
  1. 多巴火山爆发的时间也正是千年寒冷期的开端。

    The eruption also seems to have coincided with the start of a1000-year period of even colder temperatures .

  2. 尽管如此,如果当今多巴火山象过去那样爆发的话,那么后果将是极为悲惨的。

    Still , if Toba erupted today like it did in the past , the results would be catastrophic .

  3. 一些科学家们提出:是多巴火山引起了地球的深层冻结,如果当今有这样的火山爆发,或许会引起一个新的冰河时代。

    Some scientists have suggested that Toba caused the deep freeze and that perhaps such an event happening today could bring on a new ice age .