
  • 网络display memory;vram
  1. VFD驱动芯片的显示存储器的设计

    Design of Display Memory in a VFD Drive Chip

  2. 对芯片的显示存储器部分进行了深入的研究,给出了存储器的整体结构框图及几个重要组成部分的电路图;

    It discusses the components of display memory and offers their circuits .

  3. LCD控制器通常嵌入显示存储器用来储存需要显示的图形数据,支持硬件实现PIP+、旋转和镜像等显示功能,内部的二维图形加速引擎用来加速图形拷贝、移动、填充和颜色扩展等操作。

    SRAM is embedded for display buffer which stores the display data . Hardware rotation , mirror and PIP + functions are also supported . The 2D graphics accelerator is designed for accelerate the image move , copy , fill and color expansion .

  4. 分析了不同显示存储器的不同物理属性,以便更合理地分配和使用这些存储器。

    How to use different kinds of memory is studied based on their different physical attribute .

  5. 另外讨论了实现设计中总线宽度,多时钟设计,显示存储器仲裁逻辑,颜色扩展的实现等关键问题。

    Focuses are put on band-width design , techniques for multi-clock design , memory arbitration logic , and implement of color expansion .

  6. 当单片机输出数据改变时,可以看到由于显示存储器中的数据逐渐被替换,原有图像最后被完全改变。该结果表明,设计达到了预期要求。

    When MCU output data changed , the image on the screen was changed gradually , which indicates the project has achieved the anticipation .

  7. 该显示存储器使驱动芯片具有系统设计容易,潜在的故障少,工作速度快的特点。

    Display memory adopts eight transistors memory cell so that the driving chip has many char-acteristics such as faster speede 、 asier designl 、 ess latent trouble and so on .

  8. 左边四位或二位显示外部存储器或内部存储器地址,右边二位显示存储器中内容。

    Four or two shows left external memory or internal memory address , the right two display memory contents .

  9. 背景均衡算法以及直接对显示卡存储器操作的快速显示方法的研究。

    For example , the method of gray display , equalizing background algorithm and the quick display method by operating the memorizer of display card directly .

  10. 窗口机硬件系统主要由CAN总线通信接口、IC卡读写器、键盘、显示和存储器等功能模块组成,软件系统主要由窗口机初始化模块、窗口机监控模块、窗口机按键处理模块等组成。

    The hardware of POS machine is composed of communication interface circuit of CAN bus , IC card read / write device , keyboard circuit , display circuit and memory .

  11. 本文阐述了主控芯片的选择方法,对供电电压转换电路、按键显示、存储器、通信模块、控制和保护电路进行了具体介绍。

    This paper described the selection methods of the main control chip of the system . Make a concrete introduction of the power switch module , the keystroke and display module , the memory module , the communication module and control and protection circuit .

  12. 所述视力表显示装置、存储器、键盘分别与处理器相连。

    The display apparatus for a test-chart , the memory device and the keyboard are respectively connected with the processor .

  13. 介绍了系统的各模块电路,主要包括视频采集模块、视频显示模块、存储器扩展模块。

    Introduce the module circuit of the system , including the video capture module , the video display module , and extended memory module .

  14. 硬件部分主要包括键盘驱动电路、液晶显示电路、存储器接口电路、步进电机驱动电路、短路检测电路、电源掉电检测电路、脉冲电源。

    The part of hardware includes keyboard driver circuit , LCD display circuit , memory interface circuit , stepping motor drive circuit , short circuit detection circuit , power brown-out detection circuit , pulse power .

  15. 据资料显示,目前存储器市场要占整个半导体市场的35%,而静态存储器则占各种存储器总额的15%左右,并且随着技术的改进和工艺的进步,每年以10%的速度递增。

    It is said the memory shares the 35 % of the whole semiconductor market , and the SRAM is 15 % of the semiconductor memory sale . Further more , the SRAM market is increasing at the rate of 10 % each year .

  16. 以多线程技术设计系统的多任务管理平台,实现了标定系统与ECU之间的实时通信,保证了显示界面与ECU存储器数据动态刷新的同步性。

    The multi-task management platform was designed with multithread technology , which realized synchronization between real-time communication and dynamic refreshment of the interface .

  17. SDRAM作为雷达光栅显示视频帧缓冲存储器,通过FPGA器件实现对SDRAM的控制,已成功应用于一款雷达光栅显示终端。

    This article introduces that in a new design of radar raster-displaying terminal , SDRAM is used as video frame memory and FPGA is adopted to carry out the process of control circuit .

  18. 整个系统由微处理器、日历时钟芯片、程控增益放大器、中文液晶显示、大容量存储器、Usb及无线收发等器件组成,在分辨率为12位的情况下,采集速度最高可达200KHz。

    The system is composed of microcomputer , calendar chip , programmable gain amplifier , LCD , large memory , USB and wireless chip etc. Data acquisition rate can reach 200 KHz with the resolution of 12 bit .

  19. 找不到显示卡或者视频存储器损坏

    Video graphics device not found or video memory bad

  20. 此外,还完成了基于FPGA的显示控制器的设计和DDRSDRAM的显示存储器的应用,并详细给出了设计要点。

    Furthermore , the display controller based on FPGA , and the storage for display with DDR SDRAM are accomplished including technical details .

  21. 在分析液晶显示(LCD)控制器总体结构的基础上,阐述了用异步FIFO(先进先出)电路来解决显示存储器的并发访问和异步时钟域问题。

    On the basis of the analysis to the framework of liquid crystal display ( LCD ) controllers , a method to settle concurrent access of the display storage and asynchronous clock by asynchronous FIFO ( first in first out ) circuit was studied .