
  • 网络Nature of the case;character of case
  1. 根据DSU的规定,只需要满足以下两点要求,便能向WTO提起诉讼:第一,属于DSU所管辖的协定范围;第二,属于DSU所管辖的案件性质。

    According to the provisions of DSU , only need to meet the following two requirements , can bring a lawsuit to a WTO : first , the scope of the jurisdiction agreement belongs to DSU ; second , under the jurisdiction of the nature of the case of DSU .

  2. 利用颅脑损伤特征确定案件性质3例

    Determination of the Case Characteristics of Brain Injury in Three Cases

  3. 判明案件性质是刑事侦查的一项重要任务。

    Ascertaining case quality is an important job of criminal investigation .

  4. 本部分包含案件性质认定和举证责任分配两个方面的内容。

    This part contains thesis content about the cognizance of case nature and the distribution of the burden of proof .

  5. 从不同主体和不移交刑事案件性质的不同剖析了本罪与其他相关犯罪的区别。

    It is analyzed that the differences between this crime and other related crimes lie in different subjects and natures of criminal cases not turned over .

  6. 它能为确定案件性质、提供破案线索、印证其他证据、话者同一认定起到重要或决定性作用。

    It plays a vital role in determination of case nature , providing the investigation clue , verifying the identical recognition of other evidence and the speech .

  7. 根据案件性质,可将庭审会话分为三类:民事审判会话、刑事审判会话和行政审判会话。

    Based on the nature of legal cases , court trial conversation can be subdivided into three categories , namely , civil trial conversation , criminal trial conversation and administrative conversation .

  8. 西方主要国家一般都根据案件性质的不同设置了盖然性占优势、高度盖然性及排除合理怀疑等多元的证明标准。

    Major western countries have laid down , according to the nature of lawsuits , a multi-factor testimony standard that covers probability advantage , high probability and elimination of reasonable suspicion .

  9. 这一方面受制于现有的法律体系,如对诉讼主体的限制,案件性质的限制以及审判力量的不足。

    This regard is subject to the existing legal system , such as the subject of proceedings , the restrictions of the nature of the case as well as the trial for lack of strength .

  10. 刑事司法实践中,司法会计在侦查、审查起诉及审判阶段的应用,为案件性质的确认以及刑事责任的划分提供了技术保障。

    Judicial accounting can be used to realize the control function to the case in the criminal procedures including investigation , prosecute and trial , which takes technology guarantee for defining the nature of case and dividing the criminal responsibility .

  11. 其三,作为广义上刑事简易程序组成部分的刑事审前程序的简化较之民事审前程序的简化复杂。主要原因是案件性质不同造成的审前程序的巨大差别。

    Thirdly , as part of criminal summary procedure in a broad sense , the simplification of criminal pretrial procedure is more complicated than that of civil pretrial procedure , mainly because different nature between cases causes the tremendous difference in pretrial procedure .

  12. 针对上述存在的问题,及时完善相应立法、明确案件性质并确定当事人主体资格,对于解决此类纠纷、稳定农村社会经济秩序意义重大。

    In order to solve the above issues and stabilize the rural economic order , measures can be taken as follows : improving the relevant laws , ascertaining tile nature of law suit and confirming the qualification of the main body of the party concerned .

  13. 而且合同诈骗罪与民事合同欺诈及诈骗罪在客观行为上具有很多相同点,在区分上给司法实践人员带来很大的争议,最终影响案件性质的认定。

    But the crime of contract fraud and civil contract fraud and crime of fraud in the objective behavior have many of the same points , in distinction to the judicial practice officers of great controversy , ultimately affect the nature of the case that .

  14. 本章第一节从证明主体差异、证明性质差异、证明对象差异和案件性质差异四个角度论证了刑事证明标准具有层次性,又进一步阐述了两大法系刑事证明标准的层次性。

    Section I of this chapter demonstrated the inherent level of standard of criminal proof from four aspects : the difference in object of proof , the difference in nature of proof , the difference in object of proof and the difference in nature of case .

