
  • Tokyo Metropolitan;【地名】【日本】Tōkyō-to
  1. 东京都知事小池百合子称,她正在推进这一计划,让中小学生能够现场观看残奥会,前提是家长和学校都支持。

    Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike has said she is pressing ahead to allow school children to attend the Paralympics , as long as parents and schools are supportive .

  2. 3S技术在东京都绿地分析与规划中的应用

    Application of RS , GIS and GPS Technology on Green Land Analysis and Planning

  3. 通过对日本东京都绿地的监测与分析,以及梅林公园规划中GPS实际应用经验的总结,探索3S技术在公园绿地分析与规划中的应用优势与问题。

    In this article , the advantages and disadvantages of 3S technology on green land planning and analysis were summarized , and the reference for further application was offered .

  4. 这起纠纷在今年升级,至少在一定程度上是因为东京都知事石原慎太郎(shintaroishihara)发起行动,要从私人所有者手中买下这些岛屿。

    The dispute escalated this year after Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara started a campaign to buy them from their private owner .

  5. 对中国持公开批评态度的右翼东京都知事石原慎太郎(shintaroishihara)已经辞职,以成立一个新的政党,重返全国政坛。

    Shintaro Ishihara , the rightwing Tokyo governor and an outspoken critic of China , has resigned to form a new political party and return to national politics .

  6. 前东京都知事石原慎太郎(shintaroishihara)最近组建新政党,他说该党的宗旨是建立起“更强大、更强硬的日本”。

    Shintaro Ishihara , the former governor of Tokyo , recently unveiled a new political party which , he says , will help build a " stronger and tougher Japan " .

  7. fujii表示,尚不清楚拟议的购岛之举将完全通过捐赠资金出资,还是同时从东京都预算调拨资金,后者将需要得到市议会的批准,而市议会可能不配合。

    Mr Fujii said it was unclear whether the proposed purchase might be funded wholly through donated funds or also from the municipal budget , which would require approval by a potentially uncooperative city assembly .

  8. 这些指控浮出水面之际,东京都知事舛添要一(YoichiMasuzoe)再次受到密切关注,他面临着不少质疑,包括在海外公务旅行时开销巨大,以及大量使用市政府的公车去自己的度假屋。

    The allegations have come to light amid renewed scrutiny of Tokyo 's governor , Yoichi Masuzoe , who faces questions over huge spending on official trips overseas and the heavy use of Tokyo metropolitan government vehicles to visit his holiday home .

  9. 东京都知事小池百合子敦促居民立即采取预防措施。

    Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike urged residents to start taking precautions immediately .

  10. 东京都议会是东京都的一个基本决策机关。

    The Tokyo Metropolitan assembly is the fundamental decision-making body of Tokyo metropolis .

  11. 东京都厅大楼出现了一片卷心菜地!

    A cabbage field makes an appearance at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building !

  12. 解析东京都内部空间结构

    The Analysis of the Tokyo Metropolitan Internal Spatial Structure

  13. 东京都知事小池百合子表示,目前形势相当严峻。

    Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike has said the current situation is quite grave .

  14. 日本东京都行政评价制度中经济学理论的运用及启示

    On the Application of Economic Theories in Tokyo Administrative Evaluation System and Its Enlightenment

  15. 对日本东京都天然气价格制度的剖析

    Analysis of the price system for natural gas in the Tokyo Zone in Japan

  16. 日本东京都绿地分析及其与我国城市绿地的比较研究

    The Analysis and Comparison Study on Tokyo Urban Open Space and Our Country 's City

  17. 东京都知事小池百合子表示,预计东京日感染人数将达1000人。

    Governor Yuriko Koike says daily infections in the city are expected to reach 1000 .

  18. 东京都下水道系统的可持续利用

    Sustainable Sewerage System in Tokyo Metropolis

  19. 利用高精度卫星图片分析日本东京都中心区绿地

    The Analysis of Green Space in the Central Area of Tokyo with High Resolution Satellite Images

  20. 知事由都民直接选举产生,并代表东京都。

    The governor is directly elected by the citizens , and represents the metropolis of tokyo .

  21. 今年8月走马上任的东京都知事小池百合子此前要求对奥运开支进行审核。

    Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike , who took office in August , ordered a review of Olympic expenses .

  22. 2013年,东京都政府的一项调查显示,东京共有樱花树4.4万棵。

    A survey conducted in 2013 by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government showed that 44,000 cherry trees dot the city .

  23. 东京都是全国最高人口地方,一般及精神病医院数目也是全日本之冠。

    As the highest population area in Japan , Tokyo-to has the largest number of general and psychiatric hospitals .

  24. 但是,因为区依然被看作东京都的内部组织,出现了各种各样的问题。

    However , since the wards continued to be viewed as internal organizations of Tokyo metropolis , various issues arose .

  25. 此外,老福田家在东京都世田谷区的土地,有一部分也归小福田所有。

    In addition , a part of ground in Tokyo Doushigu restrict where old Fukuda lived also belonged to young Fukuda .

  26. 议会代表东京都民,也拥有调查和检查各方面行政工作的权利。

    Representing the people of tokyo , the assembly also has the powers to investigate and inspect all aspects of administrative affairs .

  27. 随着东京都的行政工作越来越多样化和复杂化,东京都政府变得越来越庞大和难以运行。

    As the workings of the Metropolitan Administration have become increasingly varied and complex , the metropolitan government has become large and unwieldy .

  28. 东京都已经有了一个稳固的交通网,而且将通过对都国有土地的利用开发新设施。

    The metropolis already has a solid transportation network , and any new facilities will be developed through the use of metropolitan government-owned land .

  29. 为了确保水资源供应服务满足东京都的需求,正依据以下政策实施该计划。

    In order to ensure that water supply services are suited to metropolitan needs , projects are being carried out according to the following policies .

  30. 此协议旨在通过平常东京都政府和专家之间的合作,为地震灾后作好准备工作。

    This agreement aims to ensure preparation for the aftermath of an earthquake disaster through collaboration between the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and experts from normal times .