
chǔ cánɡ shì
  • storeroom;larder
  1. 物理系把实验用品存放在一个储藏室里。

    The physics department keeps its laboratory supplies in a storeroom .

  2. 你们两个,搜储藏室!你,搜后面!

    You two , check the storeroom ! You , the back !

  3. 这种感觉与扎克伯格旧金山综合医院的治疗食品储藏室计划的信念相呼应,该计划已完成其试验阶段,并将继续扩展到全市的五家诊所。

    That feeling echoes the beliefs of the Therapeutic Food Pantry program at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital , which completed its pilot phase and is about to expand on an ongoing basis to five clinic sites throughout the city .

  4. 但是,他们不满足于自己的劳动所得,总是盯着邻居的水果和庄稼羡慕不已,只要一有机会,他们就会偷邻居的食物,放在自己的储藏室。

    But , not content with the results of their own work , they were always eating longing1 eyes upon the crops and fruits of their neighbours , which they stole , whenever they got the chance , and added to their own store .

  5. n.储藏室你可以到储藏室看看碳粉匣有没有剩。

    stockroom You can walk to the stockroom to see if there 's any toner cartridge left .

  6. 妙极了,kirsten把自己锁在储藏室里。

    Fantastic . kirsten 's locked herself in her closet .

  7. Gojee利用数据的方式是,与超市的优惠卡建立联系,了解顾客所购买商品的种类,并运用他们冰箱或食品储藏室里的食材量身定制网站所展示的菜谱。

    Gojee makes use of data by linking up with supermarket loyalty cards to learn which items have been purchased , customizing recipes it displays by what ingredients are actually in the fridge or pantry .

  8. 你要找到去储藏室的路。

    You 'll have to find your way to the vault .

  9. 国际太空站正在建设另外一个储藏室。

    The International Space Station is getting an extra storage room .

  10. 我在储藏室里找到了一箱你以前的东西。

    I found a box of your stuff in your closet .

  11. 她正在储藏室里找她的长统袜。

    She is looking for her stockings in the storage room .

  12. 也许是旅馆老板把箱子搬到储藏室了。

    Perhaps the landlord had moved the suitcase to a store-room .

  13. 我连储藏室在哪里都不清楚。

    I still don 't know where the supply closets are .

  14. 或是办公室,居住空间和安全储藏室。

    or an office , a living space and secure storage .

  15. 在旅馆的储藏室里发现了走私货。

    Contraband goods were found in the storehouse of the hotel .

  16. 仓鼠家族在地下有专门的食物储藏室来放置大量储备

    Underground the family has special food chambers to store the bounty

  17. 他从来没有放心地把储藏室的钥匙给过乔布斯。

    He never trusted Jobs with a key to the stockroom .

  18. 什么意思剩下的在储藏室吗

    What do you mean ? Is the rest in storage ?

  19. 我可以用对面那间储藏室。

    Because I could use the walk-in across the hall .

  20. 现在储藏室入口房门也上了锁。

    The vault access room is locked now , too .

  21. 理查兹太太急忙躺进楼梯下那间小小的储藏室。

    Mrs. Richards quickly hid in the small store-room under the stairs .

  22. 我没有要开你的储藏室,我发誓。

    I wasn 't trying to open your cioset , I swear .

  23. 十分钟后她拿着油漆,从储藏室又出来了。

    Ten minutes later she reappeared from the storeroom holding the paint .

  24. 比利勉勉强强地钻过了食品储藏室的窗户。

    Billy just managed to scrape through the larder window .

  25. 储藏室塞满了家具.树叶把阴沟塞住了.

    The storeroom was choked with furniture . Leaves choked the drain .

  26. 储藏室里应该还有备用油桶

    I think there 's a spare can in the store room .

  27. 花栗鼠要来回几百次往返它们的储藏室。

    Chipmunks make hundreds of trips backwards and forwards to their pantry .

  28. 同时,无人认领的尸体在冷冻储藏室堆放。

    Meanwhile , the unclaimed bodies piled up in refrigerated storage rooms .

  29. 我搞不懂她为什么让储藏室女仆来做这个。

    Makes the still room maid do it beats me .

  30. 储藏室里面有一副园艺手套

    Inside the shed , there 's a pair of gardening gloves .