
  • 网络williston;Samuel Wendell Williston
  1. 在威利斯顿,加油站、便利商店和麦当劳为初级工作开出的工资为12.50美元到15美元一小时。

    In Williston , gas stations , convenience stores and McDonald 's are offering $ 12.50 to $ 15.00 an hour for entry-level jobs .

  2. 公路交通安全局在一份声明中表示,它从特斯拉那里得知了这起死亡事件,并已派出一个调查小组对出事车辆和车祸现场进行调查。车祸发生在佛罗里达州的威利斯顿,位于奥兰多西北方向约100英里处。

    In a statement , the safety agency said it learned of the fatality from Tesla , and has sent an investigative team to examine the vehicle and the crash site in Williston , Fla. , about 100 miles northwest of Orlando .