
  • 网络i believe;beautiful light
  1. 那天晚上的月亮多亮呀!

    How bright was the moon that night !

  2. 那颗星有多亮?

    How bright was the star ?

  3. 那么多亮才算亮?

    So how bright was bright ?

  4. 这支蜡烛多亮啊!

    This candle is very bright !

  5. 你们的星球有多亮。

    Your planet is really bright .

  6. 眼下,幸亏阳光充足阳光照进深深的海底能有多亮就有多亮有样最奇妙的东西闪现在眼前。

    And now something most wonderful , fortunately in full sunlight - or as full as it can be when it falls through fathoms of water - flashed into sight .

  7. 不要乱说话。我不会告诉你今天你的秃头有多亮,所以你也别告诉我我看起来很累或是胖了瘦了,我自己有镜子。相信我,我自己知道的。”

    nts to yourself . I don 't tell you when your bald spot looks extra shiny , don 't tell me when I 'm looking tired or fat or thin . I have a mirror . Believe me , I know . "

  8. 影响GMS-5多通道亮温差的因子初探

    Primary Study on Elements Effected on Brightness Temperature Difference in GMS-5

  9. 星多天空亮,人多智慧广。

    Star bright sky and more , people widely wisdom .

  10. 超基性岩型软玉多为亮绿色,常有磁铁矿、铁矿和硫化物浸染。

    Many ultrabasics type nephrites have bright green colour and have ore dissemination with magnetite , chromite and sulfide .

  11. “我对你的爱比最亮的星星还要多,还要亮,”妈妈说。

    " I love you more than the brightest star and brighter ," answered his mother .

  12. 我国嫦娥一号探测卫星搭载了四个通道(3.0,7.8,19.35,37GHz)的微波辐射计,其中一个重要任务是通过多通道微波辐射亮温反演整个月球表面月壤厚度的分布。

    The Chang ' E-1 Lunar Orbiter ( CE-1 ) took Microwave radiometer of four channels ( 3.0,7.8,19.35,37GHz ) . One important task of CE-1 is for detecting the thickness of the lunar regolith though the measured brightness temperature from the CE-1 microwave radiometer .

  13. 多个光伏空间亮孤子相互作用研究

    Coherent collisions of multi photovoltaic bright spatial solitons

  14. 我爱你比那最高的树还要多,比最大的山还要多,比最亮的星星还要多。

    I love you more than the tallest tree , more than the biggest mountain , and more than the brightest star .