
  • 网络physical processor;ppu
  1. LUSocket能够通过物理处理器插槽进行许可。

    LU Socket enables licensing by physical processor socket .

  2. 所以,如果根据分配给CPU的周期来度量物理处理器的使用率,将不是十分精确的。

    Measuring physical processor utilization based on cycles allocated to the CPU would not be so accurate .

  3. 一个分区的CPU利用率,以物理处理器的数量为单位

    A partition 's CPU utilization in the units of number of physical processors

  4. Virtualprocessors告诉LPAR的操作系统它具有多少物理处理器。

    Virtual processors tell the LPAR 's OS how many physical processors it has .

  5. AME活动的CPU利用率,以物理处理器为单位

    The CPU utilization for AME activity in units of physical processors

  6. 在共享分区环境中,POWERHypervisor为共享分区调度和分配来自一组物理处理器的处理器权限。

    In a shared-partition environment , the POWER Hypervisor schedules and distributes processor entitlement to shared partitions from a set of physical processors .

  7. 这个固定限制是由ProcessingValueUnit(PrU)度量标识的(也可以看作物理处理器同等物)。

    This set limit is identified by the Processing Value Unit ( PrU ) metric ( which can also be thought of as physical processor equivalents ) .

  8. Minimumnumberofvirtualprocessors:分配给LPAR的每个物理处理器部分都必须至少有一个虚拟处理器。

    Minimum number of virtual processors : You must have at least one virtual processor for every part of a physical processor assigned to the LPAR .

  9. 此外,虚拟处理器的数量限制了某个LPAR所能使用的物理处理器数量。

    Also , the number of virtual processors limits how many physical processors an LPAR can use .

  10. 例如,如果您为某个LPAR提供两个虚拟处理器,那么即使Maximumprocessingunits大于2,它也无法使用两个以上的物理处理器。

    For example , if you give an LPAR two virtual processors , it cannot use more than two physical processors even though Maximum processing units is higher than two .

  11. 在过去,这个计算的分子(使用的CP时间)是随机的,而分母(可用的物理处理器资源)是静态的。

    Historically , this calculation had a random numerator ( CP seconds use ) divided by a static denominator ( physical processor resource available ) .

  12. 另一种度量叫做VirtualProcessorValueUnit(VP),表示(只用于capped分区)可共享的物理处理器数量,以得到PrU值。

    Another metric , called the Virtual Processor Value Unit ( VP ), represents ( for capped partitions only ) the number of physical processors that can be shared to attain the PrU value .

  13. HMC可以创建并存储逻辑分区配置文件,其中定义了分配给一个分区的物理处理器、内存和I/O资源。

    The HMC creates and stores logical partition profiles that define physical processors , memory , and I / O resources allocated to an individual partition .

  14. 解决方案必须是可伸缩的:IDocs的处理必须可以跨多个物理处理器分布。

    The solution must be scalable : The processing of the IDocs must be distributable across many physical processors .

  15. 在采用实模式访问内存时,物理处理器会将RMO寄存器的值与分区特定的实地址相加,以使得它能够引用物理内存中的实地址。

    Whenever memory is accessed in real mode , the physical processor adds the value of the RMO register to the partition 's specific real address so that it references a true address in the physical memory .

  16. 该物理处理器集合被称为共享处理器池。

    The physical processor set is called the shared processor pool .

  17. 它负责在特定的物理处理器中分配虚拟处理器。

    It is responsible for dispatching virtual processors on specific physical processors .

  18. 因此,每个物理处理器内核可提供两个虚拟处理器。

    As a result , two virtual processors represent each physical processor core .

  19. 所分配的这部分物理处理器称为虚拟处理器。

    This partial physical processor that is allocated is called a virtual processor .

  20. 物理处理器将负责处理这两个线程之间的同步问题。

    The physical processor takes care of synchronization issues between the two threads .

  21. 对于共享的分区类型,我们将所分配的物理处理器容量称为有权使用的容量。

    For shared partition types , the allocated physical processor capacity is called entitled capacity .

  22. 而在多个逻辑分区之间共享的物理处理器则称为共享的处理器。

    A physical processor shared across more than one logical partition is called a shared processor .

  23. 正如在逻辑分区部分中指出的一样,在准虚拟化中,将对物理处理器进行逻辑上的划分。

    As indicated in section on logical partitioning , physical processors are logically divided in para-virtualization .

  24. 其结果是,每个物理处理器内核将由两个虚拟处理器表示。

    The end result is that each physical processor core is represented by two virtual processors .

  25. 对于这些架构而言,客户基本上按照物理处理器或处理器上的内核来付款。

    Essentially , for these architectures , customers pay per physical processor versus the cores on the processor .

  26. 因此,物理处理器、内存和I/O可以分配给一个或多个分区。

    Thus , physical processors , memory , and I / O are divided among one or more partitions .

  27. 以物理处理器为单位的处理容量,可用于内存压缩活动。

    The amount of processing capacity in units of physical processors that would be used for memory compression activity .

  28. 每个虚拟处理器的容量可以从物理处理器的10%到整个物理处理器。

    Each virtual processor has capacity ranging from 10 percent of the physical processor up to the entire physical processor .

  29. 换句话说,在共享处理器模式中,对一个逻辑分区仅仅分配物理处理器的一部分。

    In other words , only a partial physical processor is allocated to a logical partition in shared processor mode .

  30. 可以由多个逻辑分区共享的一组物理处理器称为共享处理池。

    A group of physical processors that can be shared among multiple logical partitions is called a shared processing pool .