  15. 铁路五类典型案件行为性质的探讨

    A Probe into the Nature of Five Typical Cases on Railway

  16. 行政诉讼与刑事诉讼的区别(1)、案件的性质不同。

    Difference in the nature of the cases .

  17. 根据案件的性质情况,要逐级向上级领导汇报。

    According to the nature of the case , attached to reporting to higher authorities .

  18. 其次,实体要件事实可以依案件的性质采用弹性证明标准。

    The second , the important facts in entity can be decided to elastic standard accord the character of the case .

  19. 有些案件因为性质极其恶劣、后果非常严重,成为全社会关注的焦点。

    Some cases become the focus of attention of the society , because the nature is very bad , and the consequences are serious .

  20. 运用选言推理有助于判定案件的性质,缩小侦查的范围,证明侦查假设。

    The application of disjunctive syllogism contributes to the judgment of the nature of a case , reduction of investigation areas , and proof of investigation suppositions .

  21. 由哪类主体优先提起民事公益诉讼应遵循能最佳保护公共利益的原则,根据案件的性质而定。

    By the types of the main priority should be to sue in public interest litigation can best protect the public interest to follow the principle , according to the nature of the case .

  22. 实体性的处分权是指,在诉讼活动中,检察机关可以对案件的性质和结局,以及对案件有关当事人行为性质的认定及处理作出最终决定的权力。

    Substantive disposition power means that procuratorial organ have the final decision power on the nature and outcome of some cases , and on the determination of the nature of the litigant 's behaviour and the disposition of the litigant in lawsuit proceeding .

  23. 审判委员会审理的案件在性质上大都是重大或者疑难案件以及合议庭有重大分歧的案件,所以对其程序的正当性和实体的公正性要求更高。

    The judicial committee is the highest judicial organization of the court . From the aspect of the nature of the cases , its proceedings are usually major and difficult cases . Thus we need a demanding legitimacy and justice of its procedures and entities .

  24. 首先,从客观的角度分析了矿产资源的归属问题、案件的性质问题以及《采矿许可证》是否应该撤销的问题。这三者均是该案件以后的处理方式及结果的先决条件。

    First of all , analyzes the ownership of mineral resources , the nature of the case , and whether the " mining licenses " should be withdrawn or not on an objective point , which are the prerequisites for the cases after treatment and results .

  25. 即:根据案件的不同性质适用的有所差别的证明标准,对实体法事实和程序法事实实行有差别的证明标准,控方对非法取证的证明标准应达到排除合理怀疑。

    Namely : the cases according to the different nature of the different applicable standard of proof , the substantive law and procedure law in fact adopt different standards of proof , the prosecution for illegal evidence standard of proof should be " beyond a reasonable doubt " .

  26. 结果归类分析显示:本组资料,刑事案件当事人的涉案性质,抢劫、抢夺的占72.10%;

    Results The analysis showed : ( 1 ) 72.10 % cases were of plundering and robbing type .

  27. 第三,法院在审理保全案件时可根据案件性质决定采取一面审理方式抑或对审审理方式。

    Thirdly , the trial mode adopted is one-sided participation or confrontation , is subject to the nature of preservation cases .

  28. 刑事案件与民事案件在案件性质、诉讼程序、适用法律和法律后果等方面都是截然不同的。

    There are great differences between civil case and criminal case in case nature , lawsuit procedure , the appropriate law , the effect of law and so on .

  29. 暂缓起诉,是指检察院对于应当起诉的犯罪案件,根据案件的自身的性质,对于符合法定条件的案件,在一定期限内,附条件暂缓不起诉的一种起诉裁量制度。

    Suspension of prosecution means that regarding the crime case which must sue , the procuratorate conforms to the legal condition and case own nature , decides not to sue during certain period .

  30. 香港标准水务案件与SEC起诉四大家的案件在性质上基本上相同,而且可能会在香港市场引发危机。

    The Hong Kong proceedings ares virtually identical to the SEC allegations against the big four , and may create a crisis in the Hong Kong markets .