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chǐ xiào
  • sneer at;scoff at;hold sb. to ridicule;mock laugh at
耻笑 [chǐ xiào]
  • [sneer at;hold sb. to ridicule] 轻视和讥笑

  • 欲收兵回,又恐被蜀兵耻笑。--《三国演义》

耻笑[chǐ xiào]
  1. 其他孩子不断地耻笑他的个头儿。

    The other kids continually taunted him about his size .

  2. 他们耻笑我胆小。

    They mocked at my timidity .

  3. 近期一个允许国会议庭内母乳喂奶的提议被下院议员SimonBurns谴责,他认为这会使平民百姓耻笑。

    The recent suggestion that breastfeeding should be allowed in the chambers of Parliament has been denounced by MP Simon Burns , who thinks it will open the Commons to ridicule .

  4. 蝙蝠侠:“他让Gotham市人心惶惶,让警察郁闷,令公众遭受耻笑。”

    BATMAN ( ADAM WEST ) : " He 's terrorized Gotham City , he 's baffled the police department and he 's held us up to public ridicule . "

  5. 亚特兰大害怕北方佬会耻笑他们,是有道理的。

    Atlanta was right in fearing that the Yankees would laugh .

  6. 他的预言被人们耻笑不止。

    His prophecy was greeted with a good deal of ridicule .

  7. 同时社会也要开始停止对患者的责怪和耻笑。

    Society needs to stop victim blaming and stigmatizing sufferers .

  8. 也有义务供你们耻笑?

    And the butt of all of your jokes ?

  9. 学生的自尊心会因被人耻笑而受到伤害。

    Students'self-pride will be injured by being laughed at .

  10. 他总是耻笑我对圣诞节的热爱

    He 's always teasing me about loving Christmas .

  11. 他们会到处耻笑你的。

    They would laugh you out of austria .

  12. 女儿因我们没有修理自己的院子而遭耻笑

    Our daughter is suffering because we won 't fix up our own yard .

  13. 而你就要在别人耻笑的眼光下独自一人抚养丹尼尔长大了

    and you 're gonna have to raise Daniel alone under a cloud of disgrace .

  14. 他们耻笑你因为你不同,而在没有更好的理由。

    They 'll tease you because you 're different , or for no good reason .

  15. 如果这一切都不是真的话,我们会被千万人耻笑的。

    If it turned out to not be true , we 'd become a national joke .

  16. 任何低估网民智商的言行只会遭到唾弃和耻笑。

    Any words and deeds that underestimate netizen intelligence quotient can suffer only disgustful and mock .

  17. 这次审判被人耻笑,那个法官在审判开始之前就决定了判决。

    The trial was a mockery & the judge had decided the verdict before it began .

  18. 我认为世界上多的是知义明理的人,不见得个个都会耻笑他。”

    and the world in general would have too much sense to join in the scorn . "

  19. 这个小孩曾经因为受不了同学的耻笑而离家出走。

    He had run away from home because he couldn 't take the teasing he endured at school .

  20. 比尔克林顿首创的“从学校到工作岗位”是向学徒制体系致意,当初被人耻笑为二流的教育体系。

    Bill Clinton 's school-to-work initiative , a nod to the apprenticeship system , was derided as second-rate education .

  21. 我没有自信心。我总觉得人们在背地里耻笑我。

    I have no confidence in myself . I always feel that people are laughing at me behind my back .

  22. 女店员还是笑着,指着自己的口袋。水性杨花的女人被世人耻笑。

    Still laughing , the lady pointed to her pockets . The fickle and lascivious woman was sneered at by people .

  23. 否则就糟了。被人耻笑为井底之蛙是多没面子的事啊!

    Otherwise , I will lose my face for being sneered as a frog on the bottom of well by others .

  24. 你是不是在追求一个不爱你的人,招人耻笑?

    Have you been making a spectacle of yourself running about after a man who 's not in love with you ?

  25. 虽然有关财政纪律的声明遭到中国多疑学生的耻笑,但那不妨碍盖特纳宣称中国支持美国的政策。

    And sceptical students scoffing at his protestations of fiscal rectitude did not stop Mr Geithner claiming Chinese backing for US policies .

  26. 我受了一辈子的耻笑,所以宰了那条狗以后我索性跑掉了。

    After you 've been laughed at your whole friggin'life . That 's why I ran away after I killed the dog .

  27. 为避免可能遭到别人耻笑,他半夜里悄悄溜出去寄第一次文稿。

    To avoid the jeering laughter he expected , he sneaked out in the dead of night to mail his first manuscript .

  28. 你决心要叫他的朋友们看不起他,让天下人都耻笑他。

    You are determined to ruin him in the opinion of all his friends , and make him the contempt of the world .

  29. 人若不穿衣就会一丝不挂,令人耻笑,必然导致道德败坏;

    People going out stark naked will be mocked for their ridiculous behaviour that not wearing clothes , which will lead to morality degradation ;

  30. 你可能会被你遇到的人耻笑欺负伤害而在见了一打这种稀奇古怪的人后,你会找到一个真正的朋友。

    You might get teased and bullied and hurt by people you meet and then after meeting dozens of jerks , find a true friend .