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  • Wisconsin
  1. 威斯康星大学的罗扎林·安德森博士和蒂莫西·罗兹博士称,这一“史无前例的”研究带来了“关于人类新陈代谢的重大启示”。

    Drs Rozalyn Anderson and Timothy Rhoads , from the University of Wisconsin , said the " unprecedented " study had already led to " important new insights into human metabolism " .

  2. 在本研究中,我们还使用了威斯康星卡片分类任务(WCST)来研究过度网络使用者的执行控制能力(executivecontrol)。

    We also studied EIUers ' function of executive control with Wisconsin Card Sorting Test ( WCST ) .

  3. 他在位于贝鲁特的美国大学(AmericanUniversity)拿到了学士学位,然后来到了威斯康星大学,在政治学系攻读硕士并担任助教。

    and he got an undergraduate degree at the American University in Beirut before entering the University of Wisconsin to pursue a doctoral degree in political science .

  4. 结果两组健康教育第1w内数字划销测验和威斯康星卡片分类测验各项指标均无显著性差异(P>0.05);

    Results There were no significant differences in all indices of both the CT and the WCST before health education ( P > 0.05 );

  5. 威斯康星麦迪逊大学的MollyJahn是其中一位作者。

    Molly Jahn from the University of Wisconsin-Madison was one of those authors .

  6. 该地区的教育集中体现在类似威斯康星公约(WisconsinCovenant)这样的项目中,这些项目保证州立大学的学生就业以及财政支持B级及以上的高中生。

    Its educational focus shows in programs such as Wisconsin Covenant , which guarantees students state college placement and financial aid in return for B-or-better grades during high school .

  7. 这时,AbigailRajala&威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校神经科学培训计划(NeuroscienceTrainingProgram)一个有经验的动物技师,提及到其中的一只猴子可以在小镜子中认出自己。

    Then Abigail Rajala , an experienced animal technician who is in the university 's Neuroscience Training Program , mentioned that one of the monkeys could recognize himself in a small mirror .

  8. 威斯康星大学的徐宏嘉(音)和乔瑟夫•T•哈尔福德的工作报告显示,富有魅力的CEO能在首次电视露面时助力公司提升股价。

    Attractive CEOs raise their company 's stock price when they first appear on television , according to a working paper by Joseph T. Halford and Hung-Chia Hsu at the University of Wisconsin .

  9. 在去年夏季面向新入教职员工的迎新活动中,布劳尔女士发放了一张由威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校LGBT资源中心(LGBTResourceCenter)设计的袖珍代词表。

    At last summer 's orientation for new faculty members , Ms. Brauer handed out pocket-size pronoun charts created by the L.G.B.T. Resource Center at the University of Wisconsin , Milwaukee .

  10. DennisDresang威斯康星大学政治学名誉教授。

    Dennis Dresang is professor emeritus of political science at the University of Wisconsin .

  11. 八月份由圣保罗大学(UniversityofS?oPaulo)和威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(UniversityofWisconsin,Madison)的研究人员组成的国际研究团队发表了一项研究,令他格外兴奋。

    He 's particularly excited now about a study published in August by an international team of researchers based at the University of S ? o Paulo and the University of Wisconsin , Madison .

  12. 正如威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(UniversityofWisconsin-Madison)经济学家查尔斯恩格尔(CharlesEngel)所指出的,在确定货币的相对价值方面,不存在各方一致认同的模型。

    As Charles Engel , an economist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison , notes , there is no agreed model upon which to determine the relative value of currencies .

  13. 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(UniversityofWisconsin,Madison)的社会工作学副教授朗尼•伯杰(LonnieBerger)说,加总父母全部支出时,18岁以上子女的支出很重要。

    Lonnie Berger , associate professor of social work at the University of Wisconsin , Madison , says post-18 expenditures matter in adding up all costs to parents .

  14. 与保罗·乔布斯一样,乔安妮·席贝尔(JoanneSchieble)也来自威斯康星乡村的一个德裔家庭。

    Like Paul Jobs , Joanne Schieble was from a rural Wisconsin family of German heritage .

  15. 用威斯康星GCG软件进行共享序列、基因离散率的计算和毒株的聚类分析。

    The analysis of consensus sequence , genetic distance and phylogenetic tree were conducted with GCG software .

  16. 据《威斯康星日报》报道称,这两位新闻系学生于四年后在YouTube上传了一系列抒发留学生孤立感的视频,希望借此能让美国的小伙伴们可以了解一个真实的自己。

    Four years later , reported the Wisconsin State Journal , the two journalism majors are channeling their feelings of isolation into a series of YouTube videos to educate their American peers about themselves .

