
  1. 维也纳是多瑙河上一座美丽的古老的城市。

    Vienna is a beautiful old city on the river Danube .

  2. “前天在多瑙河上负伤的。”士兵回答。

    " The day before yesterday on the Danube ," answered the soldier .

  3. 维也纳:多瑙河上的神女

    Vienna : goddess Of Danube

  4. 该桥完工于1849年,是布达佩斯境内多瑙河上的第一座永久性桥梁。

    It was the first permanent bridge across the Danube in Budapest , and was opened in1849 .

  5. 这件意外事件昨天发生在多瑙河上双方都宣称拥有主权的一个小岛。

    The incident took place yesterday on a small Danube island , which the two sides claimed sovereignty over .

  6. 这周,在文明欧洲的中心地带,斯洛伐克和匈牙利向连接两国的多瑙河大坝上互派军队。

    This week in the heart of civilized Europe Slovaks and Hungarians stopped just short of sending in the troops in their contention over a dam on the Danube .