
dōnɡ nán fēnɡ
  • southeast wind
  1. 不时有阵阵猛烈的东南风突然刮来。

    From time to time there were sudden explosions of a Southeast wind .

  2. 不时有阵阵猛烈的东南风突然刮来。每样东西都突然发出爆裂声。

    From time to time there were sudden explosions of a southeast wind . everything went pop .

  3. 夏季吹东南风将高盐、相对重的Banda海水输送到Makassar海峡南端,南北的压力梯度差几乎为零,暖的太平洋海水可以向南流进入印度洋,从而使得ITF发生季节变化;

    This inhibits the warm surface water from the Pacific Ocean from flowing southward . During the boreal summer southeast monsoon , the wind eliminates the pressure gradient , by transferring more-saline Banda sea surface water into the southern Makassar Strait .

  4. 雷州半岛东南风边界层急流

    Southeasterly boundary layer jets over the Leizhou Peninsula

  5. 东南风很强。

    The southeastern wind is strong .

  6. 日落时分,强劲的冷风由东南风转为西北风。

    At the sunset , the strong cold wind shifted from the southeast to the northwest .

  7. 然后他试了试前门那小小的门廊,那兀一场咆哮的东南风又把轮子浸泡了一夜。

    Next he attempted the tiny front porch , until a howling southeaster drenched the wheel a night-long .

  8. 研究结果表明:佛山市冬季主要吹偏北风,夏季为东南风;

    Result shows that ground wind in winter is mainly tendency to north wind , and southeast wind in summer .

  9. 从大量实测资料中发现,雷州半岛地区存在着一支稳定的东南风边界层急流。

    Erom a great deal of observed data , a stable southeasterly boundary - layer jet is found over the Leizhou Peninsula .

  10. 后来又不得不歇了三天才遇上一阵东南风,就开往七群岛。

    Then we had to lie off for three days before we got a south-east wind and stood out for Seven Isles .

  11. 计算结果表明,东南风加强了港池的平均水交换能力,而西北风减弱了港池的平均水交换能力。

    The computation result indicated that the northwest wind has strengthened the water exchange capacity and the southeast wind has weakened this ability .

  12. 全年风场基本相似,低纬度地区(25°S以北至赤道)为信风区,常年盛行东至东南风;

    The southeast winds prevail at low latitudes ( from 25 ° S to the equator ) i.e , the trade wind zone .

  13. 调查海域盛行东南风,风速3一5级。调查海域主要受秘鲁海流和南赤道流控制。

    The area blew Southeast wind , with scale 3-5 . The sea surface current is controlled by Peru Current and Southern Equatorial Current .

  14. 按城市间尺度流型可分为城市间东风、西南风、东南风输送通道。

    On the intercity scales the current types could be divided into the TPs of the east wind , southwest wind and southeast wind , which were characterized by succession and continuance .

  15. 大多数居民生活在东南海岸一带,例如墨尔本和悉尼,因为东南风给那里带来了雨水,而内陆则干旱或半干旱。

    Most people reside along the southeast coast , in cities like Melbourne or Sydney , because winds from the southeast release rain there & leaving the interior beyond the mountains arid or semiarid .

  16. 当上海吹西风、西南风和西北风时容易出现灰霾天气,而北风、东北风、东风、东南风对大气有一定的净化作用,灰霾天气出现较少。

    When westerly , southwest or northwest winds blowed in Shanghai , there was higher occurrence of haze , while north , northeast east or south-east wind could purify atmosphere leading to less haze .

  17. 后孙刘联军巧用火攻,乘东南风大起,向曹营举火,火船借助风势,直冲曹军水寨。

    Using Sun Liu coalition after the Fire Attack , by the southeast wind , the fire to move Cao Ying , the fire boat with the wind , straight into the Cao kiosk .

  18. 干旱年印度夏季风、南海季风及西太平洋副热带高压南侧的东南风均弱于湿润年;

    The Indian summer monsoon , South China Sea monsoon and southeast wind on the south of the west Pacific subtropical high in the drought year are all weaker than those in the rainy year .

  19. 那曲强雷暴天气发生前,低空常出现强西南或东南风急流,且存在强水平风速垂直切变,两者可能是那曲雷暴天气频发的重要原因之一。

    There often exist strong low-level southwest jet and wind vertical sheer before storm weather comes in Naqu area , and the two factors above may be important causes of local storm in rain season .

  20. 在我国夏季东南风将海洋上相对湿度较大的空气刮入城市上空的地区和内陆湿热地区凡达到了形成凝结水条件的地方都会出现的;

    Conden-sed water will occur in those areas where more humid air is blown into the city from the sea by the southeast wind in summer in our country , and where it is more humid and hotter inland .

  21. 东南天子气之演生与江南区域政治格局的形成诸葛亮熟谙天文气象,经过仔细观察后预料:甲子日将有东南风。

    On the Evolution of Imperial Bearing and the Formation of Political Patterns in Southern China ; Zhuge Liang , who was versed in meteorology , did some careful observation and came to the conclusion that there would soon be a southeasterly wind .

  22. 余流以风海流为主导地位,海面在西南风的作用下,海水向湾内东北部流动,海面在东风和东南风的作用下,海水向西流动,余流最大流速仅为29.3cm/s。

    Under the control of the Southwest wind , Sea water flows to the northeast in the bay . And it flows westward on the results of the east and southeast wind . The maximun velocity of residual current is only 29 . 3cm / s.