
wán ǒu
  • doll;toy figurine
玩偶 [wán ǒu]
  • [doll;toy figurine] 供儿童玩耍的人形玩具

玩偶[wán ǒu]
  1. 也许,SD娃娃才是我的梦中玩偶。

    Maybe , SD is the very doll really in my dream .

  2. 本季剧目包括易卜生(Ibsen)的《玩偶之家》(ADoll’sHouse)和普契尼(Puccini)的《托斯卡》(Tosca)。

    This season 's productions include Ibsen 's " A Doll 's House " and Puccini 's " Tosca . "

  3. 这些故事中的玩偶形象跟谁都不像,更不用说像自己了。

    The doll-like figures in these stories are unlike anybody , let alone oneself .

  4. 活着的人们知道他们自己不过是上帝的舞台上有知觉的玩偶而已&t·e·劳伦斯。

    The living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God 's stage - T.E.Lawrence .

  5. 上周,我匆匆走进曼哈顿的美国女孩商店(AmericanGirl),这个庞大的消费殿堂出售安全健康的正宗美国玩偶和服饰。

    Last week I popped into the American Girl store in Manhattan , the giant consumer temple that sells wholesome all-American dolls and clothes .

  6. 制造62座NBA巨星典藏玩偶的玩具企业家

    The toy enterprise that produces 62 NBA superstar dolls

  7. 这种特制的头是用树脂做的。Thatsmyface.com网站称其会将所有该人物玩偶的收益用于新闻自由基金(FreedomofthePressFoundation)。

    The made-to-order head is crafted from resin.Thatsmyface.com says it will donate all proceeds from the action figure 's sale to the Freedom of the Press Foundation .

  8. 在他给朱莉娅罗伯茨(JuliaRoberts)拍摄的照片上,罗伯茨手里捧着一个似乎是松鼠玩偶的东西。

    His picture of Julia Roberts has her holding what appears to be a stuffed squirrel .

  9. 玩偶;无头脑的美丽女人vt.把…打扮得花枝招展我的孙女像小洋娃娃一样美。

    doll My granddaughter is as pretty as a little doll .

  10. 埃里克·伯曼(EricBoman)在他即将出版的关于19世纪纸质玩偶屋的书中充分表达了弹出式玩具的乐趣(中右)。

    Eric Boman captures pop-out playfulness in his upcoming book about a 19th-century paper dollhouse ( middle right ) .

  11. 已引起迪士尼(Disney)和任天堂(Nintendo)效仿的《小龙斯派罗》,成为了一个售出2.5亿人形玩偶、总值30亿美元的特许销售系列,与此同时Zynga的业务则缩水至无足轻重的规模。

    Sparking copycats from Disney to Nintendo , Skylanders became a $ 3bn franchise selling 250m action figures , while Zynga 's business has shrunk into irrelevance .

  12. Herbert三年前还赢得了吉尼斯世界纪录,他拥有世上最大的超人纪念品收藏,其中包括玩偶,海报和珠宝。

    Herbert 's also been in the Guinness Book of Records for three years for owning the world 's largest Superman memorabilia collection which includes dolls , posters and jewellery .

  13. 在洛杉矶经营一家圣诞老人培训学校的蒂姆•康诺翰说,孩子们会听到E打头的单词,但不是埃尔莫(Elmo,儿童电视节目“芝麻街”中的玩偶名字),而是经济。

    ' Kids will hear the E-word , but it 's not Elmo , 'says Tim Connaghan , who runs a Los Angeles Santa-training school . 'It 's the economy . '

  14. 虽然Geoffrey的玩偶小屋让女儿感动异常,但这可能是这家人制作的最后一个了。

    But while Geoffrey 's doll 's house has proved a hit with his daughter , it might be the last one built by a family member .

  15. 在中国,华谊兄弟将大明猩玩偶送给全国各地的名流,让他们在新浪(SinaCorp.)微博上晒自己与玩偶的合影。

    In China , Huayi Brothers sent Mr. Go dolls to celebrities across the country and got them to pose with the dolls for photos posted to Sina Corp. 's Twitter-like Weibo microblogging service .

