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zhǔ fu
  • tell;enjoin;exhort;entrust;charge with a task
嘱咐 [zhǔ fù]
  • (1) [enjoin;exhort;tell]∶吩咐;叮嘱

  • 嘱咐他保守秘密

  • 再三嘱咐

  • (2) [entrust]∶托付

嘱咐[zhǔ fu]
  1. 那么,Brassy医生是怎样嘱咐他的病人的呢?

    So what does Dr. Brassy tell his patients ?

  2. 不过,你什么事都能办得妥妥帖帖的,用不着我嘱咐你怎么办。

    But you will do every thing right . I need not tell you what is to be done .

  3. “早点儿到那里。”她嘱咐说。

    ' Get there early , ' she advised .

  4. 医生嘱咐严格控制饮食。

    The doctor ordered a strict diet .

  5. 他的临终嘱咐仍萦绕在我们耳际。

    His last words still linger in our ears .

  6. 大夫嘱咐他好好休息。

    The doctor told him to take a complete rest .

  7. 父亲一举手一投足比他的千叮咛万嘱咐更有分量。

    The gesture had more eloquent than any words his father could have spoken .

  8. 约翰尼的母亲嘱咐他要在天黑前回来。

    Johnny 's mother told him that he was to get back before dark .

  9. 医生嘱咐母亲咳嗽见好之后在家里呆一星期,不要外出。

    Mother was advised to keep indoors for a week after her cough seemed better .

  10. 他如此这般嘱咐了我一番。

    He told me that thus and so was to be done , in such and such a manner .

  11. 在你跳进婚姻这个大坑前,姐先嘱咐你两句:你嫁的不光是他这个人,还有他的家庭。——《生活大爆炸》

    Little warning before you jump into this marriage business : you are not just marrying him , you are marrying his family .

  12. 詹姆斯特别喜欢这只猫。有一次他要外出几天,临行前不厌其烦地嘱咐郝伯特照顾好这只宠物。

    James was particularly attached to the cat , and when he had to leave town for several days , he left Herbert meticulous instructions about the pet 's care .

  13. 要下飞机的时候,飞行员特意嘱咐他们:“千万记住,只允许带一只驼鹿,因为飞机只能承受那么大的重量。”听飞行员说完,两个猎人就打猎去了。

    Upon dropping off the hunters , the pilot tells them , " Remember only one moose , because the plane wouldn ’ t be able to take off with more weight than that . " The hunters go off .

  14. 于是Tom去看了医生,医生给了他一些药片并嘱咐他在睡觉之前吃掉。

    So Tom went to his doctor , the doctor gave him a pill and told him to take it before he went to bed .

  15. 这位讽刺演员一开场就嘱咐大家把手机都开着:花点时间关注下我的推特(Twitter)账户,以免我在演讲期间发布任何推特消息。

    The satirist started by ordering everyone to make sure their cell phones were turned on : Take a moment to follow my Twitter feed in case I tweet anything during my speech .

  16. 这些事你要嘱咐他们,叫他们无可指责。

    And these things command , that they may be blameless .

  17. 医生嘱咐他不要进行剧烈运动。

    The doctor told him not to do any violent exercise .

  18. 克察克临终前嘱咐泰山做什么?

    What did Kerchak ask Tarzan to do before he died ?

  19. 他嘱咐他们,别在没有他参与的情况下处理任何事务。

    He told them not to transact any business without him .

  20. 完全遵照医生的嘱咐是很重要的。

    It is important to follow out the doctor 's directions .

  21. 医生嘱咐我丈夫少吸烟。

    The doctor told my husband cut down on somking .

  22. 我已嘱咐过你离那些粗野的男孩远点儿。

    I 've told you to stop away from those rough boys .

  23. 我应该嘱咐你多带个人来。

    I should have encouraged you to bring someone along .

  24. 杰克:我也不知道,这是医生的嘱咐。

    Jack : Don 't know , doctor 's orders .

  25. 我曾特别地嘱咐他不要缺张教授的课。

    I told him specifically not to miss Professor Chang 's lecture .

  26. 我看见的那个人嘱咐我今天返回来。

    The man whom I saw told me to come back today .

  27. 约拿因不遵照上帝嘱咐的去做而犯了罪。

    Jonah sinned by not obeying what God told him to do .

  28. 天使最后给罗得和他的家人什么样的嘱咐?

    What final instructions did the angels give Lot and his family ?

  29. 医生嘱咐不要去沾咖啡和巧克力。

    The doctor said to go off coffee and chocolate .

  30. 医生嘱咐要你吃软食。

    The doctor has ordered a soft diet for you .