
  • 网络majority
  1. 在美国,多数派代表民众执政。

    In the United States the majority governs in the name of the people

  2. 参议院多数派领导人哈里?雷德正在谈论b计划,这会涉及一个短期的两个月的延伸。

    Senator majority leader Harry Reid is talking about Plan B that would involve a short-term 2-month extension .

  3. 上周,笔者撰文提出,在世界经济论坛(theWorldEconomicForum)年会的讨论中,应该包容发散性思维,以及有别于多数派的不同声音。

    Last week , I wrote about the need to include divergent and contrarian views in the conversations taking place at the world economic forum annual meeting .

  4. 这是参议员HarryReid,他是民主党和参议院多数派领袖。

    That was Senator Harry Reid , a Democrat and the Senate majority leader .

  5. 这位州政府前立法者现在将试图击败州多数派领袖哈里·雷德(HarryReid)。

    The former state lawmaker will now try to defeat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid .

  6. 参议院多数派领袖HarryReid今天将决定是否听取民意。

    Senate majority leader Harry Reid could decide today on whether to push for the so called " public option . "

  7. 但是众议院多数派领袖S.Loyld表示,他正与GOP共和党立法者讨论Wilson是否应该受到惩罚。

    But House Majority leader S.Loyld says he is talking with GOP law makers to decide if Wilson should be punished .

  8. 在医疗改革立法是否应包含政府经营的保险公司方面,参议院多数派领袖HarryReid试图形成折衷案。

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is trying to form a compromise among Democrats about whether health reform legislation should include an option for government-run insurance .

  9. 周三早些时候,众议院多数派领袖EricCantor强烈要求参议院民主党多数派领袖雷德(HarryReid)考虑该法案。

    Earlier Wednesday , House Majority Leader Eric Cantor challenged his Democratic counterpart in the Senate , Majority Leader Harry Reid , to consider the bill .

  10. 他仍然要尴尬地依赖国会中的共和党多数派给予他推进TPP所需要的快车道谈判授权。

    He remains uncomfortably reliant on the Republican majority in Congress to grant him the fast-track authority he needs to push it over the line .

  11. 参议院多数派领袖HarryReid昨日宣布参议院法案中将设立公共选择,并允许各州自愿退出。

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announcing yesterday that a public option will be in the Senate bill that will allow states to opt out if they want .

  12. 多数派领袖HARRYREID,我们需要认识到,今天的美国到处都是绝望,贫穷的美国人。

    SEN. HARRY REID ( D ) , MAJORITY LEADER : What we need is to recognize that there are poor people all over America who are today .

  13. 最初当希腊支持欧元区纾困方案的紧缩条件的两大主流政党——新民主党(NewDemocracy)和泛希腊社会主义运动党(Pasok)——赢得足够组成议会多数派的席位消息传出时,市场走高。

    Markets initially rallied on news that New Democracy and Pasok , two mainstream parties that support the austerity conditions of the eurozone 's bailout , gained enough seats to form a parliamentary majority in Athens .

  14. 众议院多数派领袖JohnBoehner表示,“联邦刺激计划不会奏效。失业率仍然在升高。我们的子孙后代需要偿还的债务不断膨胀。我们应该适可而止。”

    House Minority Leader John Boehner said " The [ federal ] stimulus bill is not working . Unemployment is rising . The debt to be paid by our kids and grandkids is exploding . Enough is enough . "

  15. 他会见了众议院发言人NancyPelosi,众议院高层共和党人,少数派领袖JohnBoehner,以及参议院多数派领袖HarryReid,少数派领袖MitchMcConnell以及其他立法者。

    He met with House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the top House Republican , Minority Leader John Boehner , Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid , Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and other lawmakers .

  16. DickArmey,一位前议会多数派领导人,指责他“感觉良好的保守主义”,与带来“情感上的满足”而非实际结果的政策。

    Dick Armey , a former House majority leader , accuses him of " feel-good conservatism ", with policies that provide " emotional gratification " rather than results .

  17. 不出所料,即将上任的参议院多数派领袖、共和党人米奇•麦康奈尔(MitchMcConnell)马上放话称,他和他的同僚将反对这一协议。他们当然会反对。

    Not surprisingly , the incoming Republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell piped up immediately that he and his colleagues would oppose the deal . No doubt they will try .

  18. 众议院多数派领袖StenyHoyer表示,近几天,至少10名参议员本人或家人遭到威胁。

    House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer says at least ten members of Congress have received threats to themselves or their family members in recent days .

  19. 这议案每次都被拿上台面。代表StenyHoyer曾提出类似议案,现任参议院多数派领袖MitchMcConnell在1995年克林顿政府期间也提出过相似的议案。

    The bills were tabled each time . Representative Steny Hoyer offered similar bills in the past and current Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sponsored a similar bill in 1995 - during the Clinton administration .

  20. 但是最近众议院多数派领袖StenyHoyer发表的声明使一些政治观察家认为,白宫和国会民主党可能不会按照同样的时间表行动。

    But recent statements by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer have led some political observers to suggest that the White House and congressional Democrats may not be operating on the same timeline .

  21. 尽管Yala来自长期控制军队的多数派民族,2003年他在单方面宣布就任总统之前和2005年临时占领总统府之前在军事政变中被推翻。

    Though Mr. Yala is from the country 's ethnic majority , which has long controlled the military , he was toppled in a 2003 coup before unilaterally declaring himself president and temporarily seizing the presidential palace in 2005 .

  22. 国会中的右翼多数派票数下降了。

    The right-wing majority in Congress has been reduced .

  23. 如何对待宗教界的多数派,这是一个长期存在的老问题。

    How to deal with the majority in religion was a standing problem .

  24. 多数派发现城市并没有证明他们违反了关于歧视影响的规定。

    The majority found that the city failed to prove a disparate impact violation .

  25. 为了对杀害时间表示抗议,伊朗和什叶派多数派撤出了驻巴林大使。

    Iran with its Shiia majority had withdrawn its ambassador in protest of the deaths .

  26. 乔治·萨瑟兰法官代表多数派发言,把这种论点作为枝节问题不予考虑。

    Justice George Sutherland , speaking for the majority , dismissed this argument as irrelevant .

  27. 那时多数派领袖比尔·弗斯特指责民主党人滥用冗长演说并开创了一个危险的先例。

    Then-majority leader Bill Frist accused Democrats of abusing the filibuster and setting a dangerous precedent .

  28. 我们的主要任务毕竟应该在叙述多数派的历史。

    The main task , after all , must be to trace the story of the majority .

  29. 即使少数派不愿支持政府,多数派也必须支持,否则政府就必须停止工作。

    If the minority will not acquiesce , the majority must , or the Government must cease .

  30. 他们希望阻止威斯康辛州立法机构共和党多数派通过该法案,因为他们认为该法案是反对工会的。

    They want to prevent the Republican majority in the Wisconsin Legislature from passing the bill which they consider anti-union .