
jù é cái chǎn lái yuán bù mínɡ zuì
  • crime of holding a huge amount of property with unidentified sources
  1. 巨额财产来源不明罪的学理探析

    Crime of Holding A Huge Amount of Property with Unidentified Sources

  2. 客观归罪是巨额财产来源不明罪存在的最大问题,矛盾也由此而生。

    The inculpation in objectivity is the most contradictory problem which exist in the crime of holding a huge amount of property with unidentified sources .

  3. 巨额财产来源不明罪法条评判与重构

    The Concerning Arguments or Reconstruction of the Crime of Huge Unidentified Property

  4. 浅议巨额财产来源不明罪之刑罚不当

    On the Punishment of the Crime of Enormous Property without Legal Sources

  5. 论巨额财产来源不明罪的犯罪构成

    Constitution of Crime of Possessing Enormous Properties from Unidentified Sources

  6. 贿赂行为推定的证据适用规则之再思考&兼与巨额财产来源不明罪比较

    Rethinking about the Rule of Evidence of Crime of Bribery with Presumption

  7. 具体包括三个方面的内容:第一,关于巨额财产来源不明罪是否属于有罪推定的问题。

    In this part , it include three aspects .

  8. 进一步完善巨额财产来源不明罪的立法设计。

    Improve the legislation design of the crime of the huge skeptical property .

  9. 巨额财产来源不明罪犯罪构成及罪名研究

    Capital structure ; On the crime of unidentified fortune

  10. 论犯罪客体的科学定位关于“巨额财产来源不明罪”的几点思考

    On Specific Object Thoughts about Unknown Origin of Misdeed Committed in Big Property

  11. 巨大金额,巨大数额巨额财产来源不明罪的现实反思与理性回归

    Significant amount The crime huge property 's unclear source and realistic rational regression

  12. 简述巨额财产来源不明罪的几个问题

    Discussing on some problems of Mint Property Source Ambiguity

  13. 从腐败大案看巨额财产来源不明罪

    Views on crime of vague source of huge property from major corruption cases

  14. 巨额财产来源不明罪的若干思考

    Thoughts on the Offence of the Unknown Source of a Huge Amount of Wealth

  15. 提高巨额财产来源不明罪的量刑档次;惩罚性损害赔偿制度研究

    To increase the punishment ; On Punitive Damages

  16. 巨额财产来源不明罪研究

    Study on the Crime of Huge Unidentified Property

  17. 巨额财产来源不明罪的是与非

    The Rights and Wrongs Concerning the Crime of Possessing Enormous Property from Unknown Sources

  18. 扩大巨额财产来源不明罪的主体;

    To extend the subject of the crime ;

  19. 试论巨额财产来源不明罪的证明责任问题

    On the Issue of Burn of Proof of the Crime of Huge Unidentified Property

  20. 巨额财产来源不明罪的缺陷与立法替代

    The Defect of the Offence of Huge Sum of Unknown Property and Its Lawmaking Substitution

  21. 第二章分析了巨额财产来源不明罪的犯罪构成。

    Chapter two analyzed the crime constitution .

  22. 巨额财产来源不明罪量刑畸轻的危害

    Harm of Too Minor Measurement of Penalty for the Crime of Unclear Source of Huge Property

  23. 巨额财产来源不明罪的逻辑辨析与重构建议

    Logical Analysis and Some Suggestions on the Judgment of Crimes of Huge Property with Ambiguous Source

  24. 刑事程序视野中的巨额财产来源不明罪

    Looking at the Crime of Holding Huge Amount of Assets from Unknown Sources in Criminal Procedure

  25. 论巨额财产来源不明罪及其更替

    On " the Crime of Huge Amount of Property of Obscure Origin " and Its Replacement

  26. 第三章,对国外巨额财产来源不明罪的立法进行比较研究。

    The third chapter , the huge foreign property from unidentified sources comparative study of legislation .

  27. 巨额财产来源不明罪在司法认定中的难点与完善

    Difficulties and Improvement of Judicial Identification of the Crime of Possessing Enormous Properties from Unidentified Sources

  28. 阐述了我国关于巨额财产来源不明罪的立法沿革和司法解释。

    Expound the legislative evolution and judicial explanation about the unclear huge property crime in our country .

  29. 我国惩治巨额财产来源不明罪的现实困境与出路

    The Realistic Difficult Position and Outlet in Punishing the Crime of Huge Unidentified Property in Our Country

  30. 二是以司法机关的正常活动作为客体,能够展露巨额财产来源不明罪之犯罪行为的本质属性。

    Chapter two is the judicial cognizance against the crime of the crime of huge unidentified property .