
wán jù qiānɡ
  • toy gun;zip gun
  1. 这只是一支玩具枪——不能射真子弹。

    This is just a toy gun ─ it doesn 't shoot real bullets .

  2. 一个孩子拿着玩具枪指着瑞德,扣动扳机。

    One points a toy gun at Red , pumping the trigger .

  3. 孩子们奔跑着,劈里啦啦地放玩具枪。

    The children were running about , popping off their toy guns .

  4. 那个男孩把他的玩具枪瞄准了一只小鸟。

    The boy aimed his toy gun at a bird .

  5. 一种能发出爆裂音的玩具枪。

    A toy gun that makes a popping sound .

  6. 这是一支玩具枪,不是真的。

    It 's a toy gun ; it 's not a real one .

  7. 孩子们到处奔跑,劈里啪啦地放着玩具枪。

    There were children running all over the place , popping off toy guns .

  8. 你以为这是玩具枪吗?

    You think this gun isn 't real ?

  9. 那天晚上,大家在推特上面就像小屁孩爬着去够玩具枪似的。

    On Twitter that night , we were like toddlers crawling towards a gun .

  10. 他拿着玩具枪指着我。

    He point a toy gun at me .

  11. 你认得这把玩具枪吗

    You recognize this toy gun ? No ?

  12. 我妈都不肯买玩具枪给我。

    But you * My mom wouldn 't let me have a toy gun .

  13. 你又拿把玩具枪来了?

    Are you here with a toy gun ?

  14. 尽管如此,社交媒体的玩具枪和快闪式的文化批判已经锁定目标。

    Nonetheless , the toy guns of social media and pop-up kulturkritik are locked and loaded .

  15. 目的分析玩具枪塑料子弹所致儿童眼外伤的原因,治疗方法及预防措施。

    Objective To analyse children 's ocular trauma caused by plastic bullets of the toy guns .

  16. 我指,在车子里面用玩具枪射一个8岁的小女孩。

    I mean , shooting a machine gun out of a moving car at an8-year-old girl .

  17. 该玩具枪是黑色的,带有橙色的前端和扳机,以及红色的弹簧式脱开装置。

    The toy gun is black with an orange nose and trigger and red spring release mechanism .

  18. 跟着他又拿玩具枪对着一名出租车司机,结果对方尖叫、反而吓跑了他自己。

    He tried pointing a toy gun at a taxi driver , but the cabbie screamed and scared him away .

  19. 我想买一个洋娃娃给我的女儿,给我的儿子们买两把机械玩具枪。

    I should like to get a nice little doll for my daughter and two toys machine-guns for my boys .

  20. 正如今天的孩子玩玩具枪、玩具飞机来模仿大人,中国儿童很快学会了放风筝。

    Just as today 's kids imitate adults by playing with toy guns and toy airplanes , Chinese children quickly began flying kites .

  21. 有人写道:“我不敢相信人们会因为乔治王子玩玩具枪和手铐而发飙!

    Someone wrote : " Can 't believe people are booting off about Prince George playing with a toy gun and handcuffs ! "

  22. 一种能向外喷水的玩具枪。GB3883.13-1992手持式电动工具的安全第二部分:不易燃液体电喷枪的专用要求

    A toy pistol that squirts water . Safety of hand held motor operated electric tools & Part 2 : Particular requirements for spray guns for non-flammable liquids

  23. 这是一颗呼啸闪烁的死亡之星,由瓦斯罐与玩具枪制成,近期来到纽约的伯顿回顾展并没有收入它。

    A whirring , blinking death star made of gas cans and toy guns , it wasn 't in the recent Burden retrospective that came to New York .

  24. 萨赖瓦的家人称这只玩具枪只是仿造枪,萨赖瓦遭到枪击时正要回家与家人一起庆祝自己的生日。

    Salayma 's family say the toy gun is a fabrication and add Salayma was walking home to celebrate his birthday with his family when he was shot .

  25. 你们背后有强大的国家机器,而我只有一只玩具枪和艺术应该为人类和平发展做贡献的信念。

    S.government , you have a strong state apparatus behind it , but I have only a toy gun and the belief that arts should contribute to world peace .

  26. 近日,加拿大航空安全人员向其乘客发出警告:不准携带喷水枪和玩具枪登机。由于需要进行安全检查,这些东西会导致航班的长时间延误。

    Exasperated Canadian air safety officials on Thursday told passengers " to leave their water pistols and toy guns at home " because they were triggering big delays at airport security .

  27. 昨天乔治王子被拍到和夏洛特公主、剑桥公爵夫人一起玩耍,但对于这个四岁孩子选择玩玩具枪,并不是所有人都感到满意。

    Prince George was pictured playing alongside Princess Charlotte and The Duchess of Cambridge yesterday , but not everyone was happy about the four-year-old 's choice of toy - a pretend gun .

  28. 本实用新型公开了一种对人体没有危险的电动速射玩具枪,它适合儿童或少年作玩具用。

    The utility model discloses an electric quick shooting toy gun which has no harmful to a human body and is suitable for children or juvenile to be used as a toy .

  29. 凯特的时尚感为人称道,但是她在出游的时候允许乔治玩玩具枪在推特上引起了不小的波澜。

    Though Middleton was praised for her fashion sense - the mom was ridiculed on Twitter for allowing her son , Prince George , to play with a toy gun during the outing .

  30. 当我们有10岁时,我们会得到玩具枪,用木棍和网球组成的,虽然我们经常被告知会发生什么事,但是我们并不会时常记在心里。

    We were given BB guns fro our10th birthdays , made up games with sticks and tennis balls and although we were told it would happen , we did not put live in us forever .