  17. SX-1液;高渗枸橼酸盐腺嘌呤液;威斯康星大学保存液;肝脏保存;

    SX-1 solution ; Hypertonic citrate adenine solution ; University of Wisconsin solution ; Liver preservation ;

  18. 而那些大型的州立大学比如威斯康星麦迪逊大学和密歇根哈勃大学也名列前茅,这两所大学平均每所产出10个500强CEO。

    Large state institutions like the University of Wisconsin - Madison , the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor , and Ohio State University ranked highly as well , as each awarded at least 10 degrees to CEOs on Fortune 's list .

  19. 威斯康星大学在它的同类大学大众非常出众,它虽然在美国的法学院,商学院和本科生院的排名只有33名,但是它产出了17位CEO。

    Wisconsin stood out among its state school peers , granting 17 degrees to the CEOs , which put the school fourth overall , despite having an average U.S. News rank of 33 for the school 's undergraduate , business , and law programs .

  20. 方法应用威斯康星卡片分类测验(WCST)分别对17例HFA儿童、23例AS儿童和20例正常健康儿童进行测试。

    Methods : 17 children with HFA , 23 children with AS and 20 normal controls were examined by using Wisconsin Card Sorting Test ( WCST ) .

  21. 方法:运用单光子发射计算机断层扫描(SPECT),测定了12例阴性精神分裂症患者在安静状态与威斯康星卡片分类测验的负荷状态下的局部脑血流。

    Method : 12 negative schizophrenic patients were studied with single photon emission computer tomography ( SPECT ) . Measures of rCBF were taken at rest and during a frontal activation task using the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test ( WCST ) .

  22. 乔布斯的亲生母亲是乔安妮·席贝尔(JoanneSchieble),亲生父亲是从叙利亚移民到美国的阿卜杜拉法塔赫·詹达利(AbdulfattahJandali),他们相识于威斯康星大学,当时他们还是23岁的大学生。

    His biological parents , Joanne Schieble and Syrian immigrant Abdulfattah Jandali met as 23-year-old students at the University of Wisconsin .

  23. 每次~1H-MRS检查的同时,患者组各接受1次阳性和阴性症状量表(PANSS)评定、威斯康星卡片分类测试(WCST)评定。对照组仅进行1次WCST评定。

    The patients were assessed with the Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale ( PANSS ), and all the participants were measured with the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test ( WCST ) as well .

  24. 对所有受试分别采用威斯康星卡片分类测验和持续注意测验评估其执行功能及持续注意,采用HPLC-荧光法检测外周血血小板内5-HT浓度。

    All subjects were assessed by Wisconsin Card Sorting Test ( WCST ) and Continuous Performance Task ( CPT ) in order to evaluate their neuropsychologic function ( executive function and persistent attention ) . Platelet serotonin concentration was measured by HPLC-fluorometric method .

  25. 方法:采用儿童韦氏智力量表中的数字广度测验和韦氏记忆量表中的逻辑记忆和视觉记忆及威斯康星卡片分类测验分别对45例正常儿童和45例ADHD患儿进行检测。

    METHODS : The digit span test of Wechsler Child Intelligence Scale , the logical memory and visual memory test of Wechsler Memory Scale , and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test were used to assess the memory and executive functions of ADHD children .

  26. YvonneFangmeyer是威斯康星大学学生组织办公室主任,在二月组织了一次学生参加校园组织的调查。

    Yvonne Fangmeyer , director of the student organization office at the University of Wisconsin , conducted a survey in February of students involved in campus organizations .

  27. 作为他对现代美国“末日天启教派”研究的一部份,威斯康星大学的保罗博耶(paulboyer)问:为什么这么多和他一样的美国公民易受电视福音布道者和其他“普及传教者”的影响?

    As part of his investigation into the " apocalyptic genre " in modern America , Paul Boyer of the University of Wisconsin asks why so many of his fellow Americans are " susceptible " to televangelists and other " popularisers " .

  28. 但猫的听觉和人类是不同的,“我们放音乐给它们听是很傻的,”威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的荣退心理学教授查尔斯·斯诺顿(CharlesSnowdon)说,他也参与了提伊的项目。

    But cats " hearing develops differently and " we mindlessly turn on music " for them , said Charles Snowdon , an emeritus professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who worked with Mr. Teie on the project .

  29. 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(UniversityofWisconsin,Madison)专门研究有毒伞菌的生物学家安妮·普林格尔(AnnePringle)说,每年加州一般会有数人中毒,大多是东南亚移民,他们把它跟老家的草菇弄混了。

    It typically poisons a few people a year in California , often immigrants from Southeast Asia who confuse it with paddy straw mushrooms from their homelands , according to Anne Pringle , a biologist at the University of Wisconsin , Madison , who studies toxic mushrooms .

  30. 使用威斯康星卡片分类测验(WCST)、词语流畅性测验(WFT)评估患者执行功能受损情况、使用汉语失语症检查量表(CAES)评估患者语言功能受损情况。

    Using the Wisconsin Card Test ( WCST ), verbal fluency test ( WFT ) evaluable patients executive function of damage , the Chinese Aphasia Examination Scale ( CAES ) to evaluate patients with language impaired .