
  1. 今年盗窃案比过去多好些。

    There have been many more burglaries this year .

  2. 你知道凶杀案比内部调查重要。

    You know homicide always supercedes internal investigations .

  3. 伊拉克的失踪案比任何国家都多。据报道,在过去的十年中有千上万的人失踪。

    Iraq has more forced disappearance cases than any other country , tens of thousands of people reported missing in the past decade .

  4. 但是他说,即使是折衷案也比没有任何协议要好。该自愿性质的协议敦促主要的污染大国进一步减少温室气体排放量。

    But he said the was better than nothing . The voluntary agreement urges major polluters to make deeper cuts in the release of greenhouse gases .

  5. 但你的州的人均谋杀案率不是比其它州要高吗?州长先生。

    B-But hasn 't your state had more murders per capita than any other state , Mr. Governor ?

  6. 这项修正案以203票比106票遭到否决。

    The amendment was rejected by 203 to 106 .

  7. 但是,我的确认为这暗示出通过这桩并购案,公司可能比我们想像的实现更重大的转型。

    J.'However , I do think it is indicative of a deal that may be more transformational than we know .

  8. 一名要求匿名的苹果高管表示,苹果在加州案中的论据比纽约案更加站得住脚。

    A senior Apple executive , speaking on a background basis , claimed the company had even stronger arguments on its side in California .