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  • 网络polytheism;polytheistic
  1. 苗族、布依族的原始信仰,以多神崇拜为特征。

    The primitive beliefs of the Miao and Buyi had characteristics of polytheism .

  2. 古埃及人信奉多神崇拜。

    Ancient Egyptian religion is a polytheism .

  3. 壮族师公教有明显的多神崇拜特征。

    The Shigong Religion of Zhuang Nationality has a characteristic of multi-deity worship .

  4. 萨满舞蹈展现了北方民族萨满教祭祀的面貌,体现了萨满教的多神崇拜观念。

    Shaman dance shows the sacrificial features of the northern minorities and the polytheist worship ideas of shamanism .

  5. 道教作为中国本土宗教,其典型的多神崇拜具有相当广泛的群众基础和社会影响。

    As a native-born religion in China , Taoism of polytheism has a massive user base and social impact .

  6. 但是,洪秀全及其拜上帝会的宗教观念是在多神崇拜盛行的社会环境中孕育出来的。

    However the religious ideas of Hong Xiuquan and the Society of Worshiping God were produced under the social circumstances of polytheism .

  7. 萨满教是满族及其先民信仰的多神崇拜的原始宗教。

    Saman religion is a primitive one of the Manchu nationality and their ancestors , in which willow worship occupies an important position .

  8. 都反对偶像崇拜、多神崇拜,只信仰一个主宰宇宙万物、至高无上的造物主。

    They all not only indicated opposition to polytheism and idolatry but also believed the supreme creator who controlled all things in the universe .

  9. 究其根源,则是由于北方一神崇拜与南方多神崇拜差异所导致的必然结果。

    To trace it to its source , it results from the difference between the monotheism in the north and the poly theism in the south .

  10. 以多神崇拜为特征的哈尼族传统宗教信仰,是我国西南少数民族地区习俗化宗教信仰的代表。

    The traditional religious faith of Hani nationality with characteristic of polytheism worship is the typical religion of the minority traditional religious faiths in southwest China .

  11. 逻辑线索即为一神与泛神、多神、偶像崇拜之争。

    The logic clue is about the dispute between monotheism and pantheism , polytheism and idol worship .