
  • 网络Toy phone;Chatter Telephone
  1. 我们刚来了一批玩具电话。

    We have a new line of toy telephones that have just arrived .

  2. 比如一部真正的电话和一个玩具电话,或者一支有用的记号笔和一支没用的记号笔。

    Like a real phone and a toy phone , or a working marker and a dried-up marker .

  3. 你知道那些可爱的玩具电话,其颜色鲜艳的按钮可发出快乐的声音。那些塑料的模仿品是要让小孩模仿父母的动作,但是小家伙要的是真东西。

    You know those cute toy telephones with colorful push buttons that make happy noises.Those plastic imitations are supposed to let little Junior copy parental behavior , but little Junior wants the real thing .

  4. 然后研究人员会这样对他们说:“我需要打电话,你能把电话拿给我吗。”有时候他们会指着真正的电话,有时候会指着玩具电话。

    Then the researcher would say something like , " I need to make a phone call , can you get me the phone . " Sometimes they 'd point to the real phone and other times point to the toy phone .

  5. 儿时的这种玩具,大概就是电话的雏形吧?

    Is this toy the embryo of telephone ?