
Wū Lán Bā Tuō
  • Ulan Bator
  1. 中国与蒙古官员周四在乌兰巴托宣布,两国将于下月就自由贸易区问题正式发起一项可行性研究。

    Chinese and Mongolian officials announced in Ulan Bator on Thursday that the two countries have agreed to officially launch a joint feasibility study on a free trade area ( FTA ) next month .

  2. 科学院:在乌兰巴托;1921年成立。

    Academy of the Science : Ulan Bator ; f.1921 .

  3. 首都乌兰巴托(Ulaanbaatar)是一个与省同级的直辖市。

    Ulaanbaatar ( the capital ) is a municipality with provincial status .

  4. EIU的报告称,在Davaasuren医生的努力下,乌兰巴托成立了10家临终关怀中心,各省级医院也能够为病人提供此类服务。

    According to the EIU , her work helped establish 10 palliative-care facilities in Ulaanbaatar , with provincial hospitals also now able to accommodate patients in need of such care .

  5. 森林大火导致蒙古首都乌兰巴托烟霾罩顶

    Forest fire : Mongolia state capital Ulaanbaatar covers by smoke

  6. 蒙古乌兰巴托地区汉语教学的现状与思考

    A Reflection of Current Situation of Chinese Education in Ulan Bator of Mongolia

  7. 例如,我们刚刚卖掉了一套位于乌兰巴托的顶层公寓。

    For example , we have just sold a penthouse in Ulan Bator .

  8. 许多人呆在乌兰巴托的旅馆里欣赏风景。

    Many people stay in a hotel in Ulan Bator to do some sightseeing .

  9. 乌兰巴托幼儿使用非处方抗生素十分普遍。

    The prevalence of non-prescribed antibiotic use for young children was high in Ulaanbaatar .

  10. 拜登在访问日本前于8月22日在蒙古首都乌兰巴托进行了一天访问。

    Before stopping in Japan , Biden spent a day in Ulaanbaatar , Mongolia .

  11. 乌兰巴托已成为由中国需求造就的众多矿业新兴城市之一。

    Ulan Bator has become one of the many mining boomtowns spawned by Chinese demand .

  12. 2004年,在蒙古乌兰巴托,孩子们在上学间歇玩他们的传统游戏。

    Children play a traditional game during a school break in Ulannbaatar , Mongolia , in 2004 .

  13. 不过乌兰巴托要想成为金融现代化的衍生中心还面临更大挑战。

    But there remain big challenges for Ulan Bator to make itself into a modern financial hub .

  14. 预计这将是两国星期三在乌兰巴托开始的两天会谈的主要议题。

    That issue is expected to top the agenda of the two-day talks that opened Wednesday in Ulaanbaator .

  15. 与1995年多数商品都是卖给流动商贩相比,2006年,多数的牧民市场直接在省里或乌兰巴托。

    In2006 , most herders market directly in Aimag or UB , compared to1995 , when most sold to itinerant traders .

  16. 在蒙古首都乌兰巴托之外辽阔的草原上,伟大的皇帝成吉思汗仍然活着。

    In the vast open steppe outside Mongolia 's capital Ulaanbaatar , the great emperor Genghis Khan is very much alive .

  17. 每年有来自乡村的成千上万的牧民涌入乌兰巴托市,生活在帐篷区的孩子害怕牲畜,您能想象到吗?

    Every year , thousands more come from the countryside . Children living there are afraid of animals . Can you imagine ?

  18. 很旧以前,我出生在外蒙古,具体说,乌兰巴托是我的出生地。

    I was from an ancient life in Outter Monogolia , Ulaanbaatar so to speak was the name of my born place .

  19. 来到首都乌兰巴托的矿商、银行家和律师都愿意相信,蒙古是下一个黄金国。

    The miners , bankers and lawyers who have descended on Ulan Bator like to believe it is the next El Dorado .

  20. 他表示,该煤田预计将在明年3、4月在乌兰巴托、伦敦和香港三地上市。

    He said the offering was expected to take place next March or April in Ulan Bator , London and Hong Kong .

  21. 现在,在蒙古国首都乌兰巴托,除了在银行可以兑换人民币外,在所有的货币兑换点都可以兑换人民币。

    In Ulan Bator , capital of Mongolia , you can exchange RMB either in Bank or at all the currency exchange places .

  22. 首都乌兰巴托有一条主要街道是以成吉思汗命名的,钞票上也印有他的肖像。

    A main street in the capital of Ulan Bator has been named after him , and his image is on a banknote .

  23. 奥由陶勒盖是蒙古矿业兴旺的宣传项目,为了这个项目而来的外国矿产业者和他们的投资银行家挤满了整个乌兰巴托。

    Oyu Tolgoi is the poster project for a national mining boom that sees Ulaanbaatar crawling with foreign miners and their investment bankers .

  24. 今年夏天,新交易系统所需的硬件设施已经装配到乌兰巴托股票市场,而新交易系统的软件设施目前还在安装阶段。

    This summer , hardware for a new trading system was shipped into Ulan Bator and new trading software is currently being installed .

  25. (法新社乌兰巴托电)蒙古首都乌兰巴托因周边森林发生大火,导致浓烟罩顶。

    ( Agence France-Presse , Ulaanbaatar ) - Due to huge forest fires , dense smoke is covering Ulaanbaatar , state capital of Mongolia .

  26. 她还说,金惠敬夫妻和他们10个月大的女儿参加了3月10日至14日在蒙古乌兰巴托举行的会面。

    She said Ms. Kim , her husband , and their 10-month-old daughter was present at the meeting held in Ulaanbaatar between March 10-14 .

  27. 我们在仰光、香港、新加坡和乌兰巴托设有办事处,我一年中剩下的时间都在出差。

    We have offices in Yangon , Hong Kong , Singapore , and Ulan Bator , and I spend the rest of the year travelling .

  28. 从紧挨着戈壁北部的乌兰巴托向南望去,很明显似乎南边的某些地区已经成为中国的一部分。

    From Ulaanbaatar , situated to the north of the Gobi , it can easily look as if parts of the south are being integrated into China .

  29. 乌兰巴托有许多人没有工作,或是生活在贫困线以下,有些人将这些(暴力行为)视为娱乐。

    In Ulan Bator there are plenty of people who are unemployed or below the poverty line and some are looking at [ such violence ] as entertainment .

  30. 该诊所早于二零零四年由韩国首尔总教区的金重浩神父建立,当时这位医生神父已开始在乌兰巴托为穷人提供医疗服务。

    The clinic was first established by Father Michael Kim Joong-ho from Seoul archdiocese in2004 when the Korean doctor priest began offering medical services to poor people in Ulaan Baatar .