
àn lì yán jiū fǎ
  • case study method
  1. 第二,数据和案例研究法。

    Second , data and case study method .

  2. 运用案例研究法,是理论联系实际的良好途径。

    Using case study method is a good way of integrating theory with practice .

  3. 案例研究法:分析现有数字化学习港,借鉴他们的开发思路及开发技巧。

    Analysis existing digital learning harbor , learn their development skills ideas .

  4. 本文以案例研究法为主,逻辑推理为辅。

    The dissertation employs case study with a logical reasoning as the method .

  5. 本研究采用了文献法、调查法、理论研究法、案例研究法。

    This study adopts literature , questionnaire , the theoretical research , case .

  6. 我相信,最接近现实的教学方法就是案例研究法。

    The closest we come , I believe , is the case study method .

  7. 本课题采用了问卷调查法、文献研究法、案例研究法和行动研究法等研究方法对分层教学进行了研究。

    This topic uses questionnaire survey , literature research , case study and action research method .

  8. 定性研究部分本文采用的是案例研究法,选取中国网络零售行业的领先企业淘宝网为案例研究样本,通过典型案例的研究代表行业概况。

    Taobao was chosen as the case study sample which is the leading online retail company in China .

  9. 案例研究法是中国可持续发展教育理论和实践研究的重要方法;

    We should consider case-study method as a important method of studying education for sustainable development hi china .

  10. 值得强调的是,在本文的经验研究部分重点运用案例研究法来剖析农村非正规金融发展中各类经典问题。

    It was worth emphasizing that this dissertation used case studies to focus on classical problems of rural finance development .

  11. 方法本研究采用文献回顾分析法、实地和通信调查法、案例研究法。

    Methods Documents review analysis , investigation of communication and on the spot , case analysis were used in this research .

  12. 同时,采用案例研究法,分析总结国外发达国家的商业银行在个人理财方面的特征。

    At the same time , this article uses case studies , analyzes the characteristics of PFS in foreign commercial banks .

  13. 在论证的过程中,主要运用文献研究法、调查研究法以及案例研究法。

    In the process of proving , literature research , investigation studies , as well as case studies have been frequently used .

  14. 本论文采用了案例研究法、文献资料法、比较研究法的方法对非法吸收公众存款罪名进行了研究。

    This paper uses the case study method , literature method , comparative study of illegal absorbing public deposits crime were studied .

  15. 本课题主要采用比较研究法、案例研究法、法律解释学研究法等方法对婚内共同财产分割的法律依据进行研究。

    In this paper , I use comparison methods , case methods and legal hermeneutics research methods of legal interpretation to study the subject .

  16. 案例研究法:本研究选择湖北省新华医院为主要调研现场,作为典型案例进行深入研究。

    Case study : This research chooses the Hubei Province Xinhua Hospital as the main investigation and study scene to conduct the deep research .

  17. 本文采用文献研究法和案例研究法对中小学校园突发安全事件应急预案的文本进行研究,本研究对中小学安全管理和中小学校园应急管理的改进和完善都有着一定的意义。

    The author surveys the text of emergency plan about campus safety emergency in primary and middle school through literature research and case study .

  18. 本文运用了调查法、案例研究法、文献法等科学研究的方法分析了阻碍双语教育发展的因素。

    By a case study , survey , and literature study the author analyzes the causes of the barriers of bilingual education development in China .

  19. 采用定性研究与定量研究相结合的方法并结合案例研究法进行可行性分析。

    Adopt a method which combining qualitative and quantitative research to analyze the feasibility , and a cases research method was also adopted . 2 .

  20. 本文主要采用案例研究法、文献综述法、定量分析法和定性分析法等管理研究方法进行研究。

    In this paper , this paper mainly employs the research methods of case study , literature review , quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis among others .

  21. 第三章提出教师实践性知识的发展策略,在文献研究的基础上,结合案例研究法,力求使研究更加形象、深刻。

    Practical knowledge for the development of strategic studies in the literature study , based on the combination of case study method , to make research more image depth .

  22. 文章共分为六章,以第六章为重点,第三章、第四章和第五章为次重点,主要采用文献法、调查法、比较法和案例研究法等进行研究。

    The whole paper is reported in Six chapters , of which chapter Six is the focal point and chapter three , four and five are the secondly focal points .

  23. 本文试图将这几部分内容融合起来,形成一个系统的理论框架,并且采用文献资料和案例研究法,使自己的研究更有说服力。

    This article attempts to integrate the contents of these sections and to form a systematic and theoretical framework , using literature data and case study to make the research more persuasive .

  24. 据此,笔者设计了论文的研究内容和思路,并针对不同研究内容选择了相应的研究方法,包括比较研究法、案例研究法和实地研究法。

    Accordingly , the author designed the content and ideas of the research . Selected appropriate research methods are comparative study , case study and field study , which used for different purposes .

  25. 为了弥补这些不足,完善融合机制,文章采用文献分析法与案例研究法相结合,选择了产业融合的视角。

    In order to make up for these deficiencies and improve the mechanism of convergence , the thesis adopts document analysis method and case study method and selects the angle of industrial convergence .

  26. 案例研究法是社会科学研究中广泛使用的一种研究方法,然而,对于什么是案例研究以及案例研究的学术规范、如何进行案例研究设计,国内外学者有不同的看法。

    But , what is case study and what are its academic standards ? How to design a good case study plan ? There are some different opinions among Chinese and foreign scholars .

  27. 论文通过文献分析法、案例研究法等方法对国内外的网格技术应用进行了分析,总结其优缺点。

    It can be described by XML ( Extensible Markup Language ) . The paper analyzes the grid applications at home and abroad by document analysis and case study method , summarizes their advantages and disadvantages .

  28. 在对中式快餐的创业管理中,本文不仅运用上述前沿创业理论,而且运用系统研究法、比较研究法、案例研究法、标杆研究法等多种研究方法。

    Focusing on the entrepreneurship of Chinese fast food , the article not only uses new theories , but also uses many methods , including system research , comparison research , case research and so on .

  29. 整个研究采用了文献法、调查法、案例研究法和准实验研究法,在把握科学学科特点和双语教学理论的基础上,编制调查问卷,设计双语教案并实施教学,进行准实验研究。

    On the basis of grasping the characteristics of science and bilingual teaching theory , we carry out the quasi-experimental study with the preparation of the questionnaire and the design and implementation of bilingual teaching plan .

  30. 论文运用文献搜索法、案例研究法对铁路信息化项目范围变更的分类、管理中存在的问题、控制体系及控制措施进行了探索和研究。

    The paper make use of literature search , case studies of railway information on the scope of the project to change the classification , management problems , control system and control measures carried out exploration and research .