
  • 网络Northeast Monsoon;north-east monsoon
  1. 结果表明:低纬积云对流作用加强了东北季风和东北信风,但阻滞了热带辐合带进一步南移。

    Numerical experiments show that : in low latitude , the cumulus convection effects can intensify the north-east monsoon wind and north-east trade wind , keep ITCZ from transferring southward further .

  2. 春季,珠江冲淡水主要分布在约40m等深线附近,由于珠江仍处在枯水期,径流较弱,且东北季风仍然较强,所以珠江冲淡水主要向西扩散。

    In spring , the Zhujiang River diluted water locates mainly between the coastal and 40 meters isobath , and diffuses to west , with reason , that , during the spring the Zhujiang River is in its low water season and the northeast monsoon is still intense .

  3. 东北季风与南海海洋环流的相互作用

    Interaction between the northeast monsoon and ocean circulation in South China Sea

  4. 东北季风初期台湾北部沿岸海域浮游动物的特点

    Characteristics of zooplankton in northern coastal Taiwan during NE monsoon initial period

  5. 云南纵向岭谷对西南季风的阻隔作用较大,而对东北季风的阻隔作用相对较小;

    The barrier action of longitudinal range-gorge on southwest monsoon is greater , but on northeast monsoon is smaller .

  6. 南海为典型的季风活动区,冬季盛行东北季风,夏季盛行西南季风。

    It is confirmed that the South China Sea is one of the most active monsoon areas in the world .

  7. 台湾南部陆地及海面悬浮微粒中水溶性离子相关性分析&海陆风及东北季风的影响

    Ionic Species Correlation Analysis of Particulate Matter at Inland and Offshore Sites in South Taiwan & Effect of Sea-land Breeze and Northeastern Monsoon

  8. 本文报道台湾北部沿岸海城东北季风初期浮游动物的特点。

    The present paper describes the characteristics of zooplankton in the northern coastal water of Taiwan during the initial period of NE monsoon .

  9. 在东北季风期间,气旋式环流减弱北移,南部则为一反气旋式环流控制;

    During the northeast monsoon period , the cyclonic gyre decays to move northward , and the anticyclonic gyre occupies the southern sea area ;

  10. 冬季,受东北季风和中国海陆架沿岸流的影响,珠江水系8个口门出来的径流沿着海岸向西流动势力特别强。

    In winter , affected by strong northeast monsoon and China coastal current , the Zhujiang River diluted water diffuses to west very strong .

  11. 在生成前1候东北季风有明显的激发热带对流扰动作用。

    The tropical convection that related to the genesis of a TC is triggered by the northeast monsoon flow a pentad before the tropical cyclone occurs .

  12. 赤道新加坡地区的大气柱平均能级和潜热能随着季节变动,极大值出现在季节转换期,极小值分别在东北季风初期和西南季风期。

    The average energy level and latent energy over Singapore vary with seasons , The maxima occurred during transitional periods and minima during SW and early RE monsoon .

  13. 经与实际东北季风下台湾岛的气候特征进行比较,结果令人满意。

    Comparison of the results obtained with climatic characteristic of the Taiwan Island under the influence of northeastern monsoon air flow shows computation in this paper are quite satisfactory .

  14. 与季风转换有关密切联系,广东沿海赤潮主要发生在东北季风向西南季风转换时期的3~5月;

    The causing of red tide related closely in the change of the season , the red tides mostly happen during March and May in coastal Guangdong sea , it was the change from northeast monsoon to southwest monsoon ;

  15. 研究发现:冬季南海被东北季风最大风速带的轴线分成两部分,南海深水海盆东南部正的风应力旋度驱动一个气旋式环流。

    The winter SCS is divided into two parts by the axis of the maximum northeasterly monsoonal winds . The positive wind curl in the southeastern half of the ocean drives a cyclonic gyre circulation in the deep basin .

  16. 分析表明,在温跃层上界深度范围内,海水平均温度的水平分布明显显示出低温海水自南沙的西北部向东南部缓慢推进之势,似是东北季风驱动的结果。

    The results showed that in winter the mean sea temperature within the depth of thermocline was low in the northwestern waters of Nansha Islands sea area and rised slowly southeastward , which seems to be driven by the northeast monsoon .

  17. 在南海南部主要是风生环流,源自粤西沿岸的水体在东北季风的作用下顺南海西边界岸线向南流动,形成一支相当强的西边界流;

    It is mainly wind driven current in the southern SCS , the water from alongshore of western Guangdong is driven by the northeast monsoon and then flows southward along the western boundary shorelines of the SCS , thus a rather strong western boundary current is formed ;

  18. 通过对1988~1997年冷空气造成的广东沿海强东北季风过程的气候统计分析,发现广东的强东北季风有明显的月分布规律,而年际变化有逐渐减少的趋势;

    The statistical analysis of climatological data concerning the strong northeast monsoon caused by cold air during the decade from 1988 to 1997 along the coast of Guangdong province reveals that the monthly change of the northeast monsoon is clear , and its interannual change is reducing .

  19. 冬半年南海东北部的正涡度区,是东北季风在海峡附近地形影响下形成的,并可能成为南海东北部冬季气旋式海洋环流维持的外强迫源。

    In winter there is a positive vorticity area in the northeast part of the South China Sea , which is possibly due to the influence of the strait and is an external force of the oceanic cyclonic circulation maintained in the northeast part .