
  1. 多旋回构造变动区的油气系统

    The petroleum system in the region of polycyclic tectonic movement

  2. 南方多旋回构造作用制约下的中、古生界海相油气构造-成藏旋回

    Tectonic-pooling cycles controlled by polycyclic tectonism in the Mesozoic-Palaeozoic marine strata of South China

  3. 新疆多旋回构造与板块运动

    Polycyclic tectogenesis and plate movement of Xinjiang

  4. 后期多旋回构造运动,使南方海相油气系统变得十分复杂。

    The marine petroleum systems of South China are complicated because of the multistage and multicycle structural movements .

  5. 叠合盆地构造&热演化研究多旋回构造演化史是叠合盆地本质特征;

    The Tectonic and Thermal History of Superimpose Basin Multi-cycle structural evolution is the essential characteristics of its superimpose .

  6. 从多旋回构造运动观点初步探讨地壳发展规律

    Preliminary investigation on the evolution of the earth 's crust from the point of view of polycyclic tectonic movements

  7. 陕西北秦岭地区具有多旋回构造发展史及多旋四成矿作用。

    A history of multicyclic tectonic development and multicyclic metallogenesis occur in the North Qinling region , Shanxi Province .

  8. 滇黔桂地区海相地层经历过多旋回构造运动的叠加,油气保存的分割性强。

    The preservation condition is strong in dismembering because of polycyclic tectonic movement ′ s superimposition in the marine strata of Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi Region .

  9. 多旋回构造运动与含油气盆地成矿在时间上与地壳的多旋回构造运动密切相关。

    THE POLYCYCLIC TECTONIC THEORY AND THE EVOLUTION OF PETROLIFEROUS BASINS The ore-forming process were closely relevant to the crustal polycyelic movements in time .

  10. 这一海槽经海西多旋回构造运动和离陆向洋迁移,于早二叠世末期由西向东逐步封闭。

    After the Hercynian polycyclic tectonic movement and migration from land to ocean , this trough gradually closed from west to east from The end of early Permian .

  11. 本文在对成藏动力学系统的概念重新描述的基础上,选择经历了多旋回构造与沉积演化的准噶尔盆地进行成藏动力学系统划分。

    On the basis of the new description for the concept of pool-forming dynamic system , the Junggar basin involving the polycyclic structural and sedimentary evolution has been selected to divide this system .

  12. 指出多旋回的构造运动,多期湖平面升降,为多类型岩性圈闭的形成奠定了物质基础;

    The multicyclic tectonic movement , multiperiodic raising and falling of lake watertable have provided the basis of materials for the forming of each kind of lithologic gas pool .

  13. 由多旋回性构造运动造成沉积基准面的升降变化控制了隐蔽圈闭在斜坡带同一位置的垂向变化。

    The tectonic movement with multi - cyclicity caused fluctuation change of sedimentary base level , which controlled the vertical variety of the subtle trap at same place at the slope belt .

  14. 总之,多旋回的构造运动、不同的断层性质和封闭强度、过高的异常压力及多期的成藏过程是控制莫索湾地区侏罗系油气成藏的主要因素。

    Multicyclic tectonic movement , different fault properties and sealing abilities , abnormal high pressure and multiphase hydrocarbon accumulation are the major factors that control the formation of Jurassic oil and gas reservoirs .

  15. 多旋回的构造运动和多期次的盆地叠加使中国的盆地多具叠合盆地的特征,影响到烃源岩的演化及油气的运移和分布。

    Multicyclic tectonic movements and multiple phases of basin superimposition have caused most of the basins in China to have the characteristics of superimposed basins , which have influenced the evolution of source rocks , and migration and distribution of oil and gas .

  16. 塔里木多旋回盆地复合构造样式初步分析

    A preliminary analysis on compound structural styles in the Tarim polycyclic Basin

  17. 多旋回的板块构造运动与南海新生代构造

    Polycyclic plate tectonic movements and the Cenozoic tectonics of South China Sea

  18. 前陆盆地地层的层序反映了前陆盆地构造演化史为一个多旋回的沉积构造演化史。

    The stratigraphic sequences in foreland basins have recorded a long and complex history of polycyclic sedimentary tectonic evolution .

  19. 多旋回叠合盆地构造控油原理

    Control principles of structures and tectonics over hydrocarbon accumulation and distribution in multi-stage superimposed basins

  20. 多期旋回岩溶和构造裂隙形成的优质储层是油气富集、高产稳产的关键;

    Good reservoirs composed of multi-cycle karsts and structural fissures are the crux of hydrocarbon enrichment as well as high and stable productions ;