
yuán gù
  • sake;reason;cause;matter
缘故 [yuán gù]
  • (1) [cause]∶原故;原因

  • 他到这时候还没来,不知什么缘故

  • (2) [reason]∶理由;根据;缘由

  • 将提到产生这一情况的缘故

  • (3) [matter]∶事情

  • 若听一面之词,误了多少缘故,容秦明回州去对 慕容知府说知此事。--《水浒传》

缘故[yuán gù]
  1. 如果只是在晚上头疼,那常常是由于缺乏新鲜空气和氧气的缘故。

    If headaches only occur at night , lack of fresh air and oxygen is often the cause

  2. 总之无论是什么缘故,“美食旅游”(culinarytourism)正在蓬勃发展。

    Whatever the cause , culinary tourism is on the rise .

  3. 由于安全的缘故,所有的求职申请人都要经过严格的审查。

    All candidates are carefully vetted for security reasons .

  4. 由于天气的缘故,这项赛事将在室内进行。

    In view of the weather , the event will now be held indoors .

  5. 主要由于爵士音乐节的缘故,在夏季这里的人口几乎比平时多一倍。

    The population almost doubles in summer , mainly because of the jazz festival .

  6. 我旅行过得不太愉快,部分是因为天气的缘故。

    I didn 't enjoy the trip very much , partly because of the weather .

  7. 我不会仅仅为了你父母的缘故而装出合家欢的假象。

    I 'm not going to play happy families just for the benefit of your parents .

  8. 他似乎只是出于职业缘故而喜欢她。

    He seemed fond of her in a strictly professional way

  9. 不知什么缘故,他最近十分沉默,有点异样。

    He 's been very quiet and withdrawn , sort of different , somehow

  10. 他是一位历史学家,工作的缘故使他处在了和政界的当权者对立的位置上。

    His work as a historian brought him into conflict with the political establishment

  11. 由于一次访问的缘故,他来到了摩加迪沙,又向南来到基斯马尤。

    It was a visit that took him to Mogadishu and southwards to Kismayo .

  12. 没有人知道他这样做的缘故。

    No one could know why he did like that .

  13. 我这样说是有缘故的。

    I have reasons for it .

  14. 疾病的产生往往是由于饥饿的缘故,因为身体很虚弱。

    Disease often follows on starvation because the body is weakened .

  15. 因为这个缘故,我不能来。

    I won 't be able to come on this account .

  16. 由于政府缩减经费的缘故,有750人被突然解雇了。

    750 jobs were axed as a result of government spending cuts .

  17. 美国还在继续使用它,这是因为缺少防腐油的缘故。

    Because of the shortage of creosote in the United States its use continued .

  18. 为了他的缘故,我只有责备自己,我悲叹他的不幸。

    I loaded myself with reproaches on his account and I bewailed his misfortunes .

  19. 请不要因为我的缘故离开。

    Please don 't go on my account .

  20. 西红柿在这土里长不好,其中必有缘故。

    There must be some reason why tomatoes will not flourish in this soil .

  21. 脂肪族聚酯没有用来生产纤维,可能是熔点低的缘故。

    Aliphatic polyesters are not used for fiber production , because of their low melting points .

  22. 对不起,我迟到了&因为干道上发生事故临时绕道的缘故。

    Sorry I 'm late & there was a traffic diversion due to an accident on the main road .

  23. 因为炉子整天烧着,而窗户又很少开的缘故,屋子里非常热。

    The room was very hot , for the stove had been alight all day and the windows were seldom opened .

  24. 不过,也正是农民本身出于劳动力空缺不断增加,大规模经营难以为继的缘故,才不断推动着进步。

    However , it is farmers that are pushing for the advancements due to ever-increasing labor vacancies , making it difficult to maintain large-scale operations .

  25. 由于电子游戏的缘故,现在这一代劳动力很容易接受将工作游戏化的思维。

    Thanks in part to video games , the generation now entering the workforce is especially open to the idea of having their work gamified .

  26. 在常见的浆果中,草莓的维生素C含量最高,不过,由于其种子的缘故,树莓含有的蛋白质、铁和锌(并不是说水果含有很多蛋白质)更多一点。

    Of the common berries , strawberries are highest in vitamin C , although , because of their seeds , raspberries contain a little more protein , iron and zinc ( not that fruits have much protein ) .

  27. 他所以要流泪,并不是没有缘故。

    It is not for nothing he has chosen to shed tears .

  28. 大概就是因为这个缘故,每次我的亲戚迟到,总惹得我火冒三丈

    Perhaps that is why the tardiness of my in-laws rankles me so .

  29. 那人的脑袋似乎向前突出,那是因为身子佝偻的缘故

    The creature 's face seemed to be protruded , because of its bent carriage .

  30. 他轻轻地像一棵树一样倒在地上,大概由于沙地的缘故,连一点响声都没有。

    He fell as gently as a tree falls . There was not even any sound , because of the sand .