
xiǎn xiàn
  • appear;show;emerge;manifest;come through;exude;manifest oneself;reveal oneself
显现 [xiǎn xiàn]
  • [appear;show;manifest oneself;reveal oneself] 显露,露面

显现[xiǎn xiàn]
  1. Internet分布广泛、开放性等特点使它能够提供比传统电信网更丰富的业务特征,特征交互问题也随之显现出来。

    Internet is widely distributed and open , which makes it can provide more and better services than the traditional telecommunication network , and feature interaction issues appear .

  2. 随着加入WTO以后中国对外贸易的发展,特别保障措施的弊端越来越明显地显现出来,并且给我国带来了危害。

    With the development of foreign trade of China after entering WTO , the disadvantages of Transitional Product - specific Safeguard Mechanism appear more clearly .

  3. 十天后,这种病的症状显现出来。

    The symptoms of the disease manifested themselves ten days later .

  4. 那躯体冰凉,显现不出有生命的迹象。

    The body was cold and showed no signs of life .

  5. 这次会议只是显现了该党内部的分歧。

    The conference merely pointed up divisions in the party .

  6. 在低潮时数英里的沙滩就会显现出来。

    Miles of sand are exposed at low tide .

  7. 新的秩序似乎正在显现。

    A new order seems to be emerging .

  8. 她显现出了忧郁症的典型症状。

    She displayed the classic symptoms of depression .

  9. 这种传染病在世界范围内的重大影响还未完全显现。

    The major impact of this epidemic worldwide is yet to come

  10. 道路安全方案在道路使用者身上逐渐显现出明显的效果。

    The road safety programme is having a demonstrable effect on road users

  11. 今年夏天又显现出了罢工的势头。

    The threat of strikes reared its head again this summer

  12. 他的幽默感开始再次显现。

    His sense of humour was beginning to reassert itself .

  13. 经济复苏的迹象刚刚开始显现。

    The signs of an economic revival are only just beginning

  14. 为什么上帝以男性之身显现呢?

    Why should God become incarnate as a male ?

  15. 经济衰退的最初迹象开始显现出来。

    The first signs of economic decline became visible .

  16. 这些悲剧性事件造成的后果即刻显现。

    These tragic incidents have had an immediate effect

  17. 吃鱼的好处要长期才能显现。

    The benefits from eating fish are cumulative .

  18. 研究发现一些酗酒者在童年早期就显现出鲜明的人格特征。

    The study found that some alcoholics had clear personality traits showing up early in childhood

  19. 绥靖政策的恶果已经显现出来了。

    Appeasement has come home to roost

  20. 该市的问题是正在全国蔓延的危机的征兆显现。

    The city 's problems are symptomatic of the crisis that is spreading throughout the country .

  21. 他感谢上帝,因为上帝在自作聪明的人面前自行隐匿,在心地纯洁的人面前则显现神迹。

    He thanked God for concealing Himself from the wise and revealing Himself to the simple .

  22. 可能正导致地球变暖的那些气体,其主要影响将在多年后显现。

    The gases that may be warming the planet will have their main effect many years hence .

  23. 休是英国新一代的女子壁球运动员,她们的影响正在显现出来。

    Sue is one of the new breed of British women squash players who are making a real impact

  24. 周二是周末3天假期后的第一个工作日,到那时效果才会完全显现出来。

    The full effect will not be apparent until Tuesday , the first working day after the three day holiday weekend .

  25. 望远镜把许多遥远的星球显现在我们的眼前。

    The telescope reveals many distant stars to our sight .

  26. 雾气逐渐消失,重叠的山峦一层一层地显现出来。

    As the mist lifted , the mountains revealed themselves range upon range .

  27. 猎猫的眼睛在灯光的反射下显现出绿色。

    The eyes of a hunting cat flashed green in reflection of the lights .

  28. 乐观主义仍然是正确的出发点,但对工人来说,技术的错位效应可能会比其节奏更快地显现出来。

    Optimism remains the right starting-point , but for workers the dislocating effects of technology may make themselves evident faster than its rhythm .

  29. 重新思考是必须的——当新途径显现的时候,两个新点子就会脱颖而出。

    A rethink is required — and as a new approach starts to become apparent , two ideas stand out .

  30. 今年是她显现的九十周年纪念

    And this year occurs the 90th anniversary of these apparitions .