
ɡuó jiā zūn yán
  • dignity of state
  1. 国家尊严高于一切!

    The state is higher than the dignity of all !

  2. 向海外为国家尊严而战的同胞致敬!

    Salute to the overseas compatriots who are fighting for China 's dignity !

  3. 中国的外交官悟性都很强,且具有很高的职业素养,他们竭力维护国家尊严。

    Chinese diplomats were always highly intelligent and professional , but extremely concerned to preserve the dignity of their country .

  4. 为维护国家尊严,保障公民权利,在行政侵权诉讼中应该确立精神损害赔偿制度。

    The mental compensation system should be established in administrative violation lawsuits to protect country 's dignity and civil 's rights .

  5. 清除误入歧途的党派和私利的情绪,在未来的日子里以新的国家尊严和精神面貌自豪地立足于世。

    purified of the errant humors of party and of private interest , and shall stand forth in the days to come with a new dignity of national pride and spirit .

  6. 新生代农民工尊严各个维度上的得分由高到低依次为国家尊严、人际尊严、职业尊严、生活尊严、制度尊严、自我尊严。

    The scores of six dimensions ' dignity from high to low are as follows : National dignity , interpersonal dignity , professional dignity , life dignity , system dignity , self-dignity . 4 .

  7. 自编的新生代农民工尊严问卷主要由6个因素构成,分别是职业尊严、制度尊严、自我尊严、人际尊严、国家尊严和生活尊严。

    To analysis of the factors of second generation peasant workers ' dignity gets six factors : Professional dignity , institutional dignity , self-dignity , human dignity , national dignity and life dignity . 3 .

  8. 据新华社报道,第一批需要重命名的地名是那些“损坏国家尊严”或违背社会主义价值观的,以及那些引起最多市民投诉的地点。

    According to the Xinhua news agency , the first places to be renamed will be any that " damage national dignity " or conflict with core socialist values , as well as those which have attracted the most public complaints .

  9. 恐龙头骨标志头我们国家的尊严。

    The dinosaur 's skull represents the esteem of our country .

  10. 而有些人逐步丢掉了我们国家的尊严。

    And there are those who gnaw away at our national self-respect .

  11. 为了捍卫国家的尊严,他牺牲了自己的生命。

    He died defending the honour of his nation .

  12. 他们为国家的尊严而战斗。

    They fight for the honor of their country .

  13. 然而,我们必须怀念和感谢为了保卫我们的国家和尊严死去的战士们。

    However , we must miss and thank for the soldiers who died in wars for protecting our nation and dignity .

  14. 法官具有良好的职业道德,对于确保司法公正、维护国家法治尊严至关重要。

    The high standard judicial ethics of judges is very important to ensure judicial impartiality and to protect the authority and dignity of the Judiciary .

  15. 在和平的环境下,还是有潜力,成为前内务大臣,不对,是经济部长,所说的,自给自足能让一个穷国家有尊严。

    It has the potential under peace time conditons to be what former Minister of the Interior , of the Economy , excuese me , said that a self-supporting dignifies poor country .

  16. 非法证据从危害个人法律信仰和损害国家司法尊严这两个方面展示了其恶性。

    Illegally obtained evidence from these two aspects of " crimes against personal law of faith " and " harm the national respect for the law to show the nature of evil " .

  17. 庄严的衰落一个日本最流行的书,一个国家的尊严,甚至建议日本应该停止教授它的儿童英语和退出世界贸易体系。

    One of Japan 's most popular books in years , The Dignity of a Nation , even suggested Japan should stop teaching its children English and withdraw from the world trade system altogether .

  18. 同时,在欧洲的许多国家中,尊严的概念也被引入到有关卫生保健的国家立法和政策制定中。

    It has also entered into national legislation and policy formulation in relation to health care in many European countries .

  19. 这一现象的存在有损于我国刑事诉讼法作为国家基本法律的尊严。

    This existing phenomenon impairs the dignity of criminal procedure law as a basic law of a country .

  20. 换句话说,这23个国家对我们的尊严资源来说很重要。

    On the other hand , the23 countries are very important to us as a source of dignity .

  21. 林则徐销毁英、美商人输入的鸦片,维护了国家和民族的尊严。

    Lin Zexu defended national dignity by confiscating and burning opium imported into China by English and American businessmen .

  22. 美国媒体为了国家利益维护总统尊严的事,在今天听来像是天方夜谭。

    It sounds unbelievable today to think that the US media would actually protect the president 's honour for national interests .

  23. 无论菲尔普斯赢得多少枚金牌,刘翔对于中国的意义更加重大,因为他代表了一个国家的荣耀与尊严。

    No matter how many medals Phelps wins , Liu means more to China because he stands for the pride of a nation .

  24. 因为这一机构维系着我们这个时代最美好的希望,这一希望就是维护那种保障所有国家都能享有尊严的法则。

    For in that body rests the best hope of our age for the assertion of that law by which all nations may live in dignity .

  25. 那样,就得永远忍受屈辱,或者付出更高昂的代价和经过更严酷的斗争,才能恢复我国作为独立国家的地位和尊严。

    and either perpetuating a state of disgraceful suffering or regaining by more costly sacrifices , and more severe struggles our lost rank and respect among independent powers .

  26. 译者坚持正确的国家和民族身份对于维护国家尊严和形象意义重大,这在外宣翻译中尤为突出。

    It is of great significance for translators to possess correct nation and people identity in translation , particularly in publicity translation .

  27. 这种行为严重浪费本已十分紧张的国家诉讼资源,践踏了国家法律的尊严。

    This kind of behavior has severely lavished the very , very limited litigation resources in our country . It has also treaded on the dignity of the law in our country .

  28. 二是对外开放的基本原则,主要是学习一切民族、国家的长处,维护国家主权和民族尊严,从实际出发,等等。

    The second point is the basic principle of the opening up , which emphasizes the study of the good points of all nations and countries so as to protect national sovereignty and national dignity and to do everything from reality , etc.