
zhēng yì
  • dispute;controversy;debate;argue
争议 [zhēng yì]
  • [dispute] 争论

  • 尚有争议

争议[zhēng yì]
  1. 事故的原因仍在争议之中。

    The cause of the accident was still in dispute .

  2. 目前在定价上和政府还有争议。

    It is currently in dispute with the government over price fixing .

  3. 剧院的前途是一个颇有争议的问题。

    The theatre 's future is a subject of considerable debate .

  4. 在裁决这些争议时须要有一定程度的评判公正性。

    In judging these issues a degree of critical detachment is required .

  5. 第二盘比赛有一个有争议的判决。

    There was a disputed call in the second set .

  6. 低收入家庭的生活状况是否已得到改善是一个颇有争议的问题。

    It is highly debatable whether conditions have improved for low-income families .

  7. 这些新的建议结果证明是有争议性的。

    These new proposals are proving to be hot stuff .

  8. 温斯顿∙邱吉尔和理查德∙尼克松都是有争议的人物。

    Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon were both controversial figures .

  9. 他为自己的演讲选择了一个不会引起争议的话题。

    He chose an uncontroversial topic for his speech .

  10. 作为政治人物,他常常招致争议。

    As a politician he has often courted controversy .

  11. 这块土地的所有权现在还有争议。

    Ownership of the land is currently being disputed .

  12. 两种观点都很有争议。

    Both views are highly contentious .

  13. 这个建议并没有什么重大的争议。

    The proposal is relatively uncontentious .

  14. 关于维生素C的争议短期内不可能平息。

    The controversy regarding vitamin C is unlikely to be resolved in the near future .

  15. 堕胎再次成为一个有争议的政治和道德议题。

    Abortion is once again a controversial political and moral issue .

  16. 对手工艺和美术之间的差别争议更大。

    The distinction between craft and fine art is more controversial .

  17. 制裁可能会是争议最大的问题之一。

    Sanctions are expected to be among the most contentious issues .

  18. 几项颇受争议的能源措施定于几天后提交参议院讨论。

    Controversial energy measures are slated for Senate debate within days .

  19. 离婚和在教堂再婚的问题仍然存有很大争议。

    The question of divorce and remarriage in church remains highly contentious .

  20. 他去一些目前由联合国接管的争议地区巡视了一番。

    He toured some of the disputed territories now under UN control .

  21. 仅仅根据有争议的目击者证言和供词就定了罪。

    The convictions rest solely on disputed witness and confessional statements

  22. 这一讲话已引发了激烈的争议。

    The speech has resulted in a firestorm of controversy .

  23. 他喜欢辩论、说服和争议。

    He enjoys polemics , persuasion , and controversy .

  24. 一定要避免可能引起争议的话题,如宗教、性和政治。

    Do avoid potentially contentious subjects such as religion , sex or politics .

  25. 委员会改变主意,放弃了有争议的奖金制度。

    The committee backtracked by scrapping the controversial bonus system

  26. 此行的目的就是动员公众对这个备受争议的问题发表意见。

    The purpose of the journey is to mobilise public opinion on the controversial issue

  27. 艾伦不回避争议。

    Alan doesn 't shy away from controversy .

  28. 这个新体制是争议的焦点。

    The new system is the focus of controversy

  29. 一群年轻人将他们的旗帜升到那座备受争议的纪念碑顶上。

    A group of youths hoisted their flag on top of the disputed monument .

  30. 在很多国家,移民都是一个颇有争议的问题。

    Immigration is a controversial issue in many countries