
lì hài ɡuān xi rén
  • interested person
  1. 第二十三条公民有下列情形之一的,利害关系人可以向人民法院申请宣告他死亡:

    Article 23 Under either of the following circumstances , an interested person may apply to the people 's court for a declaration of a citizen 's death :

  2. 经济规划的合理性与经济规划实施的实际效果对经济规划利害关系人影响甚大。

    The reasonableness of economic planning and actual effect of economic planning enforcement has a great influence on interested person .

  3. B.对本国善意债权人和其他利害关系人的保护与诉讼程序条款;所用方法特异性强,重复性好。

    B. specific articles on the protection and the suing procedure of local creditors with goodintentions ;

  4. 为适应WTO规则的透明度要求,我国的行政立法程序需要改革,以使其具有更大的开放性,便于利害关系人的参与。

    To meet the requirement of the WTO 's principle of transparence , China 's legislative process of administration needs reforming in order to be convenient for the participation of the interested parties .

  5. 谁是驱使无限使用的关键利害关系人?

    Who are the key stakeholders driving the use of wireless ?

  6. 利害关系人理论与我国公司治理结构的重建

    Theory of Party Interested and Reconstruction of the Company Management Structure

  7. 就是为了保护利害关系人的利益啊。

    It is for protecting the interests of the interested person .

  8. 将产品愿景写成文档,并经常和所有的利害关系人沟通确认。

    Document the product vision and communicate it constantly to all stakeholders .

  9. 契约型关联公司利害关系人利益保护研究

    Research on the Protection Legal System of Stakeholders in Affiliated Companies of Contract

  10. 另外一个直接影响高质量的关键因素是所有利害关系人的紧密参与。

    Another critical factor directly impacting quality is strong participation from all stakeholders .

  11. 行政过程中的利害关系人研究

    The Research of the Interested Person during Administration

  12. 为什么要赋予利害关系人申请撤销死亡宣告的权利呢?

    Why is an interested person given the right to apply for revoking the declaration ?

  13. 在公司清算过程中,最应当受到保护的利害关系人是公司的债权人。

    Protection of creditor 's interests is embodied in the whole process of company liquidation .

  14. 证券投资基金运作中利害关系人交易监管制度研究

    A Study of the Regulation System of Interested Party Transactions in the Mutual Fund Operation

  15. 申请人、利害关系人有权进行陈述和申辩。

    The applicant and the interested parties have the right to state their views and argue .

  16. 这种交易侵害了公司、中小股东或其他利害关系人的合法权益。

    The transactions invade legal rights and interests of companies , middle-small shareholders and other concerned persons .

  17. “书证”应使得利害关系人,包括那些行政机关的监督者。

    This " paper trail " should enable interested persons , including those who oversee the agency .

  18. 利害关系人申请更正登记,需要登记权利人的同意。

    The right to apply for a corrected registration refers to the right of the party registered .

  19. 本部分将探讨在这种状态下行政规划利害关系人如何保护自身合法权益。

    This section will analyze how to protect the lawful rights and interests of the interested parties .

  20. 和谐社会视野下中国行政许可利害关系人利益表达机制

    Benefit Expression Mechanism of China ′ s Administrative License ′ s Interested Party in a Harmonious Society

  21. 介绍事件图描绘的软件工具与方法,一并提起利害关系人分析。

    The software and methodology of event diagramming will be presented , as it relates to stakeholder analysis .

  22. 进行该种分类方法的依据是根据是否存在不特定多数的直接利害关系人。

    For this kind of classification is based on the existence of non-qualified majority under the direct stakeholders .

  23. 行政诉讼原告利害关系人诉讼主体资格探究行政诉讼与刑事诉讼之间的关系及其处理

    On the Qualification of Subject of Procedure of the Plaintiff ? s Related Interest People in Administrative Action

  24. 因为传统公司治理结构存在着局限性,利害关系人理论对传统公司治理理论提出了挑战。

    The traditional management structure of company has limitation , so the theory of party interested has challenged it .

  25. 诉讼提起前利害关系人可资利用的司法程序可称之为诉前程序。

    Before the litigation is raised , any interested parties can use the pretrial proceedings to protect their rights .

  26. 第二,作为利害关系人的专家证人,他们可以使自然公正原则切实发挥作用;

    Secondly , as a witness of the interested party , the expert can fully apply the natural justice principle .

  27. 辨识出所有利害关系人,包括他们的「利害」或兴趣、其承诺的的层级、以及其影响等级。

    Identify all stakeholders , including their " stake " or interest , level of commitment and degree of influence .

  28. 传统城市规划的参与主体包括政府、规划编制单位、专家、利害关系人,其他公众参与很少。

    Participants in traditional urban planning include government , planner , expert and stakeholder , with the peripheral public remaining outside .

  29. 利害关系人对登记权利人所享有的请求其同意更正登记的权利,被称为更正登记请求权。

    The right to request a corrected registration refers to the right of interested party to request the consent of corrected registration .

  30. 二是通过建立债务人异议之诉和第三人异议之诉的制度来完善当事人和利害关系人的实体权利救济制度。

    Second is to set up the system of entitative execution remedy in objection action of the obligor and the third party .