
wù jià ɡuǎn lǐ
  • price control
  1. 政府将先让经济膨胀,然后再实施物价管理。

    The government would inflate the economy and then put on price control .

  2. 物价管理部门可以对拍卖人处拍卖佣金一倍以上五倍以下的罚款。

    The price control authority may impose on the auctioneer a fine of not less than one time but not more than five times the amount of the commission for auction .

  3. 加强医院物价管理规范医疗收费行为

    Strengthen the hospital price supervision and standardize medical service charge behavior

  4. 黑市交易与高价销售盛行,物价管理局难以控制。

    Black-marketing and overcharging grew to proportions far beyond OPA policing capacity .

  5. 收取仲裁费用的办法,应当报物价管理部门核准。

    The methods for the collection of arbitration fees shall be submitted to the commodity prices administration department for approval .

  6. 从来不请求帮助作为回报,除了战争期间买黑市物价管理局糖优惠券的机会外。

    Never asking for a favor in return except for the chance to buy black-market OPA sugar coupons during the war .

  7. 中国负责经济政策的机构,国家发改委表示,物价管理机构可以进行调查,查处价格欺诈现象。

    The National Development and Reform Commission ( NDRC ), the country 's economic policy agency , said price regulators could investigate and punish price gouging .

  8. 第十五条广告业务代理费标准,由国家工商行政管理机关会同国家物价管理机关制定。

    Article 15 . Rates of fees to be charged for acting as agents in advertising business shall be fixed by state administrative departments for industry and commerce and those in charge of price control .

  9. 第十四条广告收费标准,由广告经营者制订,报当地工商行政管理机关和物价管理机关备案。

    Article 14 . Rates of charges for advertisements shall be fixed by advertising operators and reported to local administrative departments for industry and commerce and to those in charge of price control for the record .

  10. 合营企业的出口产品价格,由合营企业自行制定,报企业主管部门和物价管理部门备案。

    The prices of export products of a joint venture shall be set by the joint venture itself and shall be reported to the department in charge of the venture and the price control department for the record .

  11. 唐代市场管理制度的内容包括市场管理法律关系的主体,即市场行为主体与管理者,市场管理的内容,主要有商品的计量和质量管理、物价管理、市场秩序管理、中外贸易管理等。

    Market management system in Tang Dynasty consists of managers , the main body of legal market management , and content of market management including quantity and quality control of commodities , management of price , market order , domestic and international commercial intercourse .

  12. 最后总结全文,指出边区物价管理工作积累了物价管理经验、繁荣了边区市场、保障了战时最基本的军需与民生,具有重要的历史地位。

    The last one is to sum up the paper , point out that the work of commodity price management accumulated the experiences of commodity price management . It made the market prosperous provided the basic army need and people life . It plays a very important role in history .

  13. 介绍了应用UML对物价监测管理系统进行系统建模分析、设计及实现的具体过程,实证了UML对提高大型分布式应用系统的开发质量与开发效率的重要作用。

    This paper introduces the procedure for software modeling with UML , presents implement method in Price Inspection Management System using UML . It is proved that UML plays a important role in developing distributed system .

  14. 物价变动会计管理模式用于工程项目探析

    Price variation accounting management model used in financial estimate of project

  15. 在充分研究贵州省中小学校舍状况现场勘查资料的基础上,建立了基于投资强度、物价涨幅、管理水平和在校学生数四个方面共16个因素的动力学仿真模型。

    On the base of survey data for the school building conditions of primary and secondary schools in Guizhou province , this paper establishes a dynamics simulation model including 16 factors of investment , price level , management and number of students on school .

  16. 调控市场物价,严格物价管理;

    Regulating market prices , to have them to be controlled ;