
  • 网络Williams;williams college;Willams College
  1. 威廉姆斯学院,一个有着217年历史的私立文理学院,成为我们第三次美国最佳大学年度排名冠军。

    Williams College , a217-year-old private liberal arts school , tops our third annual ranking of America 's Best Colleges .

  2. 此外,她还被耶鲁、哈佛、威廉姆斯学院以及史密斯学院授予荣誉博士学位。

    She has also been awarded honorary doctorate degrees from Yale , Harvard University , Williams College , and Smith College .

  3. 同样,达特茅斯学院和威廉姆斯学院宣布,其无贷款政策仅限于收入最低的学生。

    Similarly , Dartmouth and Williams announced that their no-loan policy would be limited to students at the lowest end of the income-distribution scale .

  4. 同时,威廉姆斯学院连续第14年被列为最佳文理学院,阿默斯特学院、韦尔斯利学院、斯沃斯莫尔学院位列2-4位。

    Meanwhile , Willams College was ranked the top liberal arts college for the 14th consecutive year , followed by Amherst , Wellesley and Swarthmore .

  5. 威廉姆斯学院平抑学费的措施就是利用从其11亿美元捐赠款所得的投资利润和该校校友会的捐款来支付大部分的账单。

    Williams held its tuition flat by paying more of its bills with the investment profits on its $ 1.1 billion endowment and with contributions from alumni .

  6. “那些将价格和质量划等号的家庭其实默许了一流大学学费“随行就市”的情况,”威廉姆斯学院的一位经济学家戈登·温斯顿说。

    Families that equate price with quality have allowed costs at elite schools to be on " autopilot ," says Gordon Winston , an economist at Williams College .

  7. 马萨诸塞州的著名文科大学威廉姆斯学院上个月宣布其学费将维持在31520美元的水平上,这开了46六年来的先例。

    Williams College , a prestigious liberal arts school in Massachusetts , announced last month that for the first time in46 years , its tuition would remain steady at $ 31,520 .

  8. 我在威廉姆斯学院上了第一节经济学课,喜欢极了,她回忆道,教授非常有才华。他教会我从经济学角度思考日常生活中的决策,比如是否应当吃第二块匹萨。

    I took my first economics class at Williams and I absolutely loved it , she recalls . I had a very gifted professor who taught me to think about the everyday decisions I make – should I eat that second slice of pizza – in economic terms .