
wán hū zhí shǒu zuì
  • crime of neglect of duty;crime of dereliction
  1. 玩忽职守罪若干问题研究

    Research on Certain Issues of Crime of Dereliction

  2. 玩忽职守罪及其立法完善

    Crime of Dereliction and Its Legislative Perfection

  3. 他承认犯有玩忽职守罪。

    He pleaded guilty to wilful dereliction of duty .

  4. 玩忽职守罪罪过形式的逻辑分析

    Logical Analysis on the Forms of Crime of Neglect of Duty

  5. 他们指控公司犯有玩忽职守罪。

    They brought an accusation of criminal negligence against the firm .

  6. 俱乐部的主人被以玩忽职守罪控告。

    The owner of the club was sued for negfigence .

  7. 玩忽职守罪的主体是国家机关工作人员。

    Neglect of duty crime 's main parts are the state personnel .

  8. 这名警察因玩忽职守罪被判了刑。

    This policeman was punished for his dereliction of duty .

  9. 析玩忽职守罪主体的立法缺陷与完善

    Analysis of Legislative Disadvantages and Improvement for the Main-body of Neglecting Duty Crime

  10. 关于玩忽职守罪几个问题的思考&以洛阳东都商厦大火案为中心

    Thoughts on the Crime of Negligence of Duty

  11. 陪审团认为这名医生犯有玩忽职守罪。

    The jury found the doctor criminally negligent .

  12. 二是玩忽职守罪的主观方面。

    Second , dereliction of duty subjective .

  13. 有关矿山事故中玩忽职守罪的思考&从国土资源管理的视角出发

    Dereliction of duty in mine accidents & From the perspective of land and resources management

  14. 谈国有单位人员玩忽职守罪、滥用职权罪&对《刑法修正案》第2条的理解

    On Crime of Neglecting Their Duty and Abusing Their Authority by the Numbers of State-owned Unit

  15. 第三部分,危害结果。玩忽职守罪是一种实害犯,要求发生特定的危害结果。

    Dereliction of duty is a kind of real harm offence , which requires particular hazards .

  16. 模型建构视野下的滥用职权罪&与玩忽职守罪之区别

    Abuse of Office from the Angle of Constitution of Offences : Distinguishing from Malfeasance in Public Office

  17. 滥用职权罪与玩忽职守罪的区别主要在主观方面,滥用职权由间接故意和过失构成,且滥用职权的过失只限于过于自信的过失,玩忽职守罪只能由过失构成且仅限于疏忽大意的过失。

    The difference between the crime of power abuse and negligent crime is mainly at subjective aspects .

  18. 玩忽职守罪研究

    On the Crime of Misprisions

  19. 被判犯有玩忽职守罪

    Be found guilty of negligence

  20. 玩忽职守罪是渎职犯罪的一种,其社会危害性相当严重。

    As one of the serious official misconduct crime , misprision is attacked by each authority at anytime .

  21. 论玩忽职守罪

    On Crime of Dereliction

  22. 论消防责任事故罪与消防监督检查及玩忽职守罪的关系

    On the relationships between crimes of fire-prevention liability accident and crimes of dereliction in regard to fire prevention

  23. 司法实践中,如何确认玩忽职守罪的损失一直是非常复杂的问题。

    Judicial practice , how to recognize the crime of dereliction of duty has been the loss of a very complex subject .

  24. 玩忽职守罪与滥用职权罪在犯罪客体和犯罪主观方面存在明显区别。

    Dereliction of duty has the obvious difference with the abuse of power crime in the criminal object and the crime subjective aspect .

  25. 而关于玩忽职守罪的主观方面,长期以来,一直没有形成统一的定论。

    Ever since a long time ago , there has been no a verdict about the subjective side of crime of neglect of duty .

  26. 界定玩忽职守罪主观方面,评析其立法不足并提出完善的建议;

    Secondly , defining subjective element of crime of dereliction , studying on legislative flaw of it and proposing the suggestion of improving it .

  27. 滥用职权罪是1997年刑法修订时从玩忽职守罪中分离出来的罪名。

    " Crime of abuse of authority " was isolated from " Crime of neglect of duty " when Criminal law being revised in1997 .

  28. 从消防监督检查的重要性和遵守消防执法程序的必要性入手,阐述消防监督机关在消防责任事故罪构成中的地位和作用、消防监督人员与玩忽职守罪的关系。

    This paper explains the crimes of fire-prevention liability accident concerning fire-prevention department and the relationship between crimes of dereliction and fire-prevention supervision personnel .

  29. 查明行为与结果之间的因果关系,是正确认定玩忽职守罪成立并且确定刑罚的客观基础。

    A clear understanding on the cause and effect of behavior and result is the objective base to determine crime of dereliction and its penalty .

  30. 第一部分主要回顾和总结我国关于玩忽职守罪的立法沿革,介绍了我国玩忽职守罪的立法现状。

    The first part reviews and summarizes our country 's legislative evolution on the crime of neglecting one 's duties , and introduces its current situation .