
  1. 论招收公务员、学生徇私舞弊罪云南天文台学位研究生的招收培养

    On the Crime of Malpractice in Recruitment The Status of the Graduate Students at Yunnan Observatory

  2. 徇私舞弊罪在我国刑法中的变化具有典型意义,它反映了当代中国刑法历史发展的某些特点。

    Abstract The change of legislation on malpractice in China is typically significant in that it reflects some characteristics of the development of contemporary Chinese criminal law .

  3. 其三,从徇私舞弊犯滥用职权罪的构成、滥用职权罪的罪数认定、滥用职权罪与玩忽职守罪的界定三个方面对滥用职权罪的司法认定进行了具体论述。

    Thirdly , deliberate discussion on the judicial cognizance of crime of abusing power is to be carried out from three aspects : the constitution of crime of abusing power , the cognizance of crime of abusing power and the definition of crime of abusing power and misprision crime .