
  • 网络Riyadh;Ar Riyad;RUH
  1. 利雅得在12小时内降水就达25毫米。

    Riyadh got 25 mm of rain in just 12 hours

  2. 1957年在利雅得建立第一所大学即现在沙特国王大学(KingSaudUniversity)。

    The first university , now known as King Saud University , was founded in Riyadh in1957 .

  3. 在宣布将日产量提高约30万桶之前一天,美国总统乔治布什(GeorgeW.Bush)在利雅得向沙特国王阿卜杜拉(Abdullah)提出了增产请求。

    The announcement of a boost to output by about 300,000 barrels a day came after a plea by George W. Bush , US president , to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in Riyadh .

  4. 两大教派的高级宗教领袖德黑兰、库姆和纳杰夫的什叶派领袖、以及利雅得和开罗的逊尼派领袖都号召各自的信徒们拿起武器抗击ISIS。

    The grand clerics of both schools – the Shia from Tehran , Qom and Najaf , and the Sunni from Riyadh and Cairo – have called upon their followers to take up arms against Isis .

  5. 空军一号在沙特阿拉伯利雅得哈立德国王国际机场降落后,她从机舱中走出,穿着黑色连身衣,戴着“神奇女侠”金色圣罗兰(SaintLaurent)腰带,飘动的下摆、长袖和衣领凹口让每个人心里想:阿拉伯长袍!

    After landing at the King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , she materialized on the steps of Air Force One in that black jumpsuit , whose Wonder Woman gold Saint Laurent belt , flowing hemline , long sleeves and notch neck made everyone think : abaya !

  6. 沙特阿拉伯货币局(SAMA)局长法赫德穆巴拉克(Fahadal-Mubarak)在7月表示,利雅得方面已经以地方债形式发行了第一笔40亿美元债券,这是自2007年以来沙特政府首次发行主权债券。

    Fahad al-Mubarak , the governor of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency ( Sama ) , said in July that Riyadh had already issued its first $ 4bn in local bonds , the first sovereign issuance since 2007 .

  7. 他的母亲赫萨・萨勒姆・阿尔-布加米(HessaSalemal-Bugami)说,她努力改善孩子的饮食,但在来Alqahtani医生诊所前没有得到过很好的指导。从塔伊夫到利雅得有近500英里的路程。

    His mother , Hessa Salem al-Bugami , says she tried to improve his diet but didn 't have good guidance until she came to Dr. Alqahtani 's clinic , a trip of nearly 500 miles from Ta'if . '

  8. 但利雅得的表象同其他地方一样可能具有欺骗性。

    But in Riyadh , as elsewhere , appearances can be deceiving .

  9. 不错,我们在利雅得的酒店定于今年9月开张。

    We are , with a hotel in Riyadh opening in September .

  10. 预防少年犯罪准则(利雅得准则)

    Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency ( Guidelines of Riyadh )

  11. 利雅得根本就不是可以取得引人注目的突破的地方。

    Riyadh is not the place for scoring dramatic breakthroughs .

  12. 目前利雅得方面正在评估炼油厂的答复。

    Riyadh is now evaluating the response from refiners .

  13. 星期五他的最后一站是沙特阿拉伯的首都利雅得。

    Last stop is Friday in Rhyiad , the capital of Saudi Arabia .

  14. 他在去利雅得的路上。

    He 's on his way to riyadh .

  15. 沙特阿拉伯的利雅得国家动物园中,爱情鸟(鹦鹉)正在凝望来访者。

    Love birds look at visitors at the Riyadh National Zoo in Saudi Arabia .

  16. 1980年,阿尔瓦利德创建了总部位于利雅得的投资控股公司王国控股。

    He founded Kingdom Holding , a Riyadh-based investment holding company , in 1980 .

  17. 我们只希望她下次访问利雅得(沙特阿拉伯首都译者注)时也能讲讲相同的内容。

    One can only hope she makes the same speech next time she visits Riyadh .

  18. 利雅得准则(联合国预防少年犯罪准则草案)

    Guidelines of Riyadh ( United Nations Draft Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency )

  19. 利雅得是其中一座受疫情影响的城市。

    Riyadh is among the cities affected .

  20. 在六月遭遇暗杀事件后,萨利赫在利雅得待了三个月接受治疗。

    Saleh spent three months in Riyadh undergoing treatment following an assassination attempt in June .

  21. 继在开罗达成了协议之后,应当在利雅得设法结束石油禁运。

    Agreement in Cairo should be topped by an end to the oil embargo in Riyadh .

  22. 利雅得媒体城

    Media Production City , Riyadh

  23. 目前,三名失踪人员的尸体已于利雅得附近的大坝处发现。

    This , after the bodies of three missing people were discovered in a dam near Riyadh .

  24. 阿卜杜拉国王收集的马科类动物给人印象深刻,多达1000多匹,养在利雅得吉安娜提拉(Janadira)农场的马厩里。

    King Abdullah 's impressive equine collection of over 1000 horses is stabled at Janadira Farm in Riyadh .

  25. 交换战俘包括35名美国人,他们在利雅得中心被释放。

    That led to an exchange of POWs including 35 Americans , which were freed in center Riyadh .

  26. 沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得最漂亮和最稀有的山羊拍卖会上,人们正在查看一只相貌奇特的山羊。

    Men examine a rare goat during a competition and auction for the best looking and rarest goats in Riyadh , Saudi Arabia .

  27. 在利雅得,体育活动是受到限制的,尤其是女孩子,高温和绿地的稀少也使得步行很困难。

    In Riyadh , physical activity is limited , particularly for girls , and high temperatures and few green spaces make walking difficult .

  28. 提单上必须注明卸货港是达蔓港,最后目的地是利雅得。

    47A - 6 、 bill of lading must indicate that port of discharge is Dammam port and the final destination is Riyadh .

  29. 在利雅得,沙特阿拉伯医生成功分离一对连体双胞胎,这对男孩来自埃及,2月10日到达利雅得。

    In Riyadh Saudi Arabia doctors successfully separated a pair of conjoined twins . The boys were from Egypt and arrived in Riyadh February 10th .

  30. 中情局执行了比尔•克林顿的命令,派遣150位联邦商业机会组织性质的代理人,实验分析、法医专家等赶往利雅得。

    The Bureau had been true to bill Clinton 's word : 150 FBO pros-including agents , lab analysts , and forensic experts-were headed for Riyadh .