
àn jiàn
  • case;legal case;law case;cases at law court
案件 [àn jiàn]
  • [cases at law court] 有关诉讼或违法的事件

  • 刑事案件

案件[àn jiàn]
  1. 无关紧要的,尤其是对于法律案件。

    Of no importance or relevance especially to a law case .

  2. 证据是案件的生命,是案件的灵魂。

    Evidence is the life and the soul of law case .

  3. 警方正在档案中查阅类似案件。

    The police are trawling through their files for similar cases .

  4. 她只给我介绍了这个案件的一些基本情况。

    She gave me only the bare facts of the case .

  5. 这起诉讼案件将严重损害我的生意。

    The court case will do serious harm to my business .

  6. 他被指控把与案件有关的文件用碎纸机销毁了。

    He was accused of shredding documents relating to the case .

  7. 警方目前正在调查这起案件。

    The crime is presently being investigated by the police .

  8. 以往的法律案件没有哪一宗可与此案类比。

    There are no analogies with any previous legal cases .

  9. 她向他提供了与案件有关的事实。

    She furnished him with the facts surrounding the case .

  10. 这宗案件引起了对整个法律宗旨的怀疑。

    This case brings into question the whole purpose of the law .

  11. 法庭下周将对本案件作出裁决。

    The court will make its ruling on the case next week .

  12. 报警案件的数量正在以惊人的速度增长。

    The number of reported crimes is increasing at an alarming rate .

  13. 这个诉讼案件一直萦系在我的心头。

    The court case was constantly in the forefront of my mind .

  14. 案件转到了上一级法院。

    The case was referred to a higher court .

  15. 指控欺诈的案件应遵循本诉讼程序。

    This procedure should be followed in cases where dishonesty has been alleged .

  16. 这案件将由陪审团裁决。

    The case will be decided by a jury .

  17. 这桩案件已交由另一法院审理。

    The case was reassigned to a different court .

  18. 这个案件原本是否应该审判还是个问题。

    It is arguable whether the case should have ever gone to trial .

  19. 必须承认不同的法官会采用不同的方法来判定这些案件。

    It must be conceded that different judges have different approaches to these cases .

  20. 她把案件提交特别法庭审理。

    She took her case to a tribunal .

  21. 所有涉及儿童的案件均由儿童特别法庭审理。

    All cases concerning children are dealt with in a special children 's court .

  22. 这两桩案件极有可能互相关联。

    The two cases are most probably connected .

  23. 侦探认为这起入室盗窃案与去年此地区一类似案件有关。

    Detectives have linked the break-in to a similar crime in the area last year .

  24. 这个案件不属于我的管辖范围。

    This case falls outside my jurisdiction .

  25. 很多恐吓案件都没有人告发。

    Many cases of bullying go unreported .

  26. 此案件最终作出无罪判决。

    The case resulted in an acquittal .

  27. 尚有九宗案件待决。

    Nine cases are still pending .

  28. 这一案件被发回法官处重新审理。

    The matter was remitted to the justices for a rehearing .

  29. 该案件将移交上诉法院审理。

    The case is being referred to the Court of Appeal .

  30. 他的证词是这宗公诉案件中的一个重要因素。

    His testimony was an important element of the Prosecution case