
xùn sī wánɡ fǎ zuì
  • crime of bending the law to serve one's personal considerations for favoritism
  1. 从客观主义的立场探讨徇私枉法罪主体

    Crime Subject of Engaging in Self-seeking Misconduct in Objectivism

  2. 徇私枉法罪的司法认定&以一起案例的实证分析为视角

    Analysis on crime of engaging in self-seeking misconduct & The empirical analysis on the case

  3. 关于徇私枉法罪罪名存在的问题

    Problems about the Judicial Crime

  4. 如果说刑事司法是社会正义的保障,那么徇私枉法罪的设定就是该“保障”的保障。

    Criminal law guarantees social justice , and we enacts this crime as the guarantee of the before-mentioned guarantee .

  5. 本文从四个方面入手,第一部分阐述了徇私枉法罪的历史演变与国外的立法情况。

    The first part discusses the historical evolution and the crime of bending the law the legislation on foreign .

  6. 徇私枉法罪原案两个问题的探讨

    Discussing on Two Problems of the Original Crime Case of Bending the Law to Serve One 's Friends or Relations

  7. 徇私枉法罪是典型的司法工作人员渎职犯罪。

    The crime of bending the law for self-seeding is the judicial staff malfeasance of ceremony punishment commit a crime .

  8. 徇私枉法罪是典型的渎职犯罪,其重要性不言而喻。

    The crime of bending the law for selfish ends is the typical type of official misconduct . It is so important that we must finger out .

  9. 本文的第三部分则阐述了徇私枉法罪在司法实践中的司法认定问题,对一些司法实践问题进行了初步的探讨。

    The third part of this article described the crime in the judicial practice of favoritism in the judicial determination problem , issues of judicial practice on some preliminary discussion .

  10. 根据犯罪构成的理论以及《刑法》规定,对徇私枉法罪的四个方面的构成要件所存在的争议疑难问题逐一进行分析。

    Based on the criminal theory and the rules of , the essay analyses the difficult problem about the four main factors of bending the law for the benefit of relafives .

  11. 徇私枉法罪作为我国现行刑法渎职罪中的重要罪名之一,在捍卫司法公正方面起到了重要作用。

    Perversion of the criminal law for selfish motives is the important charge of the malfeasance in the criminal law , and it plays an important part in upholding justness of judicature .

  12. 分别是徇私枉法罪、徇私舞弊不移交刑事案件罪、放纵走私罪、放纵制售伪劣商品犯罪行为罪和帮助犯罪分子逃避处罚罪。这五种罪名均属徇私舞弊型犯罪。

    They are abusing law , no transferring the crime of criminal cases with corruption , indulging smuggling , indulgence of manufacturing and selling shoddy goods crimes and the crime of help criminals escape punishment which all belongs to corruption .

  13. 徇私枉法罪作为一种严重的职务犯罪,其犯罪主体具有极大地特殊性,实施枉法追诉或者枉法裁判的行为,往往会激化社会矛盾,不利于社会的稳定与发展。

    Favoritism as a serious crime of crimes committed , the subject of crime has greatly particularity , prosecution capricious and arbitrary implementation of bending the law , tend to intensify social contradictions . Not conducive to social stability and development .

  14. 徇私枉法罪是一种行为犯,只要实施了枉法行为,即可构成既遂,不存在未遂的情形。

    The Crime of Bending the Law for Selfish Ends is an act of crime committed , which means , as long as the act of breaking the law is implemented , the crime is completed and no criminal attempt exists .

  15. 关于徇私枉法罪的主体,本文认为司法机关的书记员,监管人员以及后勤人员如果承担相应的职责之外,还负有协助司法机关侦查犯罪活动的职责,就可能成为徇私枉法罪的主体。

    In the subject of the crime of bending the law , in my opinion , expect that court clerk , regulators and logistics should undertake the corresponding responsibility of themselves , they also should assist judicial offices to investigate criminal activities .

  16. 对徇私枉法罪原案的有罪理解及其管辖权的归属问题不仅在理论界存在较大争议,而且在司法实践中认定不一,直接影响了本罪的司法适用。

    The cause of being guilt in the original crime case of bending the law to serve one 's friends or relations and the jurisdiction over it is controversial both in theoretical circle and judicial practice . This brings direct effect on the application of the crime .