
  • 网络Dongba;east pakistan
  1. 印度军队占领达卡,在东巴的巴基斯坦军队投降。

    The Indian troops seized Dacca and Paskistan troops in East Pakistan surrendered .

  2. 另一方面,美国判断东巴很可能独立出去,自己不愿失去这个将要成立的新国家的友谊。

    Second , officials in Washington thought East Pakistan would break away from Pakistan and become a new country .

  3. 这些成果作为东巴文字研究发展的见证,为进一步研究奠定了广泛而坚实的基础。

    All the achievements established the basis for further research .

  4. 吞口娃娃吞口来自东巴文化。

    Tun Tun mouth from the mouth doll Dongba culture .

  5. 所以我估计这肯定是东巴文。

    So I guess it 's a Dongba pictograph .

  6. 纳西族东巴文化与风水信仰

    Naxi Nationality : Dongba Culture Religion of Geomantic Omen

  7. 东巴文字字素是东巴文字形、音、义相统一的最小构字单位。

    Dongba characters'graphemes are the minimal units in character-building .

  8. 第三章主要对东巴文异体字的结构类型进行了探讨。

    Discussion on Naxi variant structure types .

  9. 你去学东巴文。

    You went to learn Dongba pictographs .

  10. 丽江附近的白水台,三朵节,老东巴祭司。

    Dongba , the Naxi priests during the Sanduo festival , Baishuitai , near Lijiang , Yunnan .

  11. 字素和字缀一起共同反映了东巴文字原始的一个侧面。

    Affixing graphemes and defbrmable graphemes as well as basic graphemes reflect the prunitivity of Dongba characters .

  12. 非物质文化旅游资源,应重点开发东巴文化、纳西古乐和民间歌舞。

    Dongba culture , Naxi ancient music and folk dance should be developed as intangible cultural resources .

  13. 东巴舞谱是我国乐舞文化史上的珍贵遗产。

    The Dongba dance step is really a precious heritage in the history of the Chinese dance culture .

  14. 《纳西象形文字谱》是由方国瑜编撰的一部重要的东巴文字典。

    The Book Naxi Pictograph Character Chart written by Fang Guoyu is an important dictionary of Dongba characters .

  15. 东巴纸坊书写象形文字展示。中国云南丽江。

    In Dongba Paper Workshop , a minority person is showing writing hieroglyph . Lijiang , Yunnan , PRC .

  16. 本文的主要结论为:(一)纳西东巴文字的主要来源是以表意字为主的若喀文。

    The essential source of the Naxi Dongba written language was the Ruoke writing whose main part was an ideograph .

  17. 特别是纳西族,所使用的东巴文是当今世界上唯一的表意文字。东巴文主要是东巴僧侣用来指导祭祀活动的。

    The Naxi use the Dongba script , which is the only ideographic writing system in use in the world today .

  18. 本文在总结东巴文字字素变体和同形现象内涵及其类型的同时,对这些现象产生的原因加以分析。

    In Summarizing the concept and types of allographemes and identicalness discussed in this paper , we analyze why the phenomenon shapes .

  19. 诚朴忠厚、诚信待人的人生准则以及崇尚自然、人与自然协调发展的人文生态观念等等,这也是东巴文化伦理观的现代价值之所在。

    To conduct with good faith and sincerity ; and to respect nature , to achieve the harmony between nature and human being .

  20. 东巴是纳西的巫师,他们是当时书面语言的管理者,也是纳西族人与神灵世界的中保。

    Dongba were Naxi shamans who were the caretakers of the written language and mediators between the Naxi themselves and the spirit world .

  21. 我认为,现人人都清楚现在在中东巴以问题不是主要的问题。

    I think the fact that the Israeli-Palestinian issue is not the main problem in the Middle East is now clear to everybody .

  22. 东巴大祭风习俗的形成和变迁与纳西族的宗教观念、殉情风习,以及家族观念密切相关

    This practice is closely connected with the religious concepts , sacrifical customs and clan system outlook of the Naxi nationality . The Wind

  23. 前言:在《纳西东巴古籍译注全集》中纳西先民对药物起源的认识有4点:1。

    " The Naxidongba ancient book translates pouring complete works " has4points on the Naxi forefathers knowledge of Origin of Naxi medicine : 1 .

  24. 我遇到过一位现代的东巴,他的名字叫杨明毅,来自黄山区丽江古城的居民区。

    I met a modern day Dongba by the name of Yang Mingyi from Lower Yellow Hill Section in Lijiang 's old town 's residential area .

  25. 与此同时美国政府还积极参与对东巴难民问题的解决,从而加强对巴基斯坦的经济援助。

    At the same time , the United States government also actively participated in solving East Pakistan refugee problem , thereby strengthening the economic assistance to Pakistan .

  26. 我向梅尔来尔德解释舰队行动的目的时指出,我们认识到印度占领东巴已是既成事实。

    In explaining the purpose of the fleet movement to Mel Laird , I pointed out that we recognized the Indian occupation of East Pakistan as an accomplished fact .

  27. 本文旨在揭示纳西东巴文字的形成过程。本文的主要工作是对东巴文的初始阶段若喀文及标志其发展到高级阶段的鲁甸文的结构的研究。

    The forming process of the Naxi Dongba written language included the two stages : the Ruoke writing was its initial stage and the Ludian writing its late stage .

  28. 纳西族的东巴文,是当今世界上仅存的一种仍在使用的原始文字,被称为“象形文字的活化石”。

    The Dongba characters of Naxi nationality is the only one still in use todays world of the ancient writing , known as " the living fossil hieroglyphs " .

  29. 东巴大祭风作为纳西族祭祀非正常死亡者灵魂的仪式,情与怵交错互动、贯穿于整个祭祀过程中。

    As the ceremony of sacrifice to the souls of those accidental deaths , the interaction between affection and fear is embodied in the whole process of Wind Sacrifice .

  30. 纳西东巴文是我国西南地区少数民族纳西族使用的文字,被学术界认为是一种“活着”的古文字,可以视为文字史上的“活化石”。

    In Dongba language of Naxi nationality , there is a kind of guises that a character is replaced by another language but has ever existed in its native language .