
dōng běi kàng rì lián jūn
  • Northeast Counter-Japanese United Army
东北抗日联军[dōng běi kàng rì lián jūn]
  1. 援助东北抗日联军,破坏敌人的后方。

    Support the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army and disrupt the enemy 's rear .

  2. 《苏日中立条约》与东北抗日联军的战略转移论阎锡山的中的哲学思想在抗战时期的体现

    YAN Xi-shan 's Philosophical Thought of Neutrality During the War of Resistance Against Japan

  3. 日俄战争中清政府局外中立的历史考察《苏日中立条约》与东北抗日联军的战略转移

    Historical Research on the Qing Government 's Policy of Neutrality in the War Between Japan and Russia

  4. 战斗在白山黑水之间的东北抗日联军,与日本侵略者进行了长达十四年艰苦卓绝的斗争。

    The Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army ( NAJUA ) had been fighting with the Japanese invaders for as long as 14 years in northeast China .

  5. 东北抗日联军一路军在杨靖宇同志的率领下转战于氵蒙江、抚松、临江等地区,给日本侵略者以沉重打击。

    Comrade Yang Jingyu led the first unit of northeast anti-Japanese allied forces among Mengjiang , Fusong , Linjiang and other regions , sledge-hammering Japanese aggressors .

  6. 东北抗日联军后期与苏联远东军建立的相互支援与合作的关系,是当时国际形势下双方反对共同敌人的需要。

    The Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army and Russian Far-East Army cooperated in the later period of the War , which meets the international need to resist their common enemy .

  7. 杨靖宇将军的革命精神与他的《东北抗日联军第一路军军歌》像一盏明灯照亮了后人前进的道路。

    Yang Jing-yu 's revolutionary spirit , together with " the Military Song of No.1 Army " illuminates the way forward for his successors , just like a light lamp .

  8. 征战时期的东北抗日联军具有不断提高理论素质和军事素质,提高战斗水平的特点。

    The characteristics of the Anti-Japanese Amalgamated Army of the Northeast in this period are continuous improving theoretical quality and military quality of the troops , and improving fighting capacity .

  9. 从1940年初开始,东北抗日联军根据上级指示,逐步转移到苏联海参崴进行了整顿和集训,不断派出小分队到东北各地开展了小规模的战斗。

    From the beginning of 1940 , the Anti-Japanese Amalgamated Army of the Northeast moved to Vladivostok to rectify and train , and always sent contingents back to the Northeast to have mini-fight .

  10. 统计和研究黑龙江省境内的东北抗日联军纪念设施,将其概况付诸于文字也是后辈对东北抗日联军表达敬仰之情的一种方式。

    Collect and research within the Anti-Japanese Amalgamated Army of the Northeast memorial facilities of Heilongjiang province , make their general situation into text is a way to express admiration to the Army .