
  • 网络rise of nations
  1. 研究中使用的游戏是国家的崛起(RiseofNations)。在游戏中,通过修建城市、供养和雇佣自己的人民以及保护和扩张自己的领土,玩家都可以得分。

    The game used in the study was Rise of Nations , in which gamers score points for building cities , feeding and employing their people , and maintaining and expanding their territory .

  2. 《纽约时报》资深记者拉里•罗特(LarryRohter)在他的《巴西:一个国家的崛起》(BrazilontheRise)一书中指出,1870年,大圣保罗的人口还只有3.1万。

    Greater S & # 227 ; o Paulo has a population of 19m . As Larry Rohter , the veteran New York Times correspondent , points out in his book Brazil on the Rise , in 1870 its population was 31,000 .

  3. 世界其它国家的崛起早在预料之中。

    The rise of the rest was long predicted .

  4. 真正的问题不是全球化,而是新兴国家的崛起。

    The real issue is not globalisation , but the rise of emerging countries .

  5. 发达资本主义国家的崛起史就是一部控制外部世界资源,尤其是控制海洋的历史。

    Rise of developed countries is a history of controlling external resources , especially oceans .

  6. 其投票制度根据新兴国家的崛起进行了改革。

    Its voting system has been reformed to reflect the rise of the emerging world .

  7. 这是历史上从未出现过的超大型国家的崛起。

    This is the rise of a super-sized nation , which has no precedent in history .

  8. 考虑到新兴国家的崛起,发达国家是否应限制本国经济的全球化?

    Given the rise of the emerging world , should the developed world limit the globalisation of its own economies ?

  9. 话虽如此,新兴国家的崛起还是得益于美国主持下基于规则的体系所提供的安全和机遇。

    That said , the emerging powers have prospered from the security and opportunity afforded by US oversight of a rules-based system .

  10. 再重复一遍,没有什么可以阻止新兴国家的崛起,它们正沿着西方强国的脚印前行。

    To repeat , nothing can be done about the rise of emerging countries , as they follow the lead of the west .

  11. 在国际政治中,一个国家的崛起方式常常比其崛起的事实本身对世界有更剧烈的后果。

    In international politics , how a country rises often has more drastic consequences for the world than the fact of the rise itself .

  12. 它推动了英、法、美、德、俄、日等资本主义民族国家的崛起,并促成了苏联、中国等社会主义国家早期发展的成就。

    It also gave impetus to the overall development of capitalist national countries , such as UK , France , USA , Germany , Russia and Japan .

  13. 许多观众认为,去年《大国崛起》系列片是一次前所未有的尝试,旨在就中国应该如何应对自己国家的崛起激发更广泛的辩论。

    Many viewers saw last year 's Rise of the Great Nations series as an unprecedented attempt to stimulate wider debate about how China should manage its own rise .

  14. 张维为的新书《一个文明型国家的崛起》目前进入中国最畅销书榜单。

    One of the most popular books on sale in China at the moment is on " The rise of a ' civilisational state " , " by Zhang Weiwei .

  15. 新兴国家的崛起和中国地位提升改变了当前的政治经济格局,使争夺世界利益的主体更加复杂化、多元化。

    The rise of the emerging countries and China changed the current status ascension political and economic situation , make for the interest of the world body more complicated , diversified .

  16. 然而他们的骄傲和自负,却会使其忽视中国、印度以及其他国家的崛起,在多大程度上需要依赖一个繁荣而自信的西方。

    However , their pride and confidence risks glossing over the extent to which the rise of China , India and the rest has depended on a prosperous and confident West .

  17. 正如美国崛起带动美国金融机构走向霸权地位,随着中国及其它新兴国家的崛起,目前也正在发生着同样的事情,今后还会发生更多这样的事情。

    Just as the rise of the US brought us financial institutions to supremacy , so is the same thing happening and will happen even more with the rise of China and other emerging countries .

  18. 最重大的转变都不言而喻&中国、印度、巴西和其它国家的崛起,以及地缘政治重心由大西洋向太平洋转移。

    The biggest shifts – the rise of China , India , Brazil and the rest , and a shift in the centre of geopolitical gravity from the Atlantic to the Pacific – speak for themselves .

  19. 特别是第二次世界大战以后,随着新兴民族国家的崛起,教师教育受到了前所未有的重视,并成为发展中国家教育改革与发展的重要内容。

    Especially after the World War ⅱ, with the appearance of the emerging nation , teacher education had been paid unprecedented attention , and became an important part of educational reform and development in developing countries .

  20. 在这股趋势的背后,则是中国等新兴国家的崛起,以及数十亿中产阶层的兴起&这部分人如今在饮食上要求更为丰盛,已不满足于稻米和小麦这些传统主食。

    Behind this is the rise of emerging countries such as China and the elevation to the middle class of billions of people who now require a diet richer than the traditional staples of rice and wheat .

  21. 随着中国和其它亚洲国家的崛起,英国制造业已经迅速萎缩。尽管如此,金融城的历史和专业技能,使它不仅拥有相对于欧洲对手的宝贵竞争优势,对其它地区金融中心也拥有优势。

    And while manufacturing industry has shrunk rapidly with the ascent of China and other Asian countries , London 's history and expertise give it rare competitive advantage against not only its European competitors but also financial centres in other regions .

  22. 从某种意义上说,一个国家经济的崛起的过程就是本国品牌发展壮大的过程。

    From some perspectives , the process of economic growth of a state is as well as the development of the homegrown brands .

  23. 因为具有灵活性,行政指导为许多国家的战后崛起以及经济的进一步发展发挥了巨大的作用,是值得推广的重要行政制度。

    Because of the flexibility , administrative guidance played a great role for many countries ' further development after the war , so it is an system worth to be promoted .

  24. 对地处我国中部地区的湖北省大中型会计师事务所而言,国家的中部崛起政策给其发展带来了重大契机。

    As to the large and medium-sized CPA firms in Hubei , they located in central China , and the policy of central China rising has bring great opportunity to them .

  25. 首先是政府控制的国家石油企业的崛起。它们之中有许多来自资源富裕的国家,这些国家已从飙升的油气价格中获益匪浅,目前正寻求在全球舞台上展现自己的实力。

    First , there is the rise of the government-controlled national oil companies , many of them from resource-rich states that have profited from soaring prices for oil and gas , which are looking to assert themselves on the world stage .

  26. 中国是一个有着多重身份和特殊影响的国家,中国的和平崛起意义重大。

    China is a complicated and particular country , while her rising is significant meaningful .

  27. 伴随近期美国金融危机的爆发,以及新型国家市场经济的快速崛起,利率市场化问题再次成为国内外金融领域关注的焦点。

    With the outbreak of the recent financial crisis in American and the rapid emergence of market economy in emerging countries , a study on interest rate liberalization has become the focus once again .

  28. 不同于国家的建立、生存和发展,国家的崛起是指一个国家成长为在世界上具有影响的至少能够主导一个地区的大国。

    Different from the establishment 、 subsistence 、 development of a country , rising of a country means that a country grows up to be a great power which at least plays a dominant role in an area and has worldwide influence .

  29. 欧洲复兴开发银行象征着冷战后的秩序,而金砖国家开发银行可能昭示着新兴国家在21世纪的崛起。

    While the EBRD symbolised the Post-Cold War order , the BRICs bank could showcase the 21st century rise of emerging states .

  30. 国家崛起是一个热门的话题,作者将国家的崛起理解为国家权力的增长和在国际体系中地位的上升,这也是本文的前提假设。

    The author defines the rise of powers as the increase of power and rise of the status in the international system , which is the premise of this dissertation .