判

    International war crimes tribunal in Tokyo

  18. 东京大审判是战后针对日本甲级战犯而进行的一次重要的军事审判。

    The Tokyo Judgment was a great military trial in which the most serious Japanese war criminals were tried .

  19. 沈阳审判与纽伦堡、东京、南京审判比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Trial in Shenyang and the Trials in Nuremberg , Tokyo and Nanjing

  20. 东京法庭上的中国法官与检察官们&兼论东京审判的遗留问题

    Chinese Judges and Prosecuting Attorneys on Tokyo Tribunal & Remnant Questions of Tokyo Trial