  • reason;predestined relationship;edge;fringe
  • climb up
  • along
  • 因由,因为:~由。~何(为何,因何)。~故。~起。

  • 宿命论认为人与人之间命中注定的遇合机会,泛指人与人或人与事物之间发生联系的可能性:~分(fèn )。化~。姻~。一面之~。

  • 沿,顺着:~法(沿袭旧法)。~木求鱼。

  • 边:边~。


(缘故) reason:

  • 无缘无故

    without rhyme or reason; for no reason at all;

  • 缘何到此?

    What's your reason for coming here?


(缘分) predestined relationship:

  • 人缘儿

    relations with people; popularity;

  • 姻缘

    predestined marriage;

  • 有一面之缘

    happen to have met once


(边) edge; fringe; brink:

  • 外缘

    outer fringe [edge];

  • 这个城市处于沙漠南缘。

    This city is located on the southern fringe of the desert.


(攀援)climb up:

  • 缘木求鱼

    climb trees to look for fish


(沿着; 顺着)along:

  • 缘溪而行

    walk along the stream

  1. 遇见您是我的缘!

    Meeting you is my reason !

  2. 南来北往!东走西逛!相聚是缘!阜阳地区无限欢迎你的加盟!

    Travel frequently and extensively ! West east walks strolls ! Gathers is the reason ! The Fuyang area infinite welcome you the alliance !

  3. 她知道自己与显赫的政治职位无缘。

    She knew that tenure of high political office was beyond her .

  4. 那辆公共汽车开上路缘撞到了一棵树上。

    The bus mounted the kerb and hit a tree .

  5. 我最近无缘去拜访他。

    I 've had no occasion to visit him recently .

  6. 她觉得人生所有的机遇和欢乐都与她无缘。

    She feels that life is passing her by .

  7. 他因膝伤已经无缘这场比赛。

    He has been ruled out of the match with a knee injury .

  8. 他们把床单绞成绳子,缘绳而下逃走了。

    They had twisted the sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it .

  9. 汽车撞上了路缘。

    The car bumped against the kerb .

  10. 我和他有过几面之缘,但从未说过话。

    I knew him by sight but had never spoken with him .

  11. 该国的国家队队长无缘英格兰之行。

    The country 's captain was dropped from the tour party to England .

  12. 远处峡谷的西缘,一只丛林狼嚎叫了两声。

    Far up the west rim of the canyon , a coyote yipped twice .

  13. 亨利生活中过去一直难以捕捉的幸福仍旧与他无缘。

    Happiness , which had been so elusive in Henry 's life , still evaded him

  14. 这条道路得名于这些树木,它们沿两边的路缘间隔均匀地排列着。

    The trees which gave the road its name stood at regular intervals along the kerb

  15. 车的左侧撞到路缘上,似乎飞弹了起来,靠两只车轮越过了马路。

    It hit the kerb on the nearside and seemed to ricochet across the road on two wheels .

  16. 我车子的左前轮撞在一大块松动的路缘石上,导致车胎爆裂、轮辋凹陷。

    A great chunk of loose kerbing smashed into my left-front wheel , bursting the tyre and denting the rim

  17. 烟、酒与我无缘。

    Smoking and drinking don 't appeal to me .

  18. 我俩无缘相见。

    We missed meeting . It must be fate .

  19. 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。

    The true face of Lushan is lost to my sight , for it is right in this mountain that I reside .

  20. 他从小就和音乐结了缘。

    He developed a liking for music when he was a boy .

  21. 右心房缘变平亦见于缩窄性心包炎。

    Flattening of the right atrial border is also seen in constrictive pericarditis .

  22. 我和酒无缘。

    I never touch the bottle .

  23. 有缘千里能相会,无缘对面不相逢。

    If there is a bond between them , the two will meet across a thousand li ; without a bond , they will not meet though face to face .

  24. 把一个较短的边(缘)放在另一个上面。

    Hold one of the shorter edges over the other .

  25. 主梁的腹板和翼缘用ASTMA441钢制造

    The web and flanges of the main girders were fabricated from ASTM A441 steel .

  26. 是我们有缘

    We are fated to meet .

  27. 叶缘焦枯病菌(Xylella)被认为是世界上最危险的植物病原体之一。

    Xylella is considered to be one of the most dangerous pathogens for plants anywhere in the world .

  28. 去年一年就发现了近2000种植物,从稀有的雪花莲到茶叶、大蒜和菠菜的野生近缘植物,种类繁多。

    Almost 2000 plants were identified last year alone , from rare snowdrops to wild relatives of tea , garlic , and spinach3 .

  29. 凭借这个进球,中国队在90分钟内追成1:2。双方总比分打成3:3,重回同一起跑线。加时赛第13分钟,王霜在禁区外拿球一脚远射破门,中国队总分领先,韩国队无缘奥运赛场。

    In the 103rd minute , Wang fired a long-distance shot into the bottom right corner , gifting China a lead on aggregate , which denied South Korean 's dream to qualify for the Olympics .

  30. 柑橘及近缘属总RNA的有效提取

    Efficient extraction of total RNA in Citrus and relative