
dōng ōu
  • Eastern Europe;(former)Eastern Europe
东欧 [dōng ōu]
  • [(former)Eastern Europe] 欧洲东部,包括俄罗斯和哈萨克的欧洲部分以及白俄罗斯、乌克兰、摩尔多瓦、立陶宛、拉脱维亚、爱沙尼亚、波兰、捷克和斯洛伐克、匈牙利和罗马尼亚

东欧[dōng ōu]
  1. 讨论围绕着东欧的发展这一中心议题进行。

    Discussions were centred on developments in Eastern Europe .

  2. 这项协议给予这家公司向东欧输出商品的特殊地位。

    The deal will put the company in a unique position to export goods to Eastern Europe .

  3. 物质和意识形态上的障碍在东欧已不复存在。

    Physical and ideological barriers had come down in Eastern Europe .

  4. 苏联对东欧的控制已经放松。

    The Soviet Union 's grip on Eastern Europe loosened .

  5. 他们计划在东欧开办一家工厂。

    They are planning to open a factory in Eastern Europe

  6. 援助东欧的主张被认为完全正确。

    The case for aid to eastern Europe is taken as read .

  7. 东欧的形势经历了巨变。

    The situation in Eastern Europe has changed out of all recognition .

  8. 从口音和举止来看,他像一个地道的东欧人。

    In accent and mannerism he appeared to be completely Eastern European .

  9. 东欧国家立即开始占据支配地位。

    The countries of Eastern Europe immediately started to dominate .

  10. 西班牙人担心德国投资者放弃西班牙而转向东欧。

    Spaniards are worried about German investors deserting Spain for Eastern Europe .

  11. 东欧民主力量的发展与西方国家利害攸关。

    The West has an interest in promoting democratic forces in Eastern Europe

  12. 仅靠现金不能使东欧的银行维持下去。

    Cash alone will not make Eastern Europe 's banks viable

  13. 整个局势中的变数是东欧。

    The wild card in the picture is Eastern Europe .

  14. 东欧的几个国家正在计算昨天的地震带来的损失。

    Several countries in eastern Europe are counting the cost of yesterday 's earthquake

  15. 对于美国人来说,最大的挑战在于理解东欧人的思维方式。

    The greatest challenge for the Americans is understanding the mindset of Eastern Europeans

  16. 他一直在一旁关注东欧相继取得的重大进展。

    He has watched from the sidelines the great developments unrolling in Eastern Europe

  17. 东欧的经验表明,工人所有的工厂可能和国有工厂一样效率低下。

    Eastern Europe shows that worker-owned factories can be as inefficient as state-owned ones .

  18. 实业家们必须尽快采取行动,抓住东欧的新机遇。

    Industrialists must move fast to take advantage of new opportunities in Eastern Europe .

  19. 总统确定了在未来加强同东欧的互助的目标。

    The President set the targets for the future to promote friendship with East Europe

  20. 匈牙利商人已经领先于东欧邻国的大多数同行了。

    Hungarian businessmen have had a head start over most of their Eastern European neighbors

  21. 在东欧,自由的附带后果之一就是犯罪。

    In Eastern Europe , one of the side effects of freedom appears to be crime .

  22. 从口音、举止和思维习惯上看,他完全是东欧人。

    In accent , mannerism and habit of mind he appeared to be completely Eastern European .

  23. 这些团队主要源于东欧培养年轻人才的传统,教授在放学后或周末教授有前途的从幼儿园到12年级的学生研习高等数学。

    In these groups , which came out of an Eastern European tradition of developing young talent , professors teach promising K-12 students advanced mathematics for several hours after school or on weekends .

  24. 他想和他最好的朋友亚当一起去东欧旅游两个月。

    He would like to spend two months visiting Eastern Europe with his best friend Adam .

  25. 这条古道起于长安(今西安),止于东欧,靠近今天的土耳其和地中海。

    The ancient road started from Chang'an ( now Xi'an ) and ended in Eastern Europe , near today 's Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea .

  26. 这条古道起于长安(今西安),止于东欧,靠近今天的土耳其和地中海。

    The ancient road started from Chang'an ( now Xi'an ) and ended in Eastern Europe [ ˈ j ʊə r ə p ] , near today 's Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea .

  27. 正在使他们的市场变得多样化,开发新的市场如俄罗斯和东欧国家

    Silverlit is diversifying into new markets , such as Russia and Eastern Europe . Silverlit

  28. 熊猫,以国宝形象,成为中国的象征之一。小鼹鼠,捷克国家级的经典卡通形象,已在捷克和东欧风靡数十载。

    One is a panda that typifies China , the other is a mole that has delighted Czechs and eastern Europeans for decades .

  29. 相比之下,Facebook决定接受来自面向东欧和俄罗斯的互联网企业DigitalSkyTechnologies的2亿美元投资。

    The move contrasts with Facebook 's decision to take $ 200m of investment from Digital Sky Technologies , an eastern European and Russian internet business .

  30. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)前任官员表示,由于IMF过于弱小,全球应对东欧金融危机所作出的努力未见成效。

    The global response to the financial crisis in eastern Europe has been hamstrung because the International Monetary Fund is too small , former officials say .