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zhēng chǎo
  • quarrel;argument;bicker;squabble;wrangle;brawl;altercation;contention;ructions;ruckus;stink;ding-dong;bunfight
争吵 [zhēng chǎo]
  • [quarrel] 口角;进行的口头上的争论

  • 她讨厌任何种类的争吵

争吵[zhēng chǎo]
  1. 请别把我牵扯进这场争吵。

    Leave me out of this quarrel , please .

  2. 尽管有过争吵,他们仍是最好的朋友。

    In spite of their quarrel , they remain the best of friends .

  3. 他与家人争吵以后离家去了伦敦。

    He fled to London after an argument with his family .

  4. 一旦让她父亲发现了,就会发生争吵。

    There 'll be ructions if her father ever finds out .

  5. 我的姐妹正为看哪个电视节目争吵。

    My sisters were squabbling over what to watch on TV .

  6. 这位脾气暴躁的队员曾和裁判员发生过无数次争吵。

    The fiery player has had numerous run-ins with referees .

  7. 孩子们有事没事总是在争吵。

    The children are always bickering about something or other .

  8. 那场争吵后他便与家人疏远了。

    He became estranged from his family after the argument .

  9. 我听够了他们无休止的争吵。

    I 've had enough of their endless arguing .

  10. 他们与邻居发生过好几次争吵。

    They have had several disagreements with their neighbours .

  11. 他们仍在为财务细节争吵。

    They 're still wrangling over the financial details .

  12. 这场讨论迅速演变成愤怒的争吵。

    The discussion quickly deteriorated into an angry argument .

  13. 我们让他们争吵下去,争出个输赢。

    We left them to fight it out .

  14. 她想最好是顺他的意,而不和他争吵。

    She thought it best to humour him rather than get into an argument .

  15. 人们推推搡搡,争吵着抱怨着。

    People were jostling , arguing and complaining .

  16. 他的父母在激烈争吵中离了婚。

    His parents went through an acrimonious divorce .

  17. 这些鸡毛蒜皮的争吵说明了政府的状况很糟糕。

    The petty quarrels were a sad commentary on the state of the government .

  18. 我突然回想起小时候和姐姐的一次争吵。

    I flashed on an argument I had with my sister when we were kids .

  19. 他们没完没了地为钱争吵。

    They argue continually about money .

  20. 他在激烈争吵时说了许多他后来感到后悔的话。

    In the heat of the argument he said a lot of things he regretted later .

  21. 激烈争吵之后的感情创伤需要一些时间才能愈合。

    After a serious argument , it can take some time for the wounds to heal .

  22. 发生过争吵了。

    Words were exchanged .

  23. 孩子们正在为抢夺电视机的遥控器而争吵。

    The children were squabbling over the remote-control gadget for the television

  24. 据了解,他和教练克里斯·安德森之间爆发了激烈争吵。

    It is understood he had a blow-up with coach Chris Anderson

  25. 她尽量不把有时听到他们争吵的事放在心上。

    She tried to forget that sometimes she heard them quarrelling .

  26. 两组之间发生过一些激烈的争吵。

    There 've been some bitter exchanges between the two groups .

  27. 这件事可能是在他们为娜奥米争吵的过程中发生的。

    It could have happened during a quarrel between them over Naomi .

  28. 贝内迪克特小时候野性难驯,年轻时又爱与人争吵。

    Benedict had been a wild boy and a quarrelsome young man .

  29. 激烈的争吵和相互指责最终为他们的感情画上了句号。

    The bitter rows and recriminations have finally ended the relationship

  30. 我和妈妈过去经常争吵。

    Mum and I used to fall out a lot .