  16. 1978年,5岁的SarahWalkley在平安夜央求父亲给自己做一个玩偶小屋,如今她已经40岁了。

    Sarah Walkley , now aged 40 , was five years old when she asked her father for the doll 's house on Christmas Eve 1978 .

  17. 过去,他们通常按照商品的产地来测算一个经济体的产出。然而,一部iPhone(或一件意大利时装、一款美国女孩玩偶)的价值应该计算在哪个国家名下呢?

    In the old days , they typically measured the output of an economy by watching where goods were made ; but which country should claim the value for an iPhone ( or an Italian suit or an American Girl doll )?

  18. 还有人巧妙地在熊玩偶身上剪洞,穿着它跳了NickiMinaj的《Anaconda》,秀出了高超的电臀舞技。

    The technique certainly seemed to help one dancer show off her twerking skills to Nicki Minaj 's Anaconda inside a strategically cut bear skin .

  19. 因为Alfie总是将他最爱的毛绒猴子玩偶带在身边,所以一个一模一样的猴子也成了这份生日惊喜的重要部分。

    And because the real Alfie is never far from his favourite monkey cuddly toy , an identical edible monkey forms part of the amazing birthday surprise .

  20. 挪威剧作家HenrikIbsen的玩偶之家,描写的是一个崩溃中的中产阶级的婚姻,是一个现代悲剧的样本。

    Doll 's House ( 1879 ) by the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen , which depicts the breakdown of a middle-class marriage , is an example of a more contemporary tragedy .

  21. 来自埃塞克斯霍恩彻奇的GeoffreyWalkley今年已经69岁,他花了35年完成了这项工程,这一玩偶小屋是英国国民托管组织中一座18世纪的雷纳姆大厅复制品。

    Geoffrey Walkley , 69 , from Hornchurch in Essex , took 35 years to finish the project , which is a replica of the National Trust 's 18th century Rainham Hall .

  22. 例如,如果Etsy看到有人“喜欢”与迈克尔·杰克逊相关的东西,它就会提供一些杰克逊的玩偶或复古服饰。

    If , for example , Etsy sees a person " liking " something related to Michael Jackson , it will offer up some Michael Jackson dolls or vintage clothes .

  23. FionaGoble在她贴切命名的新书《编织你的皇室婚礼》中提供给编织者为整个皇室编织羊毛玩偶的图案。

    In her aptly titled new book " Knit Your Own Royal Wedding ," author Fiona Goble provides knitters with patterns to create woolen dolls of the entire royal clan .

  24. 离婚几年后,他溜进了前妻的房子,拿走了在二人甜蜜时光时他送给她的一个贵重的卡奇纳玩偶(kachinadoll),然后扔进了附近的一条水渠中。

    Several years after his divorce , he sneaked into his ex-wife 's house , took a valuable Native American kachina doll he 'd given her in happier times & and threw it into a nearby canal .

  25. 此外,杂志上还有一个NECA公司产品发展部经理的访问,他谈到了这些新玩偶和最新的情况。

    Alongside the photos is a new interview with NECA 's Head of Product Development , where he talks about the new toys and discusses what 's ahead .

  26. 在印地语中,“gudiya”的意思是“玩偶”,它也是一个个头小小的14岁女孩的别名。她长着一张圆圆的脸蛋,肤色白皙,有一头乌黑的长发。

    In Hindi , gudiya means ' doll . ' It was the nickname of a tiny 14-year-old girl with a light complexion , long black hair and a round face .

  27. 我有一个新的南方公园肯尼玩偶!

    A : I got a new South Park Kenny doll !

  28. 这个玩偶机器人的电脑容量不足。

    This gynoid al 's memory capacity is a little cramp .

  29. 我却总无法忘记那只是玩偶而已。

    I was never able to forget they were only dolls .

  30. 我八岁起就不再玩玩偶了.

    I haven 't played with dolls since I was